Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

10 Food Questions

Saw this at a blog I check out sometimes… I love food, so it’s hard to pass up :mrgreen:

1. Eggs? Fried or Scrambled? Fried, but I’ll eat them both ways
2. Chocolate covered cherries? Yummy or Yuck? YUM!
3. When eating a salad, what type of dressing do you prefer to use? Honey Mustard
4. Peanut Butter? Creamy or Crunchy? Creamy
5. If you HAD to eat only one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life, what flavor would it be? Duh. Chocolate.
6. Thick or thin crust pizza? Thin or hand tossed
7. Salsa? Hot, Medium, or Mild? Mild or Medium, never Hot
8. Toast? Lightly toasted or practically burnt? Very lightly
9. What is your FAVE food item at Taco Bell? Chili Cheese Burritos, and not all Taco Bell’s have them. The one in Hburg near Mark’s house does NOT have these, stupid people


10. When are you MOST LIKELY to pig out during the course of a day? Afternoons are tough for me, about 3 or 4, I get really hungry and tend to nibble

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast

Feast Seventy-Eight
Friday, January 27, 2006

Choose one: Popcorn, Pizza, Pretzels, Peanuts, or Pasta.
Hmmm… PIZZA!

Describe your personality in terms of a particular vehicle.
Is there a Reliant? I think I’m pretty steadfast and reliable

If you won a shopping spree, from which store would you want it to be?
Well, these days I would really love to have all new appliances, so probably Sears so I could get Kenmore Elite stainless steel appliances for the kitchen, and an hE (Jetson) washer and dryer.

Main Course
Which television show re-runs do you enjoy watching?
I like old episodes of Friends and Star Trek Next Generation

If you could look into the future, how far down the road would you like to see? 10 years? 100 years? A million?
How about 10? Would be nice to see where we would be

Posted by Stace

Grandview Theater

I was reading this article in today’s local section of the paper about our new Grandview Theater that is opening in Madison in mid-February (actually, on Gail’s birthday!!). I hope the link works, but I know that if it does, it will only be for a short time. I don’t think the Clarion Ledger or MCH keeps story content on their website for more than a week.

Anyway, it’s part of the Malco theater chain and it’s supposed to be really nice. We had initially heard it was going to have a strict dress code and an Internet cafe, but from what I’m reading in the paper, that’s not exactly correct. The dress code is apparently still be discussed. Here’s what it does say about the other amenities at our new theater:

“The 17 screen theater, which cost approximately $14 million to build, offers all stadium seating, state-of-the-art digital sound, expanded concessions, an arcade, party rooms and an Internet cafe. The Italian style lobby, complete with fountain, strives to provide a ‘five-star hotel atmosphere’. Couches and chairs in the lobby will provide seating as patrons wait for movies. One side of the lobby offers a room with a fireplace and tables for customers to sit and eat chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks and pizza from the menu at the concession stand, or desserts from the dessert case. Across the lobby is a room offering Internet availability. ‘We’ll have computers on the tables so people can check their email and surf the Web while they’re waiting for their movie’. The capacity for the theater is about 3200-3300. The 2 largest screening rooms seat 334 each.”

Also, tickets here will be more expensive than what we pay at Northpark or Parkway – it will be $6 for tickets before 6 PM and $8 for after.

Anyway, we’re really excited to have it, and have it so close by. Can’t wait to see what they have showing the first couple of weeks; I hope we get to go soon after it opens! 🙂

Posted by Stace


Tim installed this little program on our Hambones server a while back, so that we could see where we were getting hits from. It includes a country section. Whenever I think about it, I go and look at the countries that have recently visited our site. Now, for most websites, this wouldn’t be a big deal. Most sites are on all the search engines, and they get hits from all over the place. But – we have our site restricted, and the search engines, such as Google, don’t mine our site. So, it’s “under the radar”, so to speak. I always think it’s so cool when people from other countries find our little friends and family website.

If you’d like to see, click on the extended entry, and you can see what countries have visited our site, in December and January. Also, there’s a little geography question at the end. :mrgreen:

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme (really late)

I normally do the Tuesday Twosome from this site… I checked several times on Tuesday, and it was the one from last week. I finally gave up. 🙁 Then, this morning, I was reading Sindee’s blog and saw she had done it, so I realized there were new questions after all! :mrgreen:

A little late…

1. What are the last two thing you downloaded onto your computer? a free game called Splash and an update to iTunes

2. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? No. I am absolutely petrified of heights, I don’t think I could do either of those if my life depended on it

3. Do you prefer a Bath or Shower and in the morning or night? I like showers in the AM, to get me going. If I’m sore or not feeling well, I love to take a nice long warm bubble bath at night before bed.

4. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Tim and I went with Philip and his twin daughters, Hayden and Meredith, to Abner’s last Sunday for chicken fingers.

5. What is the last infomercial you saw and have you ever ordered an article from an infomercial? I don’t watch informercials, and so have never ordered anything from them.

Posted by Stace


I got nothing today… nothing interesting or even mundane to talk about. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves 🙂

OK, I take that back, I do have a couple of miniscule tidbits. I exercised again this morning. For the third day in a row. Monday was hips/thighs, Tuesday was arms/shoulders with weights, today was abs/back with Pilates and yoga stuff. I think that covers most of my body – I hurt all over and am sore in all kinds of horrible places. The DVD’s I ordered on Monday shipped last night so, hopefully, they will be here soon. In the mean time, I bought this purple yoga mat at Walmart yesterday.

Other tidbit, I’m doing a lot of research online for our upcoming vacation. Tim has asked off for several days at work, around our anniversary in early March. It’s a big one, so we’re not quite sure where are are going or doing. Offer suggestions if you’d like. 😀

Posted by Stace


Bummer. Tim’s golf DVD we ordered him just came in the mail. I know what he’ll be watching for a while. He keeps swinging those darn clubs inside and I know sooner or later, he’s either going to hit something, or put a hole in the ceiling.

For the record, I’d like to restate one thing – I despise the Golf Channel. I hate it, I really do. It’s now on constantly at our house. Day and night, night and day, day in and day out. I’m considering packing up and moving to Iceland. They don’t play golf there, do they? 😛

Posted by Stace

Tag Fever!

Well, I was blog surfing and found I had been tagged by not one, but two, different people for the same little questionnaire. 😯 I had tried to swear off these for a while, but I hate not doing the quiz and playing along. I won’t tag anyone else though, but feel free to play along if you’d like!

I was tagged by Kathy and Dawn:

5 things about me

What were you doing 10 years ago? Planning my wedding and honeymoon

What were you doing 1 year ago? Same thing as I’m doing now 😛

Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
1. anything Chocolate
2. Chili Cheese Fritos
3. Oreos
4. Dr Pepper
5. Krispy Kreme donuts

Five songs in which you KNOW all the lyrics:
I’d be hard pressed to come up with 5 songs that I don’t know all the lyrics too. It’s something I’ve been good at, all of my life. My mom even wrote in my baby book that I knew all the words to a lot of songs when I was little, like 4 or 5. If I like I song, I know all the words. I could name hundreds, just have to go down the playlists on my iPod. 🙂

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Buy a very large home, with a gourmet kitchen and a place for Tim’s pool table he wants
2. Travel
3. Save money for our retirement
4. Take all of our family on a fun vacation
5. Buy a cabin in the mountains for our “winter home” 😀

Five bad habits:
1. Speaking what’s on my mind without thinking about it first (0pen mouth, insert foot)
2. Biting my fingernails
3. Being negative
4. Procrastinating
5. Wasting too much time on the PC / watching TV

Five things you like doing:
1. Playing on the computer
2. Taking photos
3. Reading
4. Watching TV
5. Hanging out with Tim

5 things you would never wear, buy or get again:
1. a Pontiac automobile
2. cheap dinnerware that chips and cracks
3. a bathing suit, if I can help it
4. an icemaker that drips
5. can’t think of anything else off the top of my head

Five favorite toys:
1. my new camera
2. my iPod
3. our new smart remote
4. my computer/Internet connection
5. caller id!

Posted by Stace

Finally Broke Down…

I finally broke down and decided to jump on the “purchase exercise equipment in January in hopes of losing weight this year” bandwagon. 🙄 I haven’t spent any of my Christmas money yet, so I decided to order 2 exercise DVD’s with some of my money. I have been taping exercise shows off of TV and am fine with those, but I thought I’d splurge and get something that was commercial free 😀

Here’s what I just ordered:

Denise Austin Blast Away the Pounds

Denise Austin Burn Fat Fast

Maybe they’ll help!

Posted by Stace

Finished “Light from Heaven”

Light from Heaven by Jan Karon I finished the last book in the Mitford series by Jan Karon last night, Light from Heaven. It was a bittersweet thing for me to finally finish this book – I wanted to finish it and see how it ended, but I hated to see these books and this series come to an end. Sigh. Very sad. I’ve read all nine of these books and enjoyed them immensely. They are comfy cozy books, like an old quilt, and I look forward to each new one so that I can read it and see what’s going on with my favorite characters. Now, the series is over and there are no more. The good news is that the writer, Jan Karon, is going to take the main character (Father Tim) and do a set of 3 books about him, and just not have them set in Mitford. So, I do look forward to those. The first book won’t be out until 2007, though.

OK, I’ve updated my sidebar. That makes 2 books so far for 2006, 589 pages completed. I still have to enter a book review on the Reviews section of Hambones for “Light from Heaven”.

I started the Nicholas Sparks book I bought last summer, “True Believer” late last night, and so that’s my new “currently reading” 🙂

Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday Meme

OK, a day late here, but a new one, and a fun one! From this site:

By the way…

What kind of vehicle do you drive? 2005 Explorer
How old were you when you passed your driver’s test? 15
What’s the price of a gallon of gas where you live? 2.29 for the cheapest, most were in the 2.30’s
Other than driving to work, do you keep the roads hot, or are you a homebody? Homebody
What’s the longest road trip you’ve taken? when I was little, we drove to Colorado to see Suzanne. As an adult, probably the trip that Tim and I took this past summer, when we went to Washington DC.

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

Alone:: lonely
Science:: fair
Deposit:: bank
Faithful:: loyal
Tender:: sweet
Chocolate:: YUM!
Homework:: math
Tamper:: mess with
Friend:: buddy
Wire:: string

Posted by Stace

Dinner and a Movie

We went to see the new Queen Latifah movie, “Last Holiday” this afternoon. I had read good things about it, and since it was my turn to get to pick a movie (Tim picked King Kong right before Christmas), I picked this one. Tim and I both thought it was good – pretty clean, very funny and it “had heart” as I like to say. Afterwards, Tim offered to take me to Little Tokyo for teppanyaki, so we went there. The lines were long though, so we left and went to Pigskin, near our house. We ordered a slab of ribs and all the fixin’s, and it was deee-licious. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Coming Soon: Starbucks!


Well, it’s not a full size one, just a little kiosk or cart inside my Kroger. But hey, those of us who don’t live in the Pacific Northwest (or even a big metropolitan area) have to take what we can get! There’s a stand-alone Starbucks on County Line, but I don’t ever venture there. I wish they would open a full size one here, with a drive-through, but in the mean time, this is a good step.

The sign said “Opening Soon – Tuesday 1/24” so I’m pretty excited 🙂 Like Tim said, “I guess you’ll be shopping at Kroger a lot more now, huh?!” Well, I would like to, but they are quite a bit more expensive on a lot of items than Walmart. But, they do have this new Starbucks inside, and that’s a big draw for me. I can go and get whatever concoction I want, decaf in the afternoons, and enjoy my coffee while I do one of my other favorite things – go grocery shopping. Yes, I know. I’m weird that way. I went today and had a blast, and bought a lot of stuff I can’t find at Walmart, and a lot of stuff we don’t need to be eating, and spent a lot of money. Doesn’t that sound like fun? :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver Meme

Sam I am

1. What do you normally eat for breakfast? Normally, it’s a bowl of cereal (Cheerios lately, sometimes Raisin Bran Crunch) and a small glass of OJ. If Tim is working from home or it’s the weekend, I have coffee too (with tons of Splenda and creamer).

2. Are you more likely to drink coffee or tea? Coffee in the AM and Tea at lunch, water with dinner

3. Would you consider yourself a good cook? I think I’m pretty good!

4. What is your favorite meal? Hmmm, that I make or to get out? When eating out, my favorite food is Chinese. I love me some Chinese food 🙂

5. Green eggs and ham: would you eat it? No, not if the eggs were green! I like my eggs white and yellow 😛

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