::Daily Dilly Dally::
Onesome: Daily– Hmmm… The tough one first? Sure! What part of your daily routine could you simply not do without? …and just to make it interesting, your morning coffee is a given, so try something else! Let’s see, what I can’t live without doing every day. Checking email. Checking on Hambones.org. Probably some surfing and blog surfing. Oh, and then there’s a shower or bath, gotta have one of those every day, no matter what! 🙂 And probably the most important – seeing Tim and telling him how much I love him every day. 
Twosome: Dilly– Okay, fess up; what’s the latest really good one you’ve pulled? Well, at least something you can share with the gang here. I don’t “pull” anything on anyone. I get stuff “pulled” on me all the time. I live in a plain, silly, naive and clumsy world. Most days, I’m just trying not to cut myself with a knife, stub my toe on the coffee table that hasn’t moved in 8 years, etc. That’s me, first – do no harm. 😀
Threesome: Dally– What is your favorite way to dally away some time instead of working on a project? Do you read, play games, look for lost kittens, study cloud formations? Come on… Let’s see, my list of interests is long and varied. I can while away time on the computer for hours, surfing scrapping, cooking and other sites, not to mention blog surfing. I can read or watch tv till my eyes pop out. I can hang out with Tim and be perfectly content. Or — all of the above!
OOPS – just realized I didn’t do this meme last week. I liked the questions, so I guess I’ll play along. Check these out in the extended section:
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