Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A day late…

and a dollar short. But, in my defense, I had not seen this meme before, but ran across it a few minutes ago while surfing. So, drumroll please, for the first time ever… the Saturday Special Meme:

Autumn Favorites

1. Favorite Autumn Activity? Well, since we don’t have much fall here, my choices are limited. Here, it’s probably planting pansies and decorating some for fall or Halloween/Thanksgiving. If we’re in the mountains, then the answer is easy – hiking on a crisp fall day. 🙂

2. Favorite Autumn Meal? Any kind of soup, stew or chili, or else brats on the grill. Probably a toss-up between brats with sauerkraut, or taco soup.

3. Favorite Autumn Drink? Hot chocolate or apple cider with some red hots thrown in.

4. Favorite Autumn Weather? Geesh, anything cooler than here. A perfect fall day for me would be 60’s and 40’s at night. We rarely get those here though, we’re lucky to get that in the winter this far south! 😀


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