Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

My Valentine

My Valentines Day this year came a day early! The doorbell rang a little after 5 PM yesterday, and there was a big bouquet of flowers standing in front of my favorite delivery man, outside the front door. Tim decided to beat the rush and get my flowers a day early, which is a good thing, since some places probably sell out! I also got my favorite thing in February – a sweetheart brownie blast from Sonic! 🙂 Tim knows how much I love those things, and so he went and got me one. Isn’t he sweet?

I think I’ll keep him… he’s a very good Valentine 🙂

Here’s a pic of my flowers:

Valentines Day Flowers 2006

Have a great Valentines Day everyone 🙂 We’ll be pigging out on ribeyes tonight, how about you? :mrgreen:

  1. Susie Said,

    Woweee! He did good! 😉 Oh, and those Sweetheart Brownie Blasts are to die for. Mmmm…

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours 🙂

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