Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Hiccups and LifeSavers

Well, mostly I’ve just done some meme’s today, or “thought provoking questions found in one blog, and answers posted in another, to promote the blogosphere”. Or whatever! I haven’t really posted much personal lately, because things have been fairly quiet, and life is trudging along quite smoothly. Just not exciting, nothing “noteworthy” to blog about.

So, since this blog is mundane, here’s another mundane thing.

I had the hiccups earlier. Which is not unusual for me, I get them a lot. I have this peculiar habit of always getting the hiccups in groups of three; I get them about 3 times in a 24 hour time span, usually, and then I will go weeks before I get them again. This is unlike Tim – whom I swear I can’t remember him ever getting the hiccups. For me – when I get them, I have to have peanut butter. It’s the only thing that works for me.

Although, I got them when we went geocaching a few weekends ago, and Tim tried twice to scare them out of me – the second time, he caught me off-guard and scared the bejeebers out of me, and I had had the hiccups for probably 20 minutes, and he was able to “scare them out of me”. :mrgreen: He was very proud of himself!!!!!!
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Posted by Stace

ThreeX Thursday

Here’s a semi-new one – from This site

1. Do you think that pets lengthen life, reduce stress, etc for people? Why/why not? I think pets are terrific stress reducers, and probably do help lengthen life in a lot of ways. I know Sally always did for me. I had her before I met Tim, and I often sat on the floor and cried for hours, and she would sit there and try to lick my tears off, and try to get me to play with her, things like that. I think pets are very intuitive, dogs at least (I’m just not a cat person). I think because they love you so unconditionally, don’t ask anything of you, require nothing but the simplest of needs and give so much love in return, and the darn fact that you can be gone for 10 minutes or 10 hours and they are SO happy when you return – all of these are wonderful signals of how they love you and how glad they are that you are there. Terrific lessons for us all.

2. Do you think there is someone out there for everybody? Or, are some people just destined to be alone? Why/why not? Oh my, soapbox time. Love this one! I am such a strong believer in this. I believe God put us here for a purpose, and I truly believe (and know it without a shred of doubt in my case) that there is someone here for each of us. I know that is true for me, and for Tim. There’s not a single ounce of my being that doesn’t know he is my soulmate, and we were put on this earth to be together. God planned it, set it about to happen at exactly the right time, and let us each have different life experiences up to that point that would allow us to see that we were meant for each other, and to recognize it immediately. I know this to be true for me and I hope it is true for everyone, in spite of all of the divorces and sad things I see happening to so many people. OK, I’ll get off my soapbox now πŸ˜€

Click more to read the rest… warning, I get more verbose and opinionated!
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Posted by Stace



This week β€œIt’s Blogcess” is all about the last time you did something.

1) The last time you filled up your automobile how much did you pay per gallon? Well, Tim filled it up for me Easter Sunday afternoon on the way home and I think it was 2.07 a gallon then. It has gone up to 2.11, now 2.17 at the cheapest place we can find around here, most places are 2.17 or on into the 2.20’s. 😯

2) What was the last piece of clothing you purchased for yourself? I bought myself several little summer tops to wear with shorts and capris when Gail and I went shopping a couple of weeks ago, here in Jackson

3) What was the last thing you bought at the grocery? A week’s worth of groceries – mostly produce.

4) What did you do on the last night you went out with friends? Went out to dinner

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Well, Thursday is traditionally a day that I find a lot of “memes” I like to do. So, buckle up, here we go!

Thursday Threesome
Up first: Thursday Threesome Meme from This site:

::Bluebonnet Days::

Onesome: Blue…Blue birds singing…what kind of birds say “Spring” to you? hummingbirds! I would tend to say birds in general, but this past winter, I tried to keep my regular bird feeder filled more, and so we had birds off and on through the winter. So, really, hummingbirds say it to me!

Twosome: …bonnet– …what causes get a real “bee” in your bonnet Oh my, I am a Libra and I have a thing about injustice. Also, I have all of my silly little pet peeves, many of which I have blogged about before. I have a serious issue of not wanting people to get in my “space”, like in the grocery or other stores, where people are on top of me, crowding me with their buggy, or coming up and they are so close behind me, I can about feel them breathing down the back of my neck. ACK! Things like that. I also have my pet peeves about bad drivers; I hate people that pull out and force me to slam on brakes and both Tim and I have serious problems with people who block intersections at a red light. These are just little pet peeves though – as Tim would say, I get upset quick and I get over it quick – so even if I do get a “bee in my bonnet”, I usually bounce back fairly quickly!

Threesome: days– …and what do Spring Days bring and mean to you? Well, when I had Sally, I always loved getting out on the deck and hanging out with her, either on the glider or the steps. Now, although I like the weather and like seeing the grass, trees and flowers blooming, the cynic in me is slowly starting to dread “having” to plant flowers in the yard. It’s something I used to love to do, but since we lost Sally, I have gotten to where I hate to get out and plant flowers in the spring and fall. Also, in the spring, I have serious issues with sticking my hands in our flower beds. That terrible snake-a-phobia I have. Anyway, in summary – spring days mean things starting to green up and bloom, and me needing to get out and plant flowers!

Posted by Stace

Around the Yard

Well, today is not a day to do anything outside, what with the rain, thunderstorm warnings, tornado warnings and such. However, several days in the last week or so have been really pretty spring days. I have taken a few odd pictures here and there outside, of some of my flowers blooming, and a little squirrel who rather enjoyed scraping his belly on our deck railing for quite a while one morning. :mrgreen:

If you want to check out all the pictures, you can look in the Photo Gallery at Hambones. They are not very exciting though!

If you are curious and want to see a couple now, click on the -More- button below and they should load on a separate page. πŸ™‚

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Posted by Stace

Wet and Stormy

Well, the big news around this part of the world today is the weather. The bad weather started moving through in the early AM hours, about 4 or 4:30 AM, apparently. Although I was still fast asleep at that time and can’t verify that first hand! πŸ™‚ I think I first woke up at about 6 AM or so, and it was raining. It didn’t get very bad in our part of the world, but in Rankin county, a tornado touched down and destroyed several houses and mobile homes (I wish they would ban those things, they are so dangerous). Also, the high school down in Mize was damaged. Needless to say, the local news people are having a field day and pre-empting all the regular tv stuff for their repeated coverage of “local news and weather”. I missed almost all of my soap (I know, I hear big groans out there, but I’ve been watching the darn thing for over 25 years now, gimme a break). I know it’s of interest to a lot of people, but when they start repeating the same “video” every 10 or 15 minutes, and then they show radar that has no rain on it currently (although it “might” get bad again later), and their weather guys are standing outside in sunshine reporting, it does start to irritate me a bit. Thank goodness for cable and the Internet!

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Posted by Stace

Chick Chat

Actually, it’s funny I should run across this one … there’s going to be a similar question soon on the survey (poll) on the front page of Hambones. Everything Pizza!

Questions For April 5th

1. Favorite Topping?: Pepperoni and Mushroom
2. Ever Had Anchovies?: Nope
3. Do You Like Extra Sauce?: Not particularly
4. Domino’s or Pizza Hut?: Ummm, Papa John’s! Of these two, I’d probably pick Pizza Hut
5. Do You Eat The Crust?: Absolutely πŸ™‚ Especially if it’s from Papa John’s and we have that yummy garlic butter to dip the crust into!

Posted by Stace

Mr. Potato-Head

Tim called me on the way home. He does almost every single day. It’s one of a few dozen little rituals we have, and it’s one that I truly love and cherish. I look forward to it every afternoon.

So, today, we talk about work and his day, and other various and sundry things, including whether we are going to walk when he gets in (we didn’t, it was getting cloudy, and he has woodworking on the brain, so he wanted to do that). I asked him, do you want me to cook the chicken inside, or do you want to do it on the grill? He said, if you do it, what are you cooking? NOTE – he obviously does not read the menus I faithfully post every week in the Cooking Forum on Hambones. Or else he would know this! Anyhoo, I said, I will make that honey dijon chicken over orzo, and we’ll have a big salad and a veggie. “Orzo??”, he says rather faintly. “Yes, orzo, I always serve it over orzo, the sauce is great on it”.

So, without missing a beat, Tim says “Do you want me to stop and pick up some fries to go with that?!!”

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Posted by Stace

A Penny for Your Thoughts

I was thinking earlier today about blogging, and trying to think of something interesting to blog about. As usual, I’ve come up rather empty-handed. πŸ™‚ This blog is named “Exceedingly Mundane” for a reason! It is very mundane, as is my life. It’s very simple and straightforward, as am I. It’s more like a traditional journal or diary than it is a forum for my thoughts, opinions and beliefs. For many reasons.

So, anyway, as I was thinking (and scrubbing things in the bathroom), the phrase “A Penny for Your Thoughts” popped into my head. Now, that’s one of those things I take for granted. I’ve heard it all my life, I say it and a hundred other cliches without thinking – what on earth does that mean? Where did that phrase originate?

I would have to look it up to figure it out. It seems like that is how I find things out these days. I am truly a child of computers and the Internet – I absolutely cannot function without my computer, and I go absolutely nuts if I have to exist more than a few hours without access to the Internet. If I want to know something, I go “Google” it. If am not sure how to spell a word, I might use the Websters dictionary in the bookcase, but then again, I’m probably just as likely to go to dictionary.com and look it up. I read blogs, websites, message boards, shop online (thankfully, more window shopping than actual buying). If I want to know something about a book, I go to Amazon. If I want to know something about a movie, I go to IMDB.com. Mostly, I Google things. πŸ˜€ I love to Google things. I do it all the time.

Let’s see, was I actually going anywhere with this? Probably not. Sorry folks! :mrgreen:

If you’d like, post a comment with your favorite phrase or cliche. Or what you do most on the computer. Or even, if you’re brave, what a geek you think I am! πŸ™‚

P.S. Do you think this is the equivalent of a Seinfeld blog – something about nothing? πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Three Things Meme

From this site…

Without peeking, name three things that are on the top shelf of your refrigerator.

Cookbooks, cookbooks, and more cookbooks! I have a walnut cookbook holder stand up there. If you count that as one, then the other two would be the George Foreman grill on the very back, and a Vickie Carroll decorative chip platter that we got from our neighbors Jackie and Beth for our wedding. πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


Some more fun word associations… missed these yesterday! You know what they say, a day late and a dollar short πŸ˜€

I say … and you think … ?

Renewal:: spring
Someone to talk to:: Tim
Count:: to ten
Expiration:: date
Upload:: to Hambones
Publish:: book
Holy:: Ghost
Change in the air:: temperature
Titillating:: exciting
Glorious:: awakening

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness

I always like this one, and today is no exception. Suzanne, if you’re reading this, I thought you would like this one too! Especially after you commented on yesterday’s meme, which was along the same lines! Enjoy everyone πŸ™‚

The following questions all begin with Where you live…

1. …did you have to turn your clocks forward one hour this weekend? Yes, every spring and fall, we have to change what seems to be 25 or 30 timing devices in our house!
2. …what is the price of gasoline? some places as low as 2.11, some places as high as 2.20
3. …which natural disasters, if any, do you have to worry about? Tornadoes would be the worst here. Too far north for hurricanes, except for a lot of rain
4. …do you have a local newspaper, and if so, do you subscribe to it? Yes, unfortunately
5. …do you subscribe to a local cable company for television viewing? Yes, for basic (not digital) cable, and we also get our high speed access through them as well
6. …what is the speed limit on your road/street? Well, I honestly don’t know if there’s a speed limit sign on our dead-end street. At the front of our subdivision, I’d imagine there is one for either 20 or 25 posted.
7. …how far do you have to drive to the nearest post office? Less than 2 miles
8. …what is the average temperature in April? probably low 70’s
9. …what is the average temperature in December? probably upper 50’s!
10. …are your four seasons drastically different from one another? NO, and I hate it. I want to live somewhere where we have fall, I love the colors of fall. It would be nice to have somewhat of a winter, not constant snow and ice, but something. But, that’s all part of living here, it’s hot all the time, and I know it, so I just live with it!

Posted by Stace

Libraries and Bookstores

I ran to the library this morning to drop off one book that I had finished (Shopaholic Ties the Knot, gotta do that review soon), and pick up two more. I had them put the next Stephanie Plum book on hold, as soon as it came in from another patron. It was supposed to be in on 3/23, but they didn’t call me till Saturday, so I guess the other person was late returning it. This one is “Three to Get Deadly”, and while I was there, I asked about the fourth one, and picked it up as well – “Four to Score”. These books are very light and entertaining, and quick reads. I have 3 weeks to get them back to the libarary, and at the rate I’ve been reading lately, I think that will be plenty of time. πŸ™‚

I am actually rather proud of myself… this makes 9 books that I have read since the end of January. I do believe that’s a new record for me. I know before I met Tim, I was a voracious reader. But, that was the old days, when I was single and not as busy! I don’t think I’ve read this much in a while, and I’m very pleased about it. I do love books, bookstores and libraries.

I can walk into a bookstore and something overcomes me. Some kind of feeling of, oooh, I want to read this and that, and thumb through this book, and sit down and read this magazine, and just sit back and enjoy the quiet. I’m not sure what it is or how to describe it. I have always been that way. I have always loved libraries and bookstores. Even more so now that I have finally “taught” myself to drink coffee (flavored only, thank you very much) and cappuccinos. Places like Barnes and Noble and Borders are even more appealing, and dangerous, to me now. πŸ™‚

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Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme

From This site

1) What state were you born in? MS
2) What state do you currently live in? MS
3) How many states have you been in? (and yes, driving through counts!) about 10 or 11
4) If you had your choice regardless of cost, which of the 50 states would you choose to live in? Hmm, somewhere in the mountains in a huge cabin, not sure where. Not a beach person, so Hawaii is out πŸ™‚
5) Which of the 50 states would you rather die than live in? Dunno

Posted by Stace

Sunday evening

Not too much to blog about. Kind of a lazy day. We’ve watched a lot of movies, been to Walmart to run errands and grocery shop. Settling in for more movies! Which is a good thing, considering we’ve bought so many lately :mrgreen:

More tomorrow!

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