Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Better Now

I’m feeling better now, having survived my trip to all the doctors and labs. We had a snafu with the new insurance, that caused me to make two trips to different places to get all of my tests and lab work done. But, at least it’s over and hopefully everything is ok. I feel like the dark cloud that’s been following me around for a week or two is starting to lift. It will be a couple of weeks before we get all the results, but hopefully everything is fine, and I won’t have to go back. Keeping my fingers crossed, anyway.

Let’s see, what else is going on … Tim had to work last night, and was up till nearly 2 AM. I was still awake, nervous about all my tests and appointments. He worked from home today, which was great for me. We went to a late lunch together at Wood’s, the new “country cooking” place that opened near our house. I went after lunch to another site for more tests, and then stopped by Michael’s on the way home. Got the new Becky Higgins “Sketches 2” book with my 40% off coupon. Then I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up an item for some homemade soup I’m going to make tomorrow.

I think we’ll go walking later, then have supper and settle in for a good night of TV. Tonight is LOST – YEAH! 🙂


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