Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Another busy weekend for us. This makes 4 weekends in a row where we’ve hit the road. I’m ready to stay home some and “git some stuff done around here” (said in my best Southern girl accent). :mrgreen:

Yesterday, we went to Tim’s parents house. Dad came and hung out with Tim and Mitchell some, and they all went to the “other land” and worked on bush-hogging, clearing and planting for the upcoming gun season (deer hunting). Linda and I did some stuff around the house, went to Walmart to get organizers, and then worked for a while in Brittany and Zack’s rooms – cleaning up, cleaning OUT, and organizing. I hope they will work harder to keep their rooms neater, and help their grandmom out more! 🙂

Today is football day, as always. We love the NFL here, you know! :mrgreen: I think after the game is over, we’ll probably head out. It’s so pretty today. We may go back to the new subdivision that we discovered last Sunday afternoon and drool over all the new houses that they are building. I found 2 or 3 that I could easily move into. Loved, loved, loved them. Big kitchens, some with birch cabinets, tile, hardwood floors, some had tongue-in-groove ceilings, one had brick archways, great houses. Tim could buy one for me for my birthday in a heartbeat! 😆

  1. Suzanne Said,

    do they all have granite in the kitchens??
    birch, eh?
    light wood?

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