Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Bummer. Tim’s golf DVD we ordered him just came in the mail. I know what he’ll be watching for a while. He keeps swinging those darn clubs inside and I know sooner or later, he’s either going to hit something, or put a hole in the ceiling.

For the record, I’d like to restate one thing – I despise the Golf Channel. I hate it, I really do. It’s now on constantly at our house. Day and night, night and day, day in and day out. I’m considering packing up and moving to Iceland. They don’t play golf there, do they? 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    Now, now! I don’t think he fusses or blogs about how he doesn’t like scrapbooking or surfing or exercise shows! haha, I’m so funny!

  2. Stacy Said,

    No, he’s never fussed about my blogging, surfing, or scrapbooking. Tim is not the fusser in our partnership, I am. On the other hand, I’ve never done something 24×7, until I’ve totally beaten a dead horse. He jumps into things with gusto, but this is worse than anything else in the past.

  3. Kirk Said,

    Golf is a great invention, it is fun, maybe you should try and play with him, in college, I loved to play, then Nichole started playing with me, then she started beating me, then I stopped playing…

  4. Stacie Said,

    Cheer up! It could be worse…it could be the poker channel! UGH! Can I come to Iceland with you? I don’t think enough people live there to get up a good game, so we’ll both be safe! LOL Stacie

  5. Kathy M Said,

    Now, have you tried golf? I took lessons this past fall, with the idea that someday my dh and I will play together. For now, I’m playing with the girls and we are having a blast.

    Kathy M.

  6. Suzanne Said,

    I”lll be they play Golf in Iceland. There was a winter tourney here in the ‘burbs of Chicago I saw in the paper…………the addicts play anywhere anytime. I told you it was an addictive sport. I played with Kirk, he got better than me, so I quit. Now I see his wife is better than him !
    She could play lots now that they are in FL.

  7. Gail Said,

    Well, maybe we should get Nichole to teach us girls how to play golf, then if we get better than the guys…………..well, you get the idea!

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