Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Question of the Day

From this website:

At the movie theater, where do you choose to sit? What do you buy at the concession?

Very timely question, considering our new theater opened this past weekend and it’s just wonderful. (You can go back and read about it here.) Tim and I both like the top section, and we prefer to sit about 2/3 of the way towards the top. I really prefer to sit closer to the aisle (because I usually drink something and then have to go to the restroom), but Tim likes the middle of the aisle. He wants to be smack dab in the middle of the screen 🙂 Normally, our concession purchases consist of Diet Coke and a big tub of popcorn. At our new theater, we have a lot more choices! I had a cappuccino Saturday, and we can get cheesecake, tiramisu, muffins, candy, chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, corn dogs, pizza and other good stuff. 🙂 We’ll probably stick to popcorn and Diet Coke or coffee though!

Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday Meme

~Candy Dreams~

By the way…
Which do you prefer?

Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Difficult choice. I like them both, but I’d probably pick milk chocolate if pushed.
Hard candies or chewy candies? Chewy
Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops? Surprisingly, Blow Pops!
Plain M&Ms or Peanut M&Ms? PLAIN
Are you tempted by the candy display at the grocery store check-out? Tempted=Always. Buy=Rarely
What is your absolute favorite candy? Probably Butterfinger, or the new Butterfinger Crisp. I absolutely love Godiva chocolates that Tim buys me. Then again, I never met a chocolate or sweet anything I didn’t like. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Lots of Movies

We’ve seen three movies today, back to back to back. Fun, huh? 😀

Daddy stopped by on his way up to Gail’s house, and we got to visit with him, and also go out to eat lunch at Pigskin (one of the new BBQ restaurants that opened last year). He’s going to come back tomorrow afternoon, and spend the night and then go home Monday.

We went to our new Grandview theater that opened yesterday in Madison – all 17 glorious screens. The place was pretty impressive – fountain in the lobby, couches and chairs, and Internet cafe with laptops and free Internet access. Another cafe with a fireplace, couch and tables. A Cafe serving Seattle Drip coffees, cappuccinos, mochas, lattes and a pastry case with cheesecakes, baklava, tiramisu, muffins, cookies and lots of other good looking fattening stuff 😀 Another food area with pizza, chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks and pronto pups. Three party rooms, a big arcade, and 17 screens. We were very happy to have it open just a couple of miles from our house!

I thought Tim would want to go see “Firewall”, but he wanted to see what was on the big screen (“The Grand”) – their biggest theater room was showing “Eight Below” and the screen is a lot bigger and the sound a lot better, plus it’s all digital. So, we went and saw that. Great movie, and a packed house. Then we came home and watched the ones we had rented, “Flightplan” and “Just Like Heaven”. I will have to work on movie reviews on Hambones soon. We enjoyed them all :mrgreen:


Stuff Portrait Fridays

I ran across this website a couple of weeks ago, and noticed that she did a fun sort of thing on Fridays – Stuff Portrait Fridays. Kristine posts earlier in the week (I forgot to check early though!) with an assignment of stuff to take pictures of, then post.

The assignment this week: Under Your Bed, Pots and Pans, Your Stereo.

Click on the extended entry to see my photo submissions. 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Happy Birthday Gail!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday Gail! Hope you have a great day, and a wonderful weekend. You’re in luck this year – your birthday falls on a Friday, so the “birthday rules” apply. If your birthday falls on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday, you get to celebrate all weekend long! Hooray 🙂

Have a great day, big sister!

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver Meme

Cheney’s Got a Gun

1. Do you have good hand-eye coordination? Not nearly as good as I would like. I wish it were better, but all the video and computer games I’ve tried to play through the years have proved it ain’t what it could be!

2. Have you ever held a gun? Yes, shot one too.

3. What do you think of toy guns? In the age that I grew up in, they were probably ok for kids to play with. With everything in TV, movies and video games today, it’s probably not a great idea to teach kids about guns. Tim won’t agree with this, of course. I agree with him about teaching gun safety, but I don’t think it’s a great idea to have any kind of guns around kids.

4. When is the last time you asked for forgiveness? Probably the last time I said something to Tim that I shouldn’t have said. Open mouth, insert foot. I really wish I could stop opening my mouth and letting stuff come out that shouldn’t, I should learn to always think first. It’s probably my worst fault.

5. Your favorite Aerosmith song: WELL. Since reading the title of this, I can only think of “Janie’s Got a Gun”. I do like that one, but probably my favorite is the one from Armageddon, “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”. 😆

Posted by Stace

Driving Range

I haven’t had much time lately to blog about what’s going on around here. I’ve been at the driving range for the past two afternoons. 🙄 Tim has been having to work at night all week, including one night that he pulled an all-nighter (till 7:10 AM) and another night where he didn’t finish till about 3:45 AM. So, we’ve gone to the driving range for a couple of sunny afternoons, so he could practice his swing and hit balls to his heart’s content.

Don was in Jackson on Wednesday, visiting a friend who was having surgery at a local hospital, and we talked him into coming over to the driving range (in Clinton, called Tee Time, I think), so he could hit balls with Tim. We both enjoyed getting to see Don. I took pictures of both of them hitting the balls, a few scenic shots (which I have uploaded to my Flickr account, see the sidebar), and also some video so that they could see their golf swing. Thankfully, this place has Adirondack chairs behind the hitting area, so I have been taking my iPod and my book and reading and listening to music. It’s great to spend the time with Tim, plus — he’s doing something he loves and I get to skip all my chores and do something I love (read and listen to my IPod), but it does make for more work later on. I’m behind in my uploading of pictures, behind in my blogging, behind in paying bills, behind in the laundry and other household chores. But, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, Tim was swinging his golf clubs, and I got to read for several hours each afternoon… so, all was right with the world. Hard to beat, huh?!

Bucket of Balls

Posted by Stace

Finished “The First Counsel”

First Counsel, by Brad Meltzer I finished “The First Counsel” by Brad Meltzer last night. This is a book we own, that I bought for Tim a couple of years ago, and that I pulled out of our library when I wanted something to tide me over, until my next trip to the library (tomorrow). This was a really good book, very similar to a good John Grisham legal thriller. Tim really likes this author, Brad Meltzer, and I can see why. He sucks you in pretty quickly, gives you impossible situations, and then leads you from pillar to post, first throwing the plot one way and then another.

I need to write a review of this book for Hambones, but I haven’t yet… maybe soon! This book makes #7 on the year for me, with a total of 2,340 pages read so far. I am going to the library tomorrow to return the 3 I have finished, and check out more. For today, I will resist the urge to start a new book and try to instead focus on cleaning out some magazines that I have piled up around here. That, and the huge pile of mail on the kitchen table. :mrgreen:

I think I may get more reading done in the near future, if I do more of what I did yesterday. Tim wanted to go to the driving range and me go with him. He really wanted me to hit balls, but as I told him repeatedly, “I don’t want to hit golf balls, I don’t want to play golf”. So, we compromised, I took my book and iPod and read while he hit balls to his heart’s content. If I go with him more, I will get a lot more reading in! A lot less chores, laundry and cleaning done, but more reading! 🙂


Duh, no surprises here… I’m not very athletic and not into breakneck sports like luge and bobsledding. While I enjoy watching them, I seriously doubt I would ever attempt them! 🙂

Go check it out and see which sport you would be best at!

You Are Curling

What you lack in athleticism, you make up for in concentration.
And while curling isn’t much more of a sport than bowling, you *can* win a gold medal for it!
Posted by Stace

Valentines Quiz

Your Candy Heart Says “Hug Me”

A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.
Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!

Your ideal Valentine’s Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you’ve planned out

Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking

What turns you off: fighting and conflict

Why you’re hot: you’re fearless about falling in love

Posted by Stace

My Valentine

My Valentines Day this year came a day early! The doorbell rang a little after 5 PM yesterday, and there was a big bouquet of flowers standing in front of my favorite delivery man, outside the front door. Tim decided to beat the rush and get my flowers a day early, which is a good thing, since some places probably sell out! I also got my favorite thing in February – a sweetheart brownie blast from Sonic! 🙂 Tim knows how much I love those things, and so he went and got me one. Isn’t he sweet?

I think I’ll keep him… he’s a very good Valentine 🙂

Here’s a pic of my flowers:

Valentines Day Flowers 2006

Have a great Valentines Day everyone 🙂 We’ll be pigging out on ribeyes tonight, how about you? :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace


Hello Internet 🙂 Am I the only person in the world with this idiosyncrasy?

I’m vacuuming the carpet, and I see a speck of dirt or something on the floor. I run the vacuum over it, and it won’t come up. I run it over it a couple more times, but the darn thing won’t pick up. So, I bend over and pick it up, then toss it back on the floor and try again. I swear it, I ran the vacuum cleaner over that speck of dirt probably 8 or 9 times before it finally picked up. Then, I stopped and thought – why didn’t I walk to the garbage can and throw it away, after I had gone to the trouble to bend over and pick it up? Is it just me? Has anyone else ever done this? 😳

Posted by Stace

Monday Morning

Coffee Time

It’s still sort of cold here this morning, so I finally relented and fixed myself a small cappuccino. I have been trying to be good, and only have coffee on the days that Tim is here (weekends and the days he works from home). I think that part of my weight gain is coming from the coffee (with all the cream and sugar/Splenda I have to add to it), so I’m trying to cut back. It was like 28º when we woke up this morning and I still haven’t completely warmed up, so I was trying to be good. But, I finally relented and I’m sitting here finishing up my cappuccino. 🙁

We had a really good weekend, or at least I did. 🙂 I think it drives Tim a bit nuts to stay around the house, but that’s my favorite kind of weekend, especially when it’s cold or rainy. I got a lot of reading done, finished one book and started another, and we watched TV and some movies, and those are always my favorite kind of weekends. Even played a little Sudoku together, which is fun for me. We ate in all weekend, so I did a lot of cooking too. Yes, I know, you all think we eat out all weekend, every weekend, but not always. I cooked every meal and we ate in the entire time. Tim hit a lot of golf balls, both inside and out. He worked with his golf video inside a bunch, then took it outside when he got cabin fever. I bet he hit golf balls for at least 3 hours yesterday afternoon. 🙄

I better get to work on my to-do list, it’s a mile long today. I put off a lot of stuff I could have done over the weekend, so I could spend time with Tim or read. I have a lot of catching up to do today! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday Meme

A day late, but I guess that’s ok 🙂

2006 Winter Olympics~

By the way…
Will you be watching the coverage of the winter Olympics?
I’ll watch some, but probably not as much as I have in years past. Tim has never really enjoyed the Olympics, so I have watched less in the decade we’ve been together. He seems a little more interested this time, and even watched some of the downhill on Saturday night, so hopefully we’ll get to watch more this time around.

If so, what is your favorite event or events to watch? My favorite is the figure skating, but I also like speed skating, downhill skiing and some of the luge and bobsled events.

Who are you rooting for? A country, a particular athlete? Well, I really would have rooted for Michelle Kwan, she’s a class act, and I hated to see her have to withdraw. I’ll mostly root for the American team 🙂

Have you ever attended an Olympic event in person? No, it would be great though, but I doubt we’ll ever be that independently wealthy

Do you have a favorite winter Olympian from years past? Dan Jansen. He seemed like such a great guy, such a competitor, and he endured so much. I’m a huge Dan Jansen fan 😀

If you could add a sport to the winter Olympics, what would it be? Well, living in the Deep South, they are all foreign to me, so I have no idea!

Posted by Stace

Finished “Jerusalem Interlude”

Jerusalem Interlude by Bodie Thoene Yesterday was a pretty cold and windy day, so I curled up and read most of the afternoon and evening. I finished the 4th book in the Zion Covenant series by Bodie Thoene, “Jerusalem Interlude”. While I liked this book, and enjoy reading the next one in the series, I will say that I didn’t like this one as much as the previous 3 I had read. I didn’t find the subject matter (Jerusalem, Arabs vs Jews) as interesting as I had the others, which focused more on Hitler’s pre-war expansion in Europe. It was a good book though, and I’m looking forward to reading the final 2 in this series. I won’t put up an individual review on Hambones, since this is part of a series.

OK, that makes 6 books read so far in 2006, and a total of 1861 pages. You can check out my sidebar for that info, any time. 🙂

Up next to read… something that we own; have to figure out which one. This is the last book of 3 that I checked out from the library a couple of weeks ago. All of our library branches are closed on Sundays, so I can’t go this afternoon and check out more books. I will probably either start a Grisham from our library (I’m about 5 or 6 books behind with his), or else my new Nicholas Sparks book. I’ll have to move up my trip to the library this week!

UPDATE: Ok, I’ve settled on “The First Counsel” by Brad Meltzer. Tim has read several of Meltzer’s books and this is one of his favorites. We own it in hardback, so that’s on the docket next. 🙂

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