Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

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Wowzers, this is a long one today! I will have to run back and forth and count a bunch of these!!! 😀

How Many……..

1. …computer-related gadgets do you own? Good grief. We own a ton, we are both gadget freaks. We have 3 computers in the office, 2 DVD players, 1 DVD recorder, 2 VCR’s, a rack full of stereo equipment, yada yada yada. I do not have a PDA or iPod, although both are on my wish list. Want it. Don’t need it at all but still seem to want it for some reason. 🙂

2. …pictures on your living room walls? Had to go count. 7 plus the mirror over the mantle.

3. …magnets on your refrigerator? Good grief, too many to count!

4. …reference books in your bookshelves? One, a Webster’s dictionary. Unless you count the decorating 1-2-3 book we bought at Home Depot. I wouldn’t count that or cookbooks, but that’s just me! 😀

5. …boxes of cereal in your cupboards? We keep anywhere from 3-5 boxes/kinds of cereal at a time. One for Tim, cornflakes for eating and baking with, and then a couple of more heart healthy ones for me.

6. …lamps in your house? Good. Grief. Again. Nine.

7. …times a week do you shop for groceries? Once normally, sometimes stopping a second time for fresh produce, fruit, lettuce, etc.

8. …magazines do you subscribe to? 5, I think.

9. …tv programs do you watch on a regular basis? Oh my, we don’t need to go there. Let’s just say that we have 2-3 per night, most nights. Sometimes we have 4, and have to tape them! We both love TV, me more so than Tim.

10. …items on your bathroom counter that don’t really need to be there? Hmmm, most things “need” to be there. We each have a basket with toiletries, Tim has his shaver thingie, I have my curling iron, and then there’s the toothbrush holder, cup, soap dish, etc. Cluttered, but fairly necessary.


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