Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

A New Happy

Yankee Candle Pumpkin Pie housewarmer (10 oz)

Tim wanted to go to Best Buy yesterday after the game, to buy yet another wireless router. Yes, that makes 3 routers that we own. We’re nerds. Geeks. Other techno-named people. Tim got a new laptop at work and it is having trouble connecting with our US Robotics wireless router. Sooooo, of course he had to go buy another router to play with. :mrgreen:

Anyway, since Bed, Bath and Beyond is next door to our Best Buy, I took along my 20% coupon and picked up the Yankee Candle fragrance of the month – Pumpkin Pie. A nice little splurge for the fall, or an early birthday happy, maybe πŸ™‚ Hey – look on the bright side, at least I’m buying smaller ones now and not the larger jar candles! πŸ˜†

Posted by Stace


This weekend was tough for the football fans in our household, namely me and Tim. First, we drove down to Hattiesburg, bought some great tickets to the game (upper tier, 4th row, 50 yard line, someone’s season passes – the people next to us asked “How do you know Benny and Doris? πŸ™‚ ) and then sat through a horrendously painful game. USM lost to Tulsa, and it was not pretty. In fact, it hurt to watch, and we left before it was over. The weather was great though, and the seats and our neighboring fans were terrific, but the game itself was hard. Today proved no different. Brett and the Packers beat Tim’s beloved Saints. No, not beat them, they pounded them, pummeled them, disgraced them, and belittled them. Tough weekend to be a football fan in our little domain. And for those of you who don’t know Tim, you can just imagine what kind of mood he was in after his two favorite teams lost. We love Brett and the Packers, except when they play the Saints! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

A Little Geocaching

On the way down to Hattiesburg on Saturday, we decided to stop and do a quick geocache along the way. We looked online (www.geocaching.com) and found one located near Hwy 49 right outside Magee. Looked like a quick and easy one, so we transferred the info to our GPS, printed out the pertinent info and then headed out. We stopped at Sonic in Richland and I am happy to report that their new Tuscan Grilled Chicken sandwich is very good πŸ™‚ Anyway, we took a wrong turn or two on the way to this particular geocache, but finally found the right obscure road to turn down, and then turned into an area we had no idea was there – McNair Springs Park. There’s an artesian spring there, and a nice little park area, and it’s very hidden and quiet. Very pretty there, and the water was very clear and very cold! It took us a lot longer than we planned to find the geocache – a camo colored match safe. It was buried in the ground, but we dug and dug and dug and finally found it! πŸ™‚ I took a couple of quick pictures, and I’ll include them on the extended page.

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Posted by Stace

Go Team!

Tim got off from work a little early yesterday afternoon (Friday), and so he ran with me to Walmart. Then we went to McAlister’s for a quick supper. Tim was good and ordered a grilled chicken, so he made me feel guilty and I decided not to order something big and fattening, and instead got a turkey melt wrap on whole wheat. πŸ™‚ We watched some new shows on TV last night – Threshold and Numb3rs. Threshold is turning out to be a good show, we really like it.

We’re headed down to the Burg later today, for the USM home game against Tulsa. They play at 7 PM, so we’ll be getting home late. We’re going to stop by my dad’s first and help him with his computer – he finally got his phone back late Thursday. He was out of phone service for like 39 days after Hurricane Katrina. Then, I think he wants to run to Sam’s and pick up some frozen things, to start back filling up his freezer (since he lost everything in the hurricane). After that, we’ll head to The Rock for the game. It should be great weather, it still feels very cool and pleasant here. I might even take my gold Eagle blanket, just in case! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Finished “Vienna Prelude”

Vienna Prelude by Bodie Thoene

I finally finished “Vienna Prelude” by Bodie Thoene late last night. These books are longer than the ones I have been reading lately, and it took me longer to complete. It was a really good book though, and the first in a series of 6 called the “Zion Covenant”. I’m hoping our library has all six, so that I can read them all in order. This book, by the way, was number 31 on my list for the year. Yeah, me! :mrgreen:

I have to hurry and read my other library book that I checked out “Big Cherry Holler”, since they are all due back in a few days!

I will write a review soon on Vienna Prelude on Hambones.org. I also need to write one for “Sahara” which we rented last weekend. πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Feels like Fall!

Yeah, we woke up to moderately cool air outside. Finally. I know it won’t last and will get hot again, but it’s so nice to feel some cool crisp air for a change. It’s 61ΒΊ right now and only supposed to get to 71ΒΊ today. Which is very seasonal for us!

I have all the windows open right now, and it feels so good. I’m thinking it’s still a little early, but since it feels like fall, today might be a good day to go get some pumpkins and mums and seasonal things. πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Photos from last Weekend

Gee, I seem to be a few days behind with this. I honestly forgot that I took these pictures last weekend – I only took about 5 or 6. We went to Zack’s football game (he’s 10) on Saturday, then Tim and I went to the cemetery on Sunday afternoon (after the Saints game), to put new fall flowers on my mom’s grave. Just in case anyone is interested in either event, click the -More- link to see 3 pictures. πŸ™‚

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Posted by Stace

Blog Game

Found this at Big Orange Michael‘s blog:

A New Game

I’ve seen a number of people doing this all across the Blog-sphere. In fact, I think I’ve been tagged by at least one person to do it. So, where goes…

The Rules:

1. Go into your archive.

2. Find your 23rd post.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

5. Tag 7 other people to do the same.

OK, so here’ s mine… my 23rd post was entitled “More Rainy Day Gratitudes” and the 5th sentence was “I’m still grateful for all of those, and more. “

I won’t be tagging anyone specifically, but feel free to play along and reminisce a little about the early days of your blog! πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Remembering Sally

My sweet baby girl passed away 2 years ago today. That was a horrific day. We got up that morning and she was laying so still on her bed. Tim thought she was still breathing, so we rushed her to the vet, but by the time we got there, she was gone. We took her to Tim’s parents farm and buried her under a grove of pine trees.

I still miss her so.

Sally waiting by the door for Tim.

This picture is typical of my Sally girl. Every afternoon about 4:30 or 4:40, she would go to the back door with her toy, waiting on Tim to come home from work. She was too smart for her own good. πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Entertainment Book

>Entertainment Book 2006Our Entertainment Book finally materialized this evening. Tim is a sucker for buying things from people at work selling stuff for their kids fund raisers, and also if he happens to go to the door and one of our neighborhood kids is selling anything. He paid cash for this book in early August, and we had about given up on ever seeing it. Tim couldn’t seem to remember the kid, or where he lived, or his name, or anything, when he handed him the cash 7 or 8 weeks ago. But, it pays to live in a nice neighborhood, as the boy came back today and rang the doorbell with our coupon book. I was might relieved! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Better Now

I’m feeling better now, having survived my trip to all the doctors and labs. We had a snafu with the new insurance, that caused me to make two trips to different places to get all of my tests and lab work done. But, at least it’s over and hopefully everything is ok. I feel like the dark cloud that’s been following me around for a week or two is starting to lift. It will be a couple of weeks before we get all the results, but hopefully everything is fine, and I won’t have to go back. Keeping my fingers crossed, anyway.

Let’s see, what else is going on … Tim had to work last night, and was up till nearly 2 AM. I was still awake, nervous about all my tests and appointments. He worked from home today, which was great for me. We went to a late lunch together at Wood’s, the new “country cooking” place that opened near our house. I went after lunch to another site for more tests, and then stopped by Michael’s on the way home. Got the new Becky Higgins “Sketches 2” book with my 40% off coupon. Then I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up an item for some homemade soup I’m going to make tomorrow.

I think we’ll go walking later, then have supper and settle in for a good night of TV. Tonight is LOST – YEAH! πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace


Yes, I’m filled with dread… I just hope this time tomorrow that I feel better. 24 hours and counting…

Posted by Stace


I posted a new poll on the homepage of Hambones.org, which posed the question “are you watching any new shows this fall season?” Or something along those lines. I thought I would answer mine here, since I tend to be long-winded and ramble on and on and on.

We are trying out a few new shows and sticking with most of the ones we watched last season. I think it’s easier to go day by day, so I’ll start with Mondays:

beware – it’s a long list! πŸ™‚ We watch a lot of TV!

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Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


Oops, missed this one from yesterday…

I say … and you think … ?

Quaint:: Charming
Rind:: Watermelon
Disease:: Sickness
Queer:: Weird
Pork:: Chops
Soaked:: Wet
Skeleton:: Bones
Mold:: Mildew
Finished:: Done
Buffalo:: New York

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

1. What’s on your computer desk? Good grief, what isn’t on it? πŸ™‚ It’s very cluttered. Papers, bills, post-it notes, CD’s, DVD’s, stacks of papers, cable modem, wireless router, Vonage adapter, and the list goes on and on!

2. What does your computer desktop background look like? Rocky shoreline with a beautiful lighthouse

3. What’s on your agenda for the upcoming week? Doctor’s appointment is the biggie this week. I’m dreading it very much. And will breathe a sigh of relief when it’s over, and then worry till I get all the test results back. The fair starts this week though, so maybe I have that to look forward to! πŸ™‚

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