Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

An unusual post for me

I have been debating on posting this for about a week now. Normally, this blog is (as its name suggests) exceedingly mundane and about nothing at all. I intended it to be this way. It’s more of a traditional type of diary, albeit online, that I do for myself (and some family and friends). Mostly, it’s just for me. I realize this blog is unlike many blogs that are out there on the “blogosphere”, which are rants, raves, diatribes and lectures about all kinds of controversial topics like religion, politics, current events, etc. All wonderful topics, but all of which I have heretofore left out of my blog.

You see, I am a very non-confrontational kind of person, and I prefer to not enter into discussions about topics such as these, either in person or online. I know what I think and I believe, and I have no reason to argue till I’m blue in the face with someone else over it. I am a Christian. Fact. I am old-fashioned. Fact. I am a Republican. Fact. I am very pro-military and patriotic. Fact. I am pro-life and anti-abortion. Fact. I don’t want to offend anyone or enter into discussions about these issues.

Until now.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

New Pictures

I just uploaded the pictures I took over the weekend. Most of them are of the kids dyeing eggs. They were so cute! And of course, there are a bunch of Abby! As long as you are a registered user on Hambones, you can go check them out now. They’re all up! πŸ™‚

I just realized that I didn’t take any at the get-together at lunch. I have no idea why! Maybe I can get some from Linda or Amanda.

We took some family shots after church, while everyone was still in their Easter clothes. Amanda used her camera, since it’s a ton better than mine. But, I got her to take a couple of me and Tim with my camera. This one is my favorite (Tim won’t like it, the other ones are better of him but this is the only decent one of me!!) Sorry sweetheart, it’s my blog, so I’m going with the one that I look better in! :mrgreen:

Us at Easter

Posted by Stace

New Quiz

Okey dokey, folks, here’s a new quiz for the girlies out there! Click the link below the graphic to go and take it for yourself, then post a comment as to what kind of girl you are!

You Are the Girl Next Door!

You’re caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry.
Uncomplicated and simple, you’ve got an easy going attitude guys love.
But this doesn’t mean you’re dull – far from it!
You’re a great conversationalist, and you’re an expert at living the good life.

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz πŸ™‚

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

1. Do you procrastinate and if so, explain? I have been a procrastinator all my life. I do not know why. I have not been able to change, for the most part. I just accept it as part of who I am! πŸ™‚

2. Do you feel tired most of the time or not? I used to feel tired all the time, but that’s a lot better now. I am able to get sleep when I need it, and I feel tons better because of it!

3. Do you get enough sleep and if not, how much time do you wish for? I usually get enough sleep (although for the last 8-10 months, I have been having problems with insomnia, which is totally new for me). If I don’t get enough, I make up for it the next day or two by sleeping later or getting a nap. I am high maintenance, I require a lot of sleep. Usually 8-9 hours a night. I sleep a WHOLE lot better when I exercise.

4. Do you rely on an alarm clock to get you up or not? Yes, I set the clock on the weekdays for Tim. We don’t use it on the weekends, normally.

5. Do you you dread certain things when you wake up and if so, what are they? Dread. No, not really. I used to dread getting up and going to work, but not any more!

Posted by Stace

Monday night

Not too much going on. Today was super-busy. I felt better earlier today, but I’m feeling crummy again now. I wonder why I feel so much worse, and cough so much more, at the end of the day. Nights are rough!

Big accomplishment for the day: grocery shopping and menu planning are done, walked in the afternoon

Number of steps on the pedometer: 13,387

Drinking less caffeine – good today, no coffee or cappucino, tea for lunch, water for supper. Also drank water before meals

What I wanted to do today but didn’t get time for: 1) refilling the bird feeder and 2)uploading pictures to the Photo Gallery

TV shows we watched – tonight was slow, only one (24)! πŸ˜€ Tomorrow is different – Idol and House on Fox, NCIS and Race on CBS. Plus, Tim has to work tomorrow night

Odd item I forgot to blog about earlier: Tim installed the new shower massage head thingie in our shower on Saturday. Whew, what a difference it makes. I love taking showers now!

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness

Let’s have some fun! More fill-in-the-blanks! =)

1. Christmas is more fun to celebrate than any other holiday
2. The last vacation I took was to Gatlinburg .
3. The next vacation I plan to take will be to I have no idea! .
4. I’d really like to be more healthy .
5. I can’t remember the last time I ate all the chocolate I wanted!
6. The book I last read (or am currently reading) is current: Shopaholic Ties the Knot .
7. The last program I installed on my computer was ITunes
8. When it comes to food, my weakness is eating at all-you-can-eat Chinese places!!
9. I really look forward to spending time Tim! .

Posted by Stace

Easter Weekend

I’m really late blogging about our Easter weekend. Just been really busy and still trying to get over this sinus stuff. I think I’m starting to turn the corner though, and feel better. πŸ™‚

We left Saturday afternoon for Tim’s parents house. As we were pullling out, he called his mom on his cell phone to see if she needed us to stop and pick up anything (she didn’t), and as he was talking, my cell phone rang, and it was Tim’s brother Terry. He wanted us to go to Home Depot and get some wiring stuff. That little side trip (a funny story in itself) took about an hour and put us later than we had planned on getting there. We did beat the rain though, but a couple of hours after we got there, it started raining and storming and it was a rough night.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Almost Easter

Well, it’s almost Easter for us. The cake is in the oven and we’ll be packing up and heading out in about an hour or two for the in-laws.

I still don’t feel that great. My throat sort of feels like it has ground up glass in it, if you can imagine. I can’t think of a better way to describe it. My head sort of feels like a melon pressing too hard up against a window. HUH? πŸ™‚ I have discovered one thing – this stuff is concentrated in my upper chest and throat. If I lie flat, like on a bed, it tends to pool and I end up coughing every few minutes. I finally figured that out after two nights of not sleeping much at all. Last night, I propped up several pillows on the couch and slept nearly upright, and it was much better. A lot better for Tim too. Not sure how that’s going to work tonight on an air mattress on the floor at the in-laws…. I think I see another couch night in my future!

It’s supposed to storm here later. Better go so we can get out ahead of the bad weather and rain. Hope everyone has a great Easter! Be back tomorrow afternoon late, after the get-together. πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

Date Night

We’ve been out to eat on Friday night for 3 or 4 weeks in a row now, and I am getting pretty spoiled. I really like it!

Today was no exception. Tim got off about an hour early and came home and mowed the weeds. Not the grass, mind you, just the weeds. They are everywhere. I swear, I think they are choking out the grass! πŸ™‚ We went and had dinner at Cinco de Mayo. Tim had his usual (carne asada) and I had the shrimp quesadillas. I think they forgot about our order, because by the time it got to the table, it was almost cold. πŸ™ We went to Home Depot after that, then Marshalls and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Still picking up odds and ends for the bathroom. And Tim decided to get a new shirt for Easter. I have my dress picked out (new – golden yellow with pink and purple flowers and green leaves) and ironed him a shirt to match it today (yellow). Well, he said he dislikes (intensely) that yellow shirt and didn’t want to wear it. So we compromised and got him a green one. He wouldn’t even look at a yellow or pink one :mrgreen:.

Just finished watching part 1 of the season finale of Battlestar Galactica. I am so going to miss that show. I hope it comes back on later in the summer and we don’t have to wait till fall for new episodes.

I probably won’t blog much this weekend. Might have a chance to pop in tomorrow morning, but not for long. I have to make a cake, then pack, and hit the road for the in-laws. Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! See ya Sunday night or Monday. πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver

1. What kind of toothpaste do you use? Crest. Won’t use any other

2. Do you take vitamins? Yes, a multi-vitamin every day

3. Which over-the-counter drug can’t you live without? Tylenol

4. What kind of soap do you have in your shower? Lever2000 for both of us, and what’s left of my Avon Vanilla Shower Gel that Amanda gave me for Christmas. Thanks Amanda! πŸ™‚

5. What is the most unusual item in your medicine cabinet? Hmmm, we’re pretty average I guess. I can’t think of anything unusual or odd.

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast

Friday, March 25, 2005

Appetizer – What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Good grief, more than I wish. The first one that comes to mind is “Any Given Sunday”. Tim tried to watch “Kill Bill” but didn’t make it through the first 30 minutes, thank goodness. I think that would have topped the list if he had made it through.

Soup – Name something that reminds you of your childhood. Certain tv shows, songs, foods. I remember wanting Presh to make me chicken and rice. I remember making pizzas with Gail and Suzanne on the weekends. I remember Daddy making pancakes on that old Presto griddle.

Salad – If you had to live in a large city, which one would you want it to be? Well, I’ve never lived anywhere but Jackson and New Orleans. I could probably live in New Orleans now with Tim, or maybe Atlanta or Dallas. Probably in the South, I don’t know if I could hack the winters in a northern or Rocky climate.

Main Course – What’s a “big word” you like to use to impress people?Hmm, I can’t think of any at the moment, but I’m sure there’s a few! πŸ˜€

Dessert – Describe your hairstyle. Boring. Brown, bangs, slightly above shoulder length. It has a mind of its own and refuses to do what I want. It looks different every day!

Posted by Stace

Still not feeling good

Well, I’m still not feeling very good today. I think it’s a massive sinus thing evolving inside my head. I am having a lot of trouble sleeping, and my throat and head hurt all the time, 24 hours a day. No matter if I take Tylenol or anything else. Argh. I guess it’s the weather – I often get this sinus gunk when the weather shifts in the fall and spring. Today is supposed to be 80 degrees and pretty. Tomorrow it is supposed to storm – I hope it doesn’t ruin Easter.

Not going to do much blogging today… I might do one or two memes later. I saw a couple of good ones this morning.

Have a wonderful Good Friday, anyone out there, and a Happy Easter. πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace



1) On a scale of 1 to 10 how superstitious are you? (10 being very superstitious)
I’m probably about a 5 or maybe a 6. I don’t know why. I did a term paper once on superstitions and learned a ton about them, and I’ve always been wary of them. I think part of that comes from growing up, hearing about the ONE time my dad had a wreck, and that was because that black cat crossed his path!

2) Do you read your horoscope? How often? Nope, I don’t read my horoscope

2) What is one superstition you heed? Well, I heed a lot of them. I don’t like black cats crossing my path and have even, on a few occasions, been known to turn around and go another way. Not all the time, mind you, but a few times. I don’t walk under ladders if I can help it. I do NOT break glass or mirrors if I can help it. Of course, all of those have a practical side too, so maybe that’s it! πŸ™‚ Oh, and I don’t open an umbrella indoors, hardly ever, and I am a bit superstitious about Friday the 13’ths too. Gee, maybe I rate more than a 5 or 6 on a scale from 1-10. πŸ˜€

4) What is one of the most silly superstitions you’ve ever heard? Hmm, well my head is hurting and I can’t think of one. Maybe I will think of one later and come back and add it here.

Posted by Stace

Not much to blog about

Well, I don’t have anything interesting to blog about (and you know what that means, a meme is probably forthcoming! πŸ™‚ ). I had a ton to blog about yesterday, perhaps I should have stretched it out a bit, and not written about all of it last night! Yesterday was a busy day, and either I wore myself out, or else I’m coming down with something. Or maybe both. I don’t feel very well today. Not at all.

I, however, have no right to gripe. Tim was up till about 3:30 last night, working on their code implementation. He said that there were a few problems and that’s why he was so late. Said they were all fixed, and they had touched every line of code they have, and he seemed to be really pleased about it.

OK, time for one meme, then I’m outta here. It is a pretty day, today, downright spring-like. πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Gas is SO high!

Eeks – gas is up to 2.09 a gallon everywhere here. I was all over the place today shopping – on Lakeland Drive, on Hwy 51, on County Line, it was 2.09 at almost every place. My car still has about a half a tank, but Tim’s gas guzzling 4 wheel drive pickup needs gas.

What are you paying for gas where you live? Answer in a comment! πŸ™‚

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