Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Calm after the storm

SCRATCH THAT — Please disregard what I blogged about below. Tim is now ready , 10 minutes after I blogged about staying home and enjoying the peace and quiet – he’s ready to go out and go purchase a new DVD recorder before football season starts. Sigh. Things never seem to go my way. 🙄

This weekend is going to be, or at least I hope that it is, a quiet one. Sort of the calm after the storm. I think we both need a little down time and some quiet time.

We worked outside in the yard most of the morning, then got cleaned up and took my Explorer to get it washed. It had two or three layers of dead bugs on it from all the trips to the Delta and back and forth to Tim’s parents house. Stubborn, stuck-on bugs! The car wash didn’t get them all off, but it got a bunch. We picked up some fast food on the way home, and now I think we’re going to watch a lot of football the rest of the weekend. MSU is on right now, and our Golden Eagles play tonight, and Tim’s beloved Saints play tomorrow. So hopefully we can veg some and watch football.

  1. Gail Said,

    His way might be more fun! Look at it that way……..and tell him I said that!

    And what are you talking about, we have no bugs in the Delta! 😆

    I haven’t been anywhere out of Indianola in over 3 weeks, so we went to the big Greenville yesterday, Lowe’s, mall, Hibbett Sports (I got new shoes!) Dollar Tree and Walmart. So exciting, I know!

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