Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Weekend Tidbits

We’ve had a busy weekend, here’s a few tidbits:

* Had a nice visit with Tim’s family yesterday, and my dad came up also. We went by the cafe for both breakfast and lunch, and boy, they stay busy there! Zack played both offense and defense in his game, but his team lost by one touchdown. Still good to see him in action!

* I actually worked on a chicken house! I helped with the wiring/netting stuff and rehanging the curtain on one of the houses. Even Terry made a joke about getting a camera, “look, Stacy is working on the chicken house and not off drinking tea or something” 🙂 Haha, they’re all comedians in that family! 😀

* The Saints won today – yeah! Sundays are always happier and brighter around here when Tim’s beloved Saints win

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Posted by Stace

Heading Out

We’re heading out in a minute, and will be gone all day. First, we’re going to the cafe in Raleigh to have breakfast with Tim’s mom, then over to Zack’s football game. Then, we’ll go to Tim’s parents house for the day. He wants to go help his dad with the chicken houses. He says I can help too, but I have no idea about how to put sheet metal up and things like that! 🙂 We’ll see! I will take my book along, just in case! I’m really enjoying my book, and I want to read more on it anyway.

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

4 8 15 16 23 42

1. What is the most important thing you’ve ever lost? Do people count? My mom

2. When is the last time you lost your keys? I don’t think I’ve ever lost my keys. I have a hook they go in, and if they aren’t on the hook, they are in my purse.

3. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your mind? Why, Yes, I have!

4. Are you likely to ask for directions when lost or to continue to wander? Ask for directions

5. Numerology: reliable or just a load of bunk? mostly a load of bunk

Posted by Stace

New Friday Five

From a newer Friday Five site here

1. What kind of computer do you have? (Mac, iBook, Dell, etc.) I personally use a Dell desktop

2. How old is it? Are you happy with it? It’s about 1 1/2 years old, pretty happy with it.

3. How many computers are in your household? (at home if you are away at school) Geesh. Currently 3 desktops and sort of 2 laptops (Tim just got a new one at work and still has the old one right now)

4. What are your favorite games/timewasters on your computer? Mah Johng, surfing blog, cooking and scrapbooking sites

5. If money were no object, what kind of computer would you like to have? a nice big flatscreen Toshiba notebook

Posted by Stace

Daily Babble

Not a lot going on to blog about… Tim had to work late last night, but got a good meal out of it. 🙂 He got in right before 9:00, and I was totally engrossed in Lost. We watched Invasion, then I watched Lost again with him on the tape. The bigwigs were still there today, so he’s been in meetings all day.

It’s cooler here today, in the mid 70’s right now, and I have most of the windows open. So nice to have some fresh air in the house. And even nicer not to have to run the AC, that bill is going to be killer. It’s supposed to be in the low 50’s tonight, which will be great. Fall can’t get here soon enough for me. :mrgreen: Of course, this is just a temporary thing, it’s supposed to get back in to the 80’s and 90’s starting tomorrow. Oh well, I’ll take what I can get!

Looking forward to another good night of TV (yes, I have my priorities straight!) – tonight is Survivor, CSI and Without a Trace. I think I’ll record Alias, which moved from Wednesdays to Thursdays. Not sure I’ll like this season with her pregnant on the show, but we may give it a try. We still have lots of shows taped from earlier this week that we haven’t watched yet. 🙂

Posted by Stace

A New Flag!

Look what we got from Mark and Amanda! Isn’t it great – a nice new flag to hang out front. We waited until the rains from Rita had passed to put it out, so it wouldn’t get messed up so soon. Doesn’t it look good?!! 😀

USM Flag

Posted by Stace

Long Day

Today’s going to be a long day for me, but even longer for Tim. They have some bigwigs flying in today, and have meetings all day today and tomorrow. Plus, he has to go out to eat dinner with the out of town execs tonight, so he won’t be home till about 9 or after. So, today will really be a long day for him, and me too. The good news is that I won’t cook supper tonight though! I’ll just fix myself something quick, like fried rice and an eggroll or something like that. I’m afraid I’m not that devoted of a wife though – I will tape Lost for him, but I plan to watch it too and not wait on him! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Lunch Date

I was sitting here at the computer, minding my own business, typing up the blog entry below about Monday and Tuesday. Next thing I know, I hear a key in the door and in walks Tim! He needed some disks he had brought home, so he ran home to get them. He offered to take me to lunch, so me being me, I jumped up and went with him! 🙂 We tried out a new place near our house. It used to be Woods restaurant, which we’d been to before, they serve “country cooking” – meat, veggies, rolls, cornbread, etc. It’s in the same building and same type food, but owned by the people that have Fannin Mart out in Fannin. Really good, down-home cooking. We both had fried chicken (that’s the first time in months, maybe a year or more that I’ve had fried chicken!), mashed potatoes and veggies from the buffet. Had to splurge because they had caramel pie on the buffet, so we had dessert too! It was good, and we really enjoyed it, but I thought it was pretty pricey. Lunch buffet (food, dessert, bread, tea) was 8.99 plus tax, which I thought was high for lunch. But, it was nice to go out to lunch for a change, during the week, with Tim – on a surprise, so it was worth it! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Monday & Tuesday

I just realized I never sat down yesterday and blogged about my day. I stayed so busy, I didn’t spend a lot of time on the computer. Which is rare for me! 😆

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What are the last two…

1. TV shows you watched? Monday Night Football and a tape of 7th Heaven

2. household chores you finished? Laundry and Dusting

3. food items you ate? Bowl of cheerios for breakfast and a cup of cappucino

4. websites (before here) you visited? Hambones & iTunes

5. things you do before you go to sleep? Brush my teeth and read my book

Posted by Stace

Finished “Miss Julia Takes Over”

Miss Julia Takes OverI finished the second book in the “Miss Julia” series yesterday afternoon. Same people and places as the first one, with a continuation of the story. I really enjoyed it. These books have a great Southern flair to them, and a charming down-home dialogue. I am looking forward to getting all of the rest of them, or at least the ones my library has, and reading them all. That was #30 for the year.

I started a new book last night, “Vienna Prelude” by Bodie Thoene. This is the first book in the Zion Chronicles. The print is smaller in these books than others I have read lately, and the book is thicker, so this one is going to take me a bit longer to read! I think it’s going to be good though. I only read a chapter or two last night, but I think it will grab my attention. We’ll see! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

1. Ice cream or Yogurt? Ice Cream

2. What’s your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit

3. Do you play video games? If yes, what game system(s) do you use? No, we have an old Playstation, but we never play it.

4. If you were given a chance to change your name, would you do it? If yes, what would your new name be? I never liked my name, but I don’t think I’d change it now… I would never think to answer to the new one! 🙂

5. What are the last 2 blogs that you’ve visited? Please share the links with us so we can check them out. Dawn’s Blog and Sugarfused

6. What’s your biggest frustration? Good grief. I don’t know. I know lots of little things aggravate me, but that’s not really frustration. I have lots of flaws, I worry too much, I’m clumsy. Again, not really frustration. I’ll have to think on this one some more! 😀

Posted by Stace

Variation on a Theme: Fall Look

This blog should look slightly different to you as of tonight…. hopefully, you’re seeing the new autumn look.

Don’t get me wrong – I love my barn design, and will go back to it sooner or later, but in the mean time, I took that design and played around with it some. I changed the colors around a bit, to be more fall-like. Also, I used a photo I took in the mountains last October. We went to Gatlinburg for my birthday and even though the colors were not at their peak, we still saw some nice fall color and I got some good pictures. I’m hoping that even though the weather doesn’t feel like fall, this new blog design will tide me over until it does feel more like it outside!

Enjoy! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Gluckstadt Germanfest

Tim and I have been going up to St Joseph’s every fall for years now, to their Gluckstadt Germanfest. We go for the food, needless to say! We were afraid with all the wind and rain that they would postpone it, but drove up to check it out just in case, and were happy to find that they were selling the food, and the country store was open in one of their buildings. Everything else had to be cancelled, all the bands, games for the kids, hayrides, pony rides, etc, but the stuff we were interested in was still available! It was pouring rain, and we both got soaked going in and out of the two places for our booty, but we got everything we wanted. Enough bratwurst for lunch and supper, plus a shish-ke-bob for Tim, an apple strudel for me (my first!), extra jars of sauerkraut that the parishioners make themselves, starting in June or July, plus some German mustard. I always get a T-shirt too, I love their logos and shirts. We got home in time for the Saints game, which once again was most painful to watch. I told Tim he will have extra DVD’s before long — I can’t see him keeping these games for his library, so I expect he will start recording over them again soon. I can barely watch them play so pitifully the first time, with all the interceptions, fumbles and penalties, much less watch it again on the DVD we record.

It’s been raining off and on all day, so we’re going to stay here the rest of the afternoon. Watch more football and finish our books. Tim is nearly through with the one he’s been reading (I will have to find him another one soon), and I started one from the library yesterday and read most of the day on it, and now have just 11 pages left. Yeah for me!

Posted by Stace

Remnants of Rita

Well, I’m a big enough person to admit when I’m wrong. And this time, I’m really glad I was wrong. When we got up this morning, I looked at the radar and the track of the storm, and thought we wouldn’t get any rain. I was wrong – it’s been raining off and on all afternoon. My grass, flowers and shrubs are getting a nice constant showering of rain, and I’m profoundly happy and grateful for that. Also glad that this storm, bad though it was, wasn’t worse and wasn’t as bad as Katrina.

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