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Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday Meme

A day late, but I guess that’s ok 🙂

2006 Winter Olympics~

By the way…
Will you be watching the coverage of the winter Olympics?
I’ll watch some, but probably not as much as I have in years past. Tim has never really enjoyed the Olympics, so I have watched less in the decade we’ve been together. He seems a little more interested this time, and even watched some of the downhill on Saturday night, so hopefully we’ll get to watch more this time around.

If so, what is your favorite event or events to watch? My favorite is the figure skating, but I also like speed skating, downhill skiing and some of the luge and bobsled events.

Who are you rooting for? A country, a particular athlete? Well, I really would have rooted for Michelle Kwan, she’s a class act, and I hated to see her have to withdraw. I’ll mostly root for the American team 🙂

Have you ever attended an Olympic event in person? No, it would be great though, but I doubt we’ll ever be that independently wealthy

Do you have a favorite winter Olympian from years past? Dan Jansen. He seemed like such a great guy, such a competitor, and he endured so much. I’m a huge Dan Jansen fan 😀

If you could add a sport to the winter Olympics, what would it be? Well, living in the Deep South, they are all foreign to me, so I have no idea!

  1. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    Thanks for participating in BTWS this week! I’m a big Dan Jansen fan myself. He’s got a great Olympic story. What about the Texan who just won the gold in the 5000 meter speed skating? He’s great to watch.
    Have a good day and thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Gail Said,

    Yep, Chad Hedrick, Texan, he will be fun to watch too!

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