Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

10 Food Questions

Saw this at a blog I check out sometimes… I love food, so it’s hard to pass up :mrgreen:

1. Eggs? Fried or Scrambled? Fried, but I’ll eat them both ways
2. Chocolate covered cherries? Yummy or Yuck? YUM!
3. When eating a salad, what type of dressing do you prefer to use? Honey Mustard
4. Peanut Butter? Creamy or Crunchy? Creamy
5. If you HAD to eat only one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life, what flavor would it be? Duh. Chocolate.
6. Thick or thin crust pizza? Thin or hand tossed
7. Salsa? Hot, Medium, or Mild? Mild or Medium, never Hot
8. Toast? Lightly toasted or practically burnt? Very lightly
9. What is your FAVE food item at Taco Bell? Chili Cheese Burritos, and not all Taco Bell’s have them. The one in Hburg near Mark’s house does NOT have these, stupid people


10. When are you MOST LIKELY to pig out during the course of a day? Afternoons are tough for me, about 3 or 4, I get really hungry and tend to nibble

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Hi Stacy! i love this question so I posted it on my blog. Hope you don’t mind!

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