From this website:
At the movie theater, where do you choose to sit? What do you buy at the concession?
Very timely question, considering our new theater opened this past weekend and it’s just wonderful. (You can go back and read about it here.) Tim and I both like the top section, and we prefer to sit about 2/3 of the way towards the top. I really prefer to sit closer to the aisle (because I usually drink something and then have to go to the restroom), but Tim likes the middle of the aisle. He wants to be smack dab in the middle of the screen Normally, our concession purchases consist of Diet Coke and a big tub of popcorn. At our new theater, we have a lot more choices! I had a cappuccino Saturday, and we can get cheesecake, tiramisu, muffins, candy, chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, corn dogs, pizza and other good stuff.
We’ll probably stick to popcorn and Diet Coke or coffee though!