Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme (really late)

I normally do the Tuesday Twosome from this site… I checked several times on Tuesday, and it was the one from last week. I finally gave up. 🙁 Then, this morning, I was reading Sindee’s blog and saw she had done it, so I realized there were new questions after all! :mrgreen:

A little late…

1. What are the last two thing you downloaded onto your computer? a free game called Splash and an update to iTunes

2. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? No. I am absolutely petrified of heights, I don’t think I could do either of those if my life depended on it

3. Do you prefer a Bath or Shower and in the morning or night? I like showers in the AM, to get me going. If I’m sore or not feeling well, I love to take a nice long warm bubble bath at night before bed.

4. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Tim and I went with Philip and his twin daughters, Hayden and Meredith, to Abner’s last Sunday for chicken fingers.

5. What is the last infomercial you saw and have you ever ordered an article from an infomercial? I don’t watch informercials, and so have never ordered anything from them.


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