Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

From This site:

Are you more likely to…

1. Give advice or take advice? take advice

2. Interrupt a conversation or have your conversation interrupted? Interrupt – it’s one of my worst habits (of which there are many!)

3. Get lost while driving or find your way without a problem? Usually find my way, I’m usually prepared, have written directions or a map. I’m the epitomy of a boy scout – always be prepared!

4. Be a trendsetter or be a follower? A follower. Always.

5. Look at a situation as “half empty” or “half full”? Sigh. Another one of these – I wish I weren’t, but I’m a half-empty kind of gal

  1. Gail Said,

    1. give advice…..much to my family’s chagrin, especially the kids.
    2. about the same i guess, i have a tendancy to interrupt, but mine gets interrupted a lot also!
    3. usually find my way
    4. sigh: a follower
    5. half empty most times, unfortunately…..occasionally i go the other way

  2. Stacy Said,

    Gee, Gail, we could be sisters, we are so alike! hahaha 🙂

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