Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace


Another busy weekend for us. This makes 4 weekends in a row where we’ve hit the road. I’m ready to stay home some and “git some stuff done around here” (said in my best Southern girl accent). :mrgreen:

Yesterday, we went to Tim’s parents house. Dad came and hung out with Tim and Mitchell some, and they all went to the “other land” and worked on bush-hogging, clearing and planting for the upcoming gun season (deer hunting). Linda and I did some stuff around the house, went to Walmart to get organizers, and then worked for a while in Brittany and Zack’s rooms – cleaning up, cleaning OUT, and organizing. I hope they will work harder to keep their rooms neater, and help their grandmom out more! 🙂

Today is football day, as always. We love the NFL here, you know! :mrgreen: I think after the game is over, we’ll probably head out. It’s so pretty today. We may go back to the new subdivision that we discovered last Sunday afternoon and drool over all the new houses that they are building. I found 2 or 3 that I could easily move into. Loved, loved, loved them. Big kitchens, some with birch cabinets, tile, hardwood floors, some had tongue-in-groove ceilings, one had brick archways, great houses. Tim could buy one for me for my birthday in a heartbeat! 😆

Posted by Stace

A day late…

and a dollar short. But, in my defense, I had not seen this meme before, but ran across it a few minutes ago while surfing. So, drumroll please, for the first time ever… the Saturday Special Meme:

Autumn Favorites

1. Favorite Autumn Activity? Well, since we don’t have much fall here, my choices are limited. Here, it’s probably planting pansies and decorating some for fall or Halloween/Thanksgiving. If we’re in the mountains, then the answer is easy – hiking on a crisp fall day. 🙂

2. Favorite Autumn Meal? Any kind of soup, stew or chili, or else brats on the grill. Probably a toss-up between brats with sauerkraut, or taco soup.

3. Favorite Autumn Drink? Hot chocolate or apple cider with some red hots thrown in.

4. Favorite Autumn Weather? Geesh, anything cooler than here. A perfect fall day for me would be 60’s and 40’s at night. We rarely get those here though, we’re lucky to get that in the winter this far south! 😀

Posted by Stace

Outta Here

Well, we’re headed out in a minute, for Tim’s parents house. He wants to work on deer stuff. Something about bush hogging and planting and getting stuff ready to shoot poor innocent deer in a month or two. You know, Bambis. 😀

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

You know me, when in doubt about something to blog about, do a meme. :mrgreen: Actually, I enjoy them, and Friday seems to be a good day, there are usually several I like. Here’s one:

Friday Fiver meme

1. What’s your favorite animated characters? Hmm, don’t do much animation. I think I only saw one Disney movie growing up, and with my nieces and nephews, I’ve probably watched another 5 or 6. That said, I do like Finding Nemo and actually bought that one for myself a year or so ago. So, I guess I’d say Nemo and Dory, I like them :mrgreen:

2. Violence in cartoons – funny or harmful? Not necessarily harmful, but I don’t think it helps. Goodness knows kids are going to get enough of that later in life. All they have to do is play video games, watch TV or movies, or even watch the nightly news. Leave it out of cartoons and give them a break for a few years. Geesh.

3. Can you do any impressions? Sigh. No. I’m not very talented.

4. Would you consider yourself artistic? Sigh. No, not one bit. Most people have more in their pinky finger than I have in my entire body.

5. What’s your favorite type of cheese? I love that babybell soft cheese I buy in the little rounds, a good Gouda or even some Monterey Jack. I probably never met a cheese I didn’t like 😆

Posted by Stace


I’m downloading Napster right now to my PC. I redeemed some of my points at one of my points place for 5 free songs from Napster. So, I have to sign up for a free trial, and download to the software and set it all up, then I can download my free songs. The only catch is that I have to remember to cancel it before my free trial runs out, or else they’ll start charging me for the darn thing.

Anyone have any suggestions for songs I can download? Send ’em on! :mrgreen:

Right now, I have a list of “possibles” – including some country and pop songs. Any and all suggestions welcome!

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::County Library System::

Onesome: County– The wild card for today: Do you know approximately how many people live in your county? It used to be that information was only available at the library; I’m betting most of us will be looking it up on the net! I don’t have a clue, and I did Blingo it to see. I know that we have one of the fastest growing populations in the state (in the county I live in). The 2004 estimate was listed at about 82,000 at the site I hit first. Whoddathunkit? 🙂

Twosome: Library– Do you use the library system where you live? …or are you one of those who has to own the book (and can afford to)? Students: how good is your school library? …and do use it or the net for most things? Well, if you’ve visited my blog before, you probably already know the answer to this. I write every week or so about my trips to the library and what books I have checked out and read. I keep a book counter and a picture on my sidebar listing the books I’m currently reading. 🙂 I have used our county library system off and on in the last 5 years, but I have really gone all out this year, since February. I have checked out nearly 30 books, and enjoyed them all. I will keep on utilizing the library, and buying less books. We’ve run out of places to put books, and there are only a few that I want to own in hardback. The rest, I’m happy to check out from the library.

Threesome: System– Hey, what system do you use to store/keep track of your books and music and whatever it is that tends to outgrow its living area? Do you alphabetize? …sort by color? …genre? For our DVD’s, I use a computer program called Movie Organizer, and we also have a module on Hambones for listing our movies. That’s the electronic portion – the physical part is that they are all in a cedar DVD cabinet that Tim built for us. And yes, they are all in alphabetical order! 🙄 I haven’t gotten industrious enough to do this with our book or CD collection. The CD’s that I care about have been ripped to my iPod, and the books are in a certain order in our bookcases. Not alphabetical, like the DVD’s, but by author and also by whether they are Tim’s books or mine or both. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Waiting on a Bloom

Several months ago (early May), we got a “pass-along” plant from one of our neighbors, a “confederate rose”. It was just a cutting when we first got it, and then Tim planted it outside our bedroom window. In the months since then, it’s been growing up a storm, but has just been green. Now, a couple of weeks ago, I started seeing buds forming. I have been patiently waiting for them to bloom, and I still am. I hope they start popping open and blooming soon – I’m anxious to see what they look like and what color they are! 🙂 Plus, it will be nice to have something new bloom. Check out the pictures I took this morning in the -More- section.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Test Results

My doctor called today with all of my test results. I had thought it would be a few more days, or even next week before I heard back on everything. Thankfully, everything was fine. I was so relieved! 😆 I pick up the phone and say “Hello”, and my doctor immediately says who he is, and says “it’s all good, don’t worry”. Gee, he must know me well or get this a lot! 🙂

For those of you who might be interested (my sisters, maybe Tim), I’ll post my numbers in the extended section. I was very happy with the blood work. I work fairly hard at eating healthy, trying to exercise some, get enough rest, and just generally take care of my overall health. It was one of the main reasons I quit work, and it seems to be paying off so far. My other “stuff” is under control and nothing else has gone wrong. That’s good news 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace


It took me several days, but I finally typed up two quick reviews on the Hambones website. The first one is of Sahara, the last DVD we rented. The other book is one of the last book I finished (Vienna Prelude by Bodie Thoene), even though this review is meant to cover the entire series of books I plan to read. You can check them out, if you’re interested!


A seasonal quiz for the day…..

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.

Posted by Stace

Gail has a blog!

Yippee, we are hosting another blog at Hambones. Gail is going to give blogging a try, and we’ve got her all setup. I worked all day yesterday on a new fall design for her (looks sorta like mine, but oh well, it was the best I could do, I’m still learning!). I really like it, the picture is pretty cool, I think. Go check it out and leave her a comment on her new blog! 😆

P.S. You can access it from the home page of Hambones or just click here.

Posted by Stace

What do you mean, you’re out?

As of right now, this minute, one of my pet peeves is driving to a particular store to get ONE thing and then they are out of that one thing. Now, granted, in the overall scheme of things, it doesn’t matter a hill of beans. Especially considering it wasn’t something I needed, I just wanted. But, still, it peeves me.

Since it’s fall and I didn’t try one last year, I decided to drive to Target and go in and try the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. Just a little splurge, to spend more money than I should on a coffee, and enjoy it while I browse around Target, and look at all of their seasonal stuff. I go in, stand in line and then order it, only to have 2 girls look at me with very dumb expressions and both of them say “we’re out of that”. What do you mean, “you’re out of that”? Aren’t you a coffee establishment and isn’t this what is promoted on your menu and billboard above the counter? Argh, a wasted trip. On the bright side, the thing must be good (if “they’re out of that”), and maybe I will make another effort to drive to a Target or Starbucks to try it before it’s gone and a new seasonal or holiday one is out.

The good news it that the library was NOT out of books. Or even the books I wanted. Some saving grace to my morning trip out. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Blah Blah Blah

Spent most all day yesterday working on a blog design. I’m going to get out and run some errands today, including a trip to the library. I haven’t quite finished “Big Cherry Holler”, so I’m going to see if I can check it out again, and also try to get the next Zion Covenant book. Then, I’m afraid, it’s time to buckle down and do some cleaning around here. The house really needs it! Even though I’d like to, I can’t slide the entire time Tim is gone, I’m afraid :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

Quirk:: idiosynchrosy (sp??)
Crystal:: Light
Pet Peeve:: annoying
Cuban:: Cigar
Breasts:: mammogram
Whispers:: secrets
Complicated:: Difficult
Promise me:: swear
Murder:: Jail
Filament:: Light

Posted by Stace


It’s another pleasant morning here, weather-wise, so I have my windows open again. I’ve been able to do this since last Friday, but I think today may be the last day. It’s supposed to start getting back into the 80’s today or tomorrow. But, it sure has been nice while it lasted! 🙂 Saves on the electric bill too. Anyway, it’s quiet here, and will be. Tim leaves today for a business trip to Dallas and won’t be home till Wednesday night. So it will be me and the walls, the tv and the computer.

Here’s what I’m hearing all morning, from my open windows:

Birds singing

A flock of geese flew over a few minutes ago, headed toward the lake in our subdivision. They were honking up a storm!

One of our neighbors, Miss Jean, is getting a new roof, courtesy of Hurricane Katrina and her insurance company. They’ve been hammering for several hours now.

I guess these are better sounds than the sounds of silence, huh? :mrgreen:

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