Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Nothing Blogworthy

Nothing blog-worthy today to prattle on about… not that today is any different from any other day!

Have been running errands and grocery and Walmart shopping today. I’m very good at those. We had to throw out most of the food from our freezer and refrigerator after Hurricane Katrina and I’ve been slowly replacing most of it. Well – slowly for me. It’s been like a slow torture for me not to have gone out the first day or two we got back power and bought out the whole store and filled all my empty space. I cannot stand to have empty space in my pantry, cabinets, refrigerator or freezer. Some sort of sick OCD “hunter/gatherer” gene I have. If there’s empty space —- I must fill it. I’m feeling a lot better after all the shopping I’ve done today, though. 😀


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