Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Photos from last Weekend

Gee, I seem to be a few days behind with this. I honestly forgot that I took these pictures last weekend – I only took about 5 or 6. We went to Zack’s football game (he’s 10) on Saturday, then Tim and I went to the cemetery on Sunday afternoon (after the Saints game), to put new fall flowers on my mom’s grave. Just in case anyone is interested in either event, click the -More- link to see 3 pictures. 🙂

Here’s Zack’s team – he’s in the very middle, number 67, his hands are on his helmet:

Zack playing football for the Raleigh Lions

And here’s Zack’s fan club!

Uncle Tim, Grandpa and Dad

And here’s the pretty flowers I found for my mom’s grave:

Flowers on Dodie's Grave

  1. Gail Said,

    The flowers look nice, thanks for doing it.
    We passed by the cemetary last Saturday, on our way (roundabout) from County Line road to Elizabeth’s apt off Northside…..I missed an exit and took the one that goes by the cemetary but we didn’t have time to stop. 🙁

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