Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Worn Out

Wow, it’s almost 10 PM and this is the first time I have had a chance all day to sit down and check my email and try to blog. Well, other than the few minutes this morning, when I did the trivia on Hambones. I wanted to get yesterday’s answers posted and new questions up before I left.

I was gone almost all day today, and am fairly worn out. It was a good day though!

The Highlights – went shopping with Gail most of the day. I had a blast! It’s so nice to go shopping with someone else sometime (no offense Tim, I know how much you hate to go clothes shopping with me, which is why I try not to drag you much 🙂 ) It helps me to have other people see the clothes I try on, and say “that looks good on you, or that doesn’t look good, or that doesn’t look like it fits, or whatever”. I’m so indecisive and every little bit helps, plus it’s just more fun to go shopping with someone else! 😀 We went to Linens-N-Things, Target, Steinmart, Kohls, 2 shoe stores, Marshall’s, TJ Maxx and Bed, Bath and Beyond. Whew! We also stopped in at McAlisters for lunch (had a turkey melt and fruit, it was de-licious!) I got clothes at Steinmart (2 shirts and some cute pink and green flip flops), then I hit the mother lode at Kohl’s. They were having a one day sale, plus I had my handy-dandy gift card that came in the mail to use. So I bought a bunch of shirts there. Who’s counting, but I think it was 6! 😀 I got more stuff for our bathroom at Marshalls and BB&B (a different kind of roman shade, new towels, and some wicker stuff).

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Posted by Stace


Well, obviously cold turkey won’t work for me. I had such a vicious headache by the time that Tim got home that he could barely tolerate me. 😛 Surprise, surprise! Giving up caffeine cold turkey and going back to just drinking water is not going to work for me. Tim almost begged me to drink tea with dinner, so I did. Man, it was good! I didn’t have much, but it helped my headache a little. It’s not gone, but it’s better.

Off to watch all of my shows 🙂

Posted by Stace


ARGH – I have a terrible headache. I even went and changed my mood on the sidebar to the fashionably correct word of “headachy”. 👿

I know exactly what it is. I am trying, once again, to cut back on caffeine. No coffee, no tea, no sodas. I can’t even make it a day. It’s pathetic. I have the worst headache and all I want to do is go drink some coke or tea. Or maybe chop my head off.

Posted by Stace

TV Tonight

Well, I can’t deny it. I’m ready for tonight’s tv lineup already. We had ’24’ last night, which was good, but I was missing out on American Idol. I guess I got used to it being on twice a week!

Tonight is a killer night for us, TV viewing wise. We have a total of 4 shows that we watch and tape. I am going to go check and see if any of them are reruns (NCIS or House, I know Idol and Race are new). I prefer to watch the live ones like Idol and Race and tape the others to watch later tonight or later on in the week. Tim has to work again tonight.

I was blog-surfing earlier and ran across a reference to the fact that Lost has been showing re-runs. I blogged about this very thing Here . Now, if what I read is true, we do NOT have to wait till the middle of April for a new episode. No sir. Next week is supposed to be a new one. Yee-hawww! It’s the Locke-centric one called “Deux Ex Machina” which means “God in the Machine”. We are supposed to learn how Locke was originally paralyzed. The site that I am getting this info from TV Tome also talks about a special in late April, and the fact that JJ Abrams says the show could last six years!

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Chick Chat Meme

From the “ChickChat” meme site – link is Here

What Color Is…

1. Your Kitchen?: yellow with burgundy accents
2. Bathroom?: khaki
3. Bedroom?: neutral
4. Living Room?: neutral
5. Kid’s Room?: don’t have one

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

From This site:

Are you more likely to…

1. Give advice or take advice? take advice

2. Interrupt a conversation or have your conversation interrupted? Interrupt – it’s one of my worst habits (of which there are many!)

3. Get lost while driving or find your way without a problem? Usually find my way, I’m usually prepared, have written directions or a map. I’m the epitomy of a boy scout – always be prepared!

4. Be a trendsetter or be a follower? A follower. Always.

5. Look at a situation as “half empty” or “half full”? Sigh. Another one of these – I wish I weren’t, but I’m a half-empty kind of gal


I finished this book by James Patterson tonight. “Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas”. It took me less than 24 hours to read, and that’s with only reading in the evenings. A very quick read. Either Amanda’s comments in the Reviews section of Hambones or else my finely tuned sense of intuition tipped me off to the ending very early on. I knew what was going to happen and expected it. It wasn’t the least bit sad to me, I didn’t shed a tear. It was a good story though, and I am now happy to say that I have read a total of 8 books since late January. I believe that might be a new record for me! Tim has read three, which is good for him, too.

I will return this book and “The Guardian” to the library later this week. I have the next Stephanie Plum book on hold at the library. I’m on number three now, “Three to Get Deadly”. It’s due in on 3/23, so hopefully they will call from the library this week. I will have to try to find something else to read too, either book #4 in the Stephanie Plum series, or maybe another one. I do still have several more Grishams here to read, so I may switch back to him. I dunno, will have to see what I can find. 🙂

Posted by Stace

Today is the first day of Spring

Well, I just realized that today was the first day of Spring (yes, I realized this after reading other blogs where people smarter than me had already realized that and pointed it out for people such as myself!) Not that it was an overly spring-like day here today, but I’m sure there will be many more to come. After all, we have about 8 or 9 months of warm to really hot temperatures around here! Anyway, it was grey and cloudy and a bit warm, but I don’t think the sun poppped out much today. My yard certainly doesn’t look spring-like. It looks like a mud pit with a few weeds growing in it! 😮

So, in honor of the first day of spring, here’s a little meme question of the day:

Ah, spring. Name three things that signify spring for you.

Let’s see… warmer days, daffodils and tulips, the trees budding out.

What about you? 🙂

Posted by Stace

The Blind

Well, I posted this on Saturday that we hung the new Levolor rattan roman shade/blind in our bathroom. I really like the look of it. I love roman shades and this is the first one I have found to fit these tiny windows in this house. There is, however, a major problem with this blind that I don’t think I can live with day in and day out. It doesn’t have a liner and it’s sorta see-through. In the daytime, you can see out pretty well. We discovered Saturday night that, at night, if you are out back, and someone is in the bathroom with the light on, then you can see right in. Tim said he could tell what I had on, or NOT on. Argh. This is our bathroom after all, where from time to time, I’m either (gasp) partially or totally not dressed or else doing something that I might not want anyone outside to witness.

So… I’m going to have to go shopping again and find another blind. Either one with a lining or else some kind of window treatment. Tim wants to just put a curtain over the blind. Which would normally work for most windows, but this one is right beside the shower, and Tim tends to spray water when he’s in the shower and it would get wet. And, these windows are so narrow (23″) and I have always had a terrible time trying to find a premade window treatment for a window that size. I am hoping that I can find a blind like this, but lined. Wouldn’t that be easy – but you know what, I bet you anything I won’t be able to find it! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness button

Wowzers, this is a long one today! I will have to run back and forth and count a bunch of these!!! 😀

How Many……..

1. …computer-related gadgets do you own? Good grief. We own a ton, we are both gadget freaks. We have 3 computers in the office, 2 DVD players, 1 DVD recorder, 2 VCR’s, a rack full of stereo equipment, yada yada yada. I do not have a PDA or iPod, although both are on my wish list. Want it. Don’t need it at all but still seem to want it for some reason. 🙂

2. …pictures on your living room walls? Had to go count. 7 plus the mirror over the mantle.

3. …magnets on your refrigerator? Good grief, too many to count!

4. …reference books in your bookshelves? One, a Webster’s dictionary. Unless you count the decorating 1-2-3 book we bought at Home Depot. I wouldn’t count that or cookbooks, but that’s just me! 😀

5. …boxes of cereal in your cupboards? We keep anywhere from 3-5 boxes/kinds of cereal at a time. One for Tim, cornflakes for eating and baking with, and then a couple of more heart healthy ones for me.

6. …lamps in your house? Good. Grief. Again. Nine.

7. …times a week do you shop for groceries? Once normally, sometimes stopping a second time for fresh produce, fruit, lettuce, etc.

8. …magazines do you subscribe to? 5, I think.

9. …tv programs do you watch on a regular basis? Oh my, we don’t need to go there. Let’s just say that we have 2-3 per night, most nights. Sometimes we have 4, and have to tape them! We both love TV, me more so than Tim.

10. …items on your bathroom counter that don’t really need to be there? Hmmm, most things “need” to be there. We each have a basket with toiletries, Tim has his shaver thingie, I have my curling iron, and then there’s the toothbrush holder, cup, soap dish, etc. Cluttered, but fairly necessary.

Posted by Stace

Finished “The Guardian”

I finished the book “The Guardian” by Nicholas Sparks earlier tonight. I put a review of it Here on Hambones.org

I really enjoyed this book! It started out fairly quickly, and then really picked up the pace, to where it was hard to put down. I have read most all of Nicholas Sparks books, from the very first, his incredible love story “The Notebook”. While I have enjoyed all of them, this one was a nice change of pace, with the added element of mystery & intrigue. A good love story/thriller combination!

Up next: Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas, by James Patterson. My last of 3 books I checked out a couple of weeks ago from the library. They have one on hold for me that should be in this week, the next Stephanie Plum one, called “Three to get Deadly”. I better get busy and read this one! I have never read any of James Patterson’s books. But Amanda gave this one a good review on Hambones (check it out Here). And thanks Amanda, for the warning, I’m off to find some Kleenex before I get started! 😀

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


From This site.

I say … and you think … ?

Stink:: smelly
Renewal:: life
I remember…:: my mom
Loneliness:: sorrow
Ooooh:: chocolate!
For real:: really?
Titanium:: golf club
Get down:: dance
Rupture:: burst
Dramatic:: flair

Posted by Stace

Rain Rain, Go Away

Well, it’s just been horribly dreary and rainy here all day. Perfect day to stay home and read a book! So that’s what we have been doing. I just finished reading “The Guardian” by Nicholas Sparks. Tim is still reading “The Broker” by Grisham. I need to go write a review on Hambones for my book. I’m not sure if I will start my last one today or not – I checked 3 out of the library about 2 weeks ago and I have finished two of them.

We’re watching MS State play Duke (March Madness) on TV and so far they are not doing well. Which is not surprising, it is Duke after all!

We have one more movie we rented left to watch – Ray. Should watch it later tonight. 🙂

Posted by Stace

In and Out

Another good day. Nothing overly eventful. Just like that ole country song goes, “just another day in paradise” 😀

David spent the night last night and we all slept in a bit since it’s a Saturday. We got up and made a big breakfast for the guys (I just ate cereal). Tim did most of the cooking, but I helped a bit. They had homemade biscuits, deer sausage, eggs and grits. David left a little while later, headed for the coast on spring break. I hope he has a safe trip! Tim worked for a while on the Hambones server, doing some partitioning work he had been wanting to do for a while. I stayed busy doing laundry, picking up, some paperwork and also doing some chores around here.

We hung the new Levolor rattan roman shade/blind in our bathroom. It looks good! I like the effect, but you can sort of see through it, so that is really weirding me out. Tim went outside and said you couldn’t see in through it, but I could see out pretty well. That is going to take some serious getting used to!

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Posted by Stace

Friday Surprise

Look what my sweetheart of a husband came home from work with and surprised me:


And because they are so pretty and these pictures don’t do them justice, I tried another angle 😀


Tim told me a little funny about when he was buying these…

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