Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::County Library System::

Onesome: County– The wild card for today: Do you know approximately how many people live in your county? It used to be that information was only available at the library; I’m betting most of us will be looking it up on the net! I don’t have a clue, and I did Blingo it to see. I know that we have one of the fastest growing populations in the state (in the county I live in). The 2004 estimate was listed at about 82,000 at the site I hit first. Whoddathunkit? 🙂

Twosome: Library– Do you use the library system where you live? …or are you one of those who has to own the book (and can afford to)? Students: how good is your school library? …and do use it or the net for most things? Well, if you’ve visited my blog before, you probably already know the answer to this. I write every week or so about my trips to the library and what books I have checked out and read. I keep a book counter and a picture on my sidebar listing the books I’m currently reading. 🙂 I have used our county library system off and on in the last 5 years, but I have really gone all out this year, since February. I have checked out nearly 30 books, and enjoyed them all. I will keep on utilizing the library, and buying less books. We’ve run out of places to put books, and there are only a few that I want to own in hardback. The rest, I’m happy to check out from the library.

Threesome: System– Hey, what system do you use to store/keep track of your books and music and whatever it is that tends to outgrow its living area? Do you alphabetize? …sort by color? …genre? For our DVD’s, I use a computer program called Movie Organizer, and we also have a module on Hambones for listing our movies. That’s the electronic portion – the physical part is that they are all in a cedar DVD cabinet that Tim built for us. And yes, they are all in alphabetical order! 🙄 I haven’t gotten industrious enough to do this with our book or CD collection. The CD’s that I care about have been ripped to my iPod, and the books are in a certain order in our bookcases. Not alphabetical, like the DVD’s, but by author and also by whether they are Tim’s books or mine or both. :mrgreen:


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