Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

And another Friday Five Meme

A different one, from this site:

Can You Hear Me Now?

1. Who is your mobile phone provider, and how many minutes are in your plan? Cingular, 350 minutes, unlimited mobile to mobile though

2. What program do you primarily use for instant messaging? AOL is where most of my friends and family are, except for Tim, who uses Yahoo at work. I love to IM! 🙂

3. Who do you send and receive text messages from most? I don’t text message on my phone.

4. What area code do you live in? 601

5. What year did you first get an e-mail address and do you still use it? Wow, back in the late 80’s on the mainframe where I worked. Personal one, probably early or mid-90’s with Juno, which I kept until about 3 or 4 years ago when we switched to high speed access.

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Quitters never win.

1. Name one thing you’ve quit: a job I had grown to dread going to every single solitary day

2. Name something you’ve won: a trip to the Bahamas, a trip to a concert in Dallas, tickets, CD’s, etc. I have always had good luck winning things!

3. Describe a subject in school you do poorly in: Hmmm, well, we all know I was a whiz in school 😈 I never took physics because I didn’t think I’d do well in it at all, so I avoided it like the plague. Mechanical things are Greek to me.

4. Have you ever purposely not done your best? Not that I can remember

5. Do you lead, follow, or get out of the way? A combination of follow or get out of the way

Posted by Stace

Nothing Blogworthy

Nothing blog-worthy today to prattle on about… not that today is any different from any other day!

Have been running errands and grocery and Walmart shopping today. I’m very good at those. We had to throw out most of the food from our freezer and refrigerator after Hurricane Katrina and I’ve been slowly replacing most of it. Well – slowly for me. It’s been like a slow torture for me not to have gone out the first day or two we got back power and bought out the whole store and filled all my empty space. I cannot stand to have empty space in my pantry, cabinets, refrigerator or freezer. Some sort of sick OCD “hunter/gatherer” gene I have. If there’s empty space —- I must fill it. I’m feeling a lot better after all the shopping I’ve done today, though. 😀

Posted by Stace

And now, a Silly Quiz for the day

OK, drumroll please – something exceedingly silly and mundane. A quiz to determine what your “pizza personality” is! 🙄 🙄 🙄

Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You’re not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.

Well, I must say, the first two hit the nail on the head. I’m nothing if not traditional, routine-oriented, comfortable, and focused on living a quality life. See there, maybe it’s not so silly after all! The other two, well, those are up for debate! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Daily Dilly Dally::

Onesome: Daily– Hmmm… The tough one first? Sure! What part of your daily routine could you simply not do without? …and just to make it interesting, your morning coffee is a given, so try something else! Let’s see, what I can’t live without doing every day. Checking email. Checking on Hambones.org. Probably some surfing and blog surfing. Oh, and then there’s a shower or bath, gotta have one of those every day, no matter what! 🙂 And probably the most important – seeing Tim and telling him how much I love him every day. :mrgreen:

Twosome: Dilly– Okay, fess up; what’s the latest really good one you’ve pulled? Well, at least something you can share with the gang here. I don’t “pull” anything on anyone. I get stuff “pulled” on me all the time. I live in a plain, silly, naive and clumsy world. Most days, I’m just trying not to cut myself with a knife, stub my toe on the coffee table that hasn’t moved in 8 years, etc. That’s me, first – do no harm. 😀

Threesome: Dally– What is your favorite way to dally away some time instead of working on a project? Do you read, play games, look for lost kittens, study cloud formations? Come on… Let’s see, my list of interests is long and varied. I can while away time on the computer for hours, surfing scrapping, cooking and other sites, not to mention blog surfing. I can read or watch tv till my eyes pop out. I can hang out with Tim and be perfectly content. Or — all of the above!

OOPS – just realized I didn’t do this meme last week. I liked the questions, so I guess I’ll play along. Check these out in the extended section:

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Posted by Stace

Survivor: Guatemala

OK, just have to post a quick note that I’m excited about the new Survivor starting tonight. I’ve watched *almost* every single episode of this show since the first season. Tim watched from the very beginning, but I thought it was going to have too much snakes and primitive stuff in it, so I didn’t start watching with him until a couple of episodes in. But, then I was hooked, and we’ve never missed an episode since. I believe this one is season #11, so we’ve come a long way!

This season’s show is promoting a new twist – the return of 2 former players. They are keeping this a pretty well-guarded secret, as I haven’t been able to find anything online about who it might be. I hope they show it tonight, and don’t leave us in suspense for very long! 🙂 Mostly, I’m just really glad to be finally getting something decent on TV to watch. Once Lost, Amazing Race, NCIS, CSI, Without a Trace and 7th Heaven return in full swing, I’ll be a very happy camper!

On a related note, I once again joined a free Survivor pool at one of my scrapbook message boards. You get a randomly chosen player to root for. My player is Amy. I hope she does well. If, for some odd reason, she were to turn out to win the whole shebang, I would get some free scrapping stuff!

Posted by Stace

Finished “Oceans Apart”

I finished reading my latest book “Oceans Apart” by Karen Kingsbury last night. You can find my review of it here at Hambones.org. I really enjoyed it, especially the ending. I then started a new book, by another new author I have never read. This one is called “Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind” and is by Ann B. Ross. Think along the lines of “Fried Green Tomatoes” with a grey-haired widowed woman. I read a couple of chapters before I got too sleepy, and I think I’m going to enjoy this one too!

Oh, and on the count for books read this year, Oceans Apart was number 27. Three more to go for my new and improved goal! I really probably should cut back on the reading a little and rev up on the scrapbooking stuff, but I am so enjoying reading. Takes me back to my childhood and teenage and early 20’s, when I read all the time. I hate to give it up! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Quiet Day

Last night was good – we had a good supper, went walking, then watched the season premiere of House. It was a good show, as always, and I recommend it to anyone who has never watched it before. 🙂 Tim had to work last night, and finished up sometime after 1 AM. He said it all went well though. He’s working from home today, so I’m doing my best to keep things quiet around here and let him concentrate. Lots of computer time and maybe a little scrapping time later today for me! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Ten on Tuesday Meme

This week’s topic: Ten Weird Facts about You

OK, this really required a bit of thought for me… I know I’m quite an oddball, but I was hard pressed to come up with something that was weird to others, despite being normal to me! So, I’m not sure how weird these are, or if they qualify, but oh well – here we go!

1. I hate tomatoes, but will eat tomato products like spaghetti sauce, salsa, tomato soup (pureed) and ketchup.

2. I never sleep on my stomach. I prefer to sleep on my back with my legs not touching. I hike one leg up in triangle form, with my heel touching my knee when at all possible.

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Posted by Stace


We went to Bop’s Frozen Custard for the first time, this past weekend. Yesterday, I realized I had not blogged about it, so I went to search (using Blingo!) for a website on Bops, and that was when I won the iTunes gift certificates. I was so excited, that I didn’t ever come back and blog about Bops. Oops! 😕

There’s a Bops on County Line road, near our mall, and although we’ve passed by it for years, we had never stopped. Wendy had told me once that they like to go to Bops when they come to town, so I mentioned it to Tim when we were over that way on Saturday (buying his new DVD recorder at Best Buy). Tim is really good about “splurges” and making a rather ordinary day something special by doing something fun or unique or just different. So, we went and checked it out! 😀 You can click here to read about their custard or click here to see their menu.

It was good, and I imagine we’ll go again. It was pricey, but then again, so are any of the places here like that. I still love our new Cold Stone Creamery that opened up near our house, but this was good too, and I hope we can patronize both! I had the “best seller”, which was the Snappy Turtle sundae – custard, hot fudge sauce, caramel, roasted pecans, topped off with whipped cream and a cherry. Tim had the special of the month, which was a Birthday Cake “concrete” – which is their custard (ice cream) mixed in with a topping. The thing did taste exactly like eating a big piece of birthday cake. It was good. I bet all of their combinations are good, so hopefully I can talk Tim into going over and trying out more of them. 🙂

Posted by Stace

We Won, We Won!!

Guess what, we won again at Blingo! I was using Tim’s id to search (for something I was about to blog about!), since when Tim wins, I win. He set up his Blingo id on a referral link I sent him, so when he wins, I win too.

Anyway, it gave me the choice of winning another movie ticket, or an iTunes gift certificate. I think Tim wanted the movie tickets, but I talked him out of it, since there’s really not a lot of movies out right now at the theatre that I want to see. iTunes on the other hand, I can find lots of music to download at iTunes! Yippeeee!! :mrgreen:

So, once again, if you haven’t already, use the link I have on my sidebar here on my blog, and sign up under me. Blingo uses the same search engine as Google, and you actually do win. We’ve won 3 times now, so we can vouch for them!

We Won, We Won!!!

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Well, I don’t think I’ve done this meme, or any memes, in at least two weeks. I might do a little catch-up this week.

I’ll do today’s Monday Madness meme below, and the one from the week before in the extended section. Check it out and play along if you’d like!

Good Monday morning… This week I thought we’d answer some true or false. Feel free to elaborate on your answers. Thanks for playing.

1. I’m at my best in the early morning. False. I’m NOT a morning person. 👿

2. I start each day with a healthy breakfast. True (or at least I try)

3. I’m always sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. True. I really need 8-9 hours on a regular basis. 😛

4. I enjoy my job. True (best job in the world!)

5. I get along with most everyone. True (or at least, I hope so!!)

6. I’m looking forward to the new season of tv shows this year. TRUE, most definintely TRUE!

7. I make sure I take some time for myself every day. True

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Posted by Stace

Saints Win, Saints Win!

Hip, hip, hooray, the Saints won their first game today, against the Carolina Panthers! It was a really good game, a nail-biter. We were both so happy to see them playing more consistently and acting more like a cohesive team than in times past. And, of course, it was such an emotional game and win, because of everything going on in New Orleans and the coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

We are also really enjoying our new DVD recorder – Tim has recorded two games to DVD in the past 24 hours, so he’s a happy camper! I think I have enough figured out so far to be able to record to VHS (which I do often) and to DVD (which I might do more of!). Hopefully. Only time will tell!

Oh, and we’re also having a ball today, checking on our fantasy football teams and watching the stats come in, and following our fantasy players in other games. It sure makes it a lot of fun to watch other games if you have particular players to pull for and root for! 😀

P.S. Well, phooey, Tim just told me that the live stats on our fantasy league is just a freebie for this weekend, and after this week, we won’t get that. Darn. I really like sitting here and watching the numbers change as we’re watching the game. I just checked, and it would be 10 bucks per player to do the live stats add-on. If it was 10 for the league, we would do it, but I don’t think we’ll be able to cough up $100 for the entire league. Oh well, it is fun while it’s working! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

A New Toy

Well, for those of you who know Tim, know that once he sets his mind to something, that’s it. Period. End of story. 😆

Less than 2 hours after we left, we now have a new toy:

DVD Recorder

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Posted by Stace

Calm after the storm

SCRATCH THAT — Please disregard what I blogged about below. Tim is now ready , 10 minutes after I blogged about staying home and enjoying the peace and quiet – he’s ready to go out and go purchase a new DVD recorder before football season starts. Sigh. Things never seem to go my way. 🙄

This weekend is going to be, or at least I hope that it is, a quiet one. Sort of the calm after the storm. I think we both need a little down time and some quiet time.

We worked outside in the yard most of the morning, then got cleaned up and took my Explorer to get it washed. It had two or three layers of dead bugs on it from all the trips to the Delta and back and forth to Tim’s parents house. Stubborn, stuck-on bugs! The car wash didn’t get them all off, but it got a bunch. We picked up some fast food on the way home, and now I think we’re going to watch a lot of football the rest of the weekend. MSU is on right now, and our Golden Eagles play tonight, and Tim’s beloved Saints play tomorrow. So hopefully we can veg some and watch football.

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