Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I got nothing today… nothing interesting or even mundane to talk about. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves 🙂

OK, I take that back, I do have a couple of miniscule tidbits. I exercised again this morning. For the third day in a row. Monday was hips/thighs, Tuesday was arms/shoulders with weights, today was abs/back with Pilates and yoga stuff. I think that covers most of my body – I hurt all over and am sore in all kinds of horrible places. The DVD’s I ordered on Monday shipped last night so, hopefully, they will be here soon. In the mean time, I bought this purple yoga mat at Walmart yesterday.

Other tidbit, I’m doing a lot of research online for our upcoming vacation. Tim has asked off for several days at work, around our anniversary in early March. It’s a big one, so we’re not quite sure where are are going or doing. Offer suggestions if you’d like. 😀

  1. Kirk Said,

    Scuba Diving in the Red Sea!!!

  2. Gail Said,

    That was just a Walmart home page, can you link it again? And, what…..you were supposed to wait and buy a mat when I was there to get one too!

  3. Suzanne Said,


    Seattle, WA

    Chicago, IL
    King Tut went on sale yesterday.

    Alaska cruise

    Paris, FR.or Tuscany, ITALY

  4. Gail Said,

    New York

  5. Gail Said,

    Ok, Stacy thought my New York answer was too predictable…..so, how about:
    mountains in Colorado
    Park City Utah (another ski area but great town too)
    San Diego (highly recommend the Del Coronado hotel)
    San Francisco
    Orlando (disney is always fun)
    Grand Canyon (although it will still be cold or snowy in March probably)
    Maine (but maybe wait for warmer weather here too)
    out of the country?
    the sky’s the limit there! but better get passports ASAP!

  6. Gail Said,

    A Caribbean cruise! since I saw your poll for today! There’s another idea for you

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