Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Tim is in super-duper worker mode today. He’s getting a lot done outside, in the garage and in the yard. And playing with his new toolbox on his truck too. 🙂

He planted the pass-along plant we got from our neighbor, the Confederate Rose. Click the -More- link to see a picture. We planted it right outside our bedroom window, so I will be able to see it from inside, which will be nice. I hope it takes off and blooms later in the summer.

I also took a picture of our clematis that is blooming in the backyard. Most of the blooms are open now and it looks really good. They have such big blooms.

I haven’t gotten much rest this afternoon. I fixed Tim some lunch, and then went outside and watched while he planted the plant, and then I watered it with root stimulator, then watered all of the other flowers. That nearly wore me out. So, now I’ve retreated back indoors (read: into the air conditioning) and I’m going to try to take some more medicine and rest a bit. My throat is still hurting really bad. 🙁

Tim planting the Confederate Rose cutting

My Clematis blooming out back


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