Exceedingly Mundane

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Archive for August, 2005

Posted by Stace

A Happy a Day – August 18

So far today, at least two things have really made me happy:

1. Air Conditioning. It’s so hot here. My flowers and grass are all shriveled up. I went out this morning with the intention of watering all of them. I gave up after the flowers. Decided the grass could just wither and die and I would be ok with that. 😆

2. Those Office Max commercials – I keep seeing them every day at lunch. You know the ones, they came out last year, with the guy in the funny clothes, dancing around and helping folks with their office supply needs, all the while the old song “Rubber Band Man” is playing in the background. Love those commercials. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Chili Cheese Nachos::

Onesome: Chili– Okay, chili with beans or chili without beans? …and how hot? …and do you make your own? (recipes are accepted ) Hmm, real chili needs to have beans. If we fix a quick chili to have with hot dogs, it can be without. When I make chili in the winter, I usually use red kidney beans, occasionally I’ll use those chili hot beans. I think there are a couple of recipes on the main website here. Not sure if the recipe for my “regular” chili is posted; I make it sort of like my mom did, a little of this and a little of that! Oh, and mine is not very hot, Tim always adds Tobasco to his, but I don’t like hot stuff.

– …and with cheese on top? ..or is that an abomination? …and while we’re at it: hamburgers or cheese burgers? Oh, I could go on and on and on… I love cheese and could eat it alone, on top of anything, any which a way! I usually don’t put cheese on burgers though, try to save those calories!

Threesome: Nachos– Now the serious one for the southwesterners (and others of distinction ): What’s on your nachos? Cheese? Seven layers of fun stuff? What’s a nacho? Hmmm… We’re going to have to do recipes for sure this Winter! This would be a better question for Tim, he loves nachos more than I do. I cannot stand jalapenos, so I don’t like nachos that much.

Posted by Stace

Eating Pie

I finished this scrapbook layout tonight, one of two I’m going to do from Thanksgiving nearly three years ago. Yes, I’m perpetually behind. 😀 But then again, it wouldn’t be any fun if I didn’t have a choice of what to scrap, huh!

This one is of everyone eating pumpkin and pecan pie after the big feast.

Eating Pie Scrapbook layout

Posted by Stace


Ooops, forgot to mention that I finished another book – “Shopaholic Takes Manhatten”. I am not going to post a review for it in the Reviews section of Hambones. All of these Shopaholic books are very similar, same character, same shopping extravagazas. All very light and entertaining and I enjoy them very much, but probably nothing anyone else is interested in.

That was #21, and now I’m on to my next book. I’m going to give the “Harmony” series by Philip Gulley a try. I checked 2 out from the library and started on the first one “Home to Harmony” the other night. So far, they haven’t grabbed me as much as the Mitford ones did (or did it take me a while to get into those, can’t remember!). But, I’ll keep reading, I think they will be good.

I still have it as my goal to read at least 25 books before the end of the year. That’s very attainable, considering that once I finish the two I currently have checked out from the library, that will put me at 23 completed. I might have to shoot for 30 after that! 😀

Posted by Stace


much going on, nothing much to blog about. Which is the way I like my days and weeks to go 🙂

I was gone all day Monday, and so I’ve been more than happy to stay home since then. Especially with the rising price of gas, something I have been meaning to blog about, but haven’t. Wouldn’t you know, just as soon as we trade in my nice gas-mileage-friendly sedan and get a gas-guzzling SUV, the gas prices go through the roof. I swear, I think they’ve gone up 30 or 40 cents a gallon since we got the Explorer. All the more reason to stay home. I try to consolidate my errands now, and hold off on running around for no good reason. Heaven knows, Tim likes to do this enough on the weekends, so I feel it’s necessary to conserve during the week. :mrgreen: Especially with all the birthdays, holidays, football games and hunting trips that will be coming up in the next few months. And at over $50 a shot to fill up each of our gas guzzlers, I’m going to try to keep road-running to a minimum.

Anyhoo, today…

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

A Happy a Day – August 17

Something that makes me happy today – Crystal Light Peach tea. Elizabeth told me about it a few weeks ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. I have 2 glasses every day with my lunch.

I just searched and you can even buy it through Amazon! Gotta love Amazon too 😀

Peach Tea

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme


1. Are you more of a morning person or a night person? Explain: I’m a night owl. I’m a terrible grouch in the mornings; always have been.

2. Name the two longest times you have gone without sleep: Hmmm, I value sleep so it’s hard to come up with any! I know when I went on my senior trip in high school (cruise to the Bahamas), I didn’t sleep hardly at all, and when we flew home, I think I slept for 16 or 18 hours the first night. Also, my junior year of college, I took 21 hours of classes and that semester’s finals week nearly did me in.

3. Do you “function” with little sleep or do you require a “full night” of sleep? No, I absolutely positively must have a good night’s sleep. Or else I’m a total grouch and can’t think straight. I get a headache if I don’t get enough sleep! 🙂

4. What two things can cause you to lose sleep? Explain: Worrying about anything or stressing about anything. Also, not really “losing sleep”, but if I mess up and have a cappuccino at 8:30 PM at Cups (like I did last year), then I will still be awake at 3 AM. :mrgreen:

5. Do you or someone you know suffer from any sleep disorders? Explain: I think Fred has sleep apnea. Also, I know Suzie has been to a sleep clinic and I think she may have a form of sleep apnea also. Suzie? Bueller? Anyone?

Posted by Stace

Thought for the Day

This was in an email I got…. so true! I work very hard at making this a beautiful reality. 🙂

Surround yourself with what you love, Whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

Posted by Stace

A Happy a Day – August 16

Well, today’s is not so much something that just makes me jump up and down for joy. More of like, I’m so happy and thankful to have this today.


Today, I’m happy to have Tylenol to help with my headache. I woke up with a horrible headache and it’s tolerable if I’m taking tylenol. So, thank goodness we have a big bottle in the house 🙂

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

This week’s questions are all about you! Nothing personal; just for fun…

1. On what day of the week were you born? Sunday. You know, Sunday’s child is full of grace. Blah blah blah. That’s me 😀
2. Do you look forward to birthdays? Now that I have Tim, I do. I never really did before I met him. 😐
3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? With Tim, nothing special usually, but last year he took me to the mountains. Which was fantabulous :mrgreen:
4. Do you like surprises? Not usually
5. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? No
6. How many family and friends’ birthdays can you remember right off the top of your head? Very few. Me and that horrible memory problem
7. Do you send cards to your family and friends on their birthday? Yes, mostly family
8. What kind of cake do you like? Um, well, let’s see… gotta think about that one. Not. DUH! Chocolate!
9. What kind of ice cream goes best with it? French Vanilla
10. When is your birthday? (You don’t have to share the year with us if you answer this question.) October 18

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings

A day late and a dollar short, but I’m doing my word associations anyway 😆

I say … and you think … ?

Idiot:: Stupid
Rocket:: Science
Liability:: Asset
Harmless:: won’t hurt a fly
Stringy:: greasy
Gwyneth:: Paltrow
Use it or lose it:: huh?
Theater:: Broadway
Sonic:: YUM!
Pucker:: up

Posted by Stace

Funny for the Day

Just saw this, in someone’s signature and it made me laugh 🙂

“I used to skinny dip….now I chunky dunk.”

Posted by Stace

A Happy a Day – August 15

I have at least two things that I’m really happy about today:

1. I got to go get a bunch of gift cards for everyone, for participating in the Hambones one year celebrations at the main website. It was so much fun for me to do all of that, and getting other people little happies always brings a big smile to my face.

2. I went back to Hobby Lobby again today, because they were having a big scrapbook sale and many many items were 50% off. I got a bunch of paper and some stickers, so that made me really happy! Maybe later tonight or tomorrow I’ll take a picture of all my loot and post it. Something only a scrapper would understand, but it makes me really happy to have new paper and stickers and things to fondle and play with!! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Busy as a Bee

I’ve been busier than a bee all day today, running around. I had a lot of personal errands to run, and also wanted to go out and get most of the gift cards that family and friends won on our Hambones Anniversary celebrations that finished up this morning. I think all together, I made 11 or 12 stops today! Whew! I still have a couple more to go, and then get them all mailed or arranged to get to people. I hope everyone really enjoyed playing in all the little silly games we had on the main website as part of the one year festivities.

Posted by Stace

A Happy A Day – August 14

Today I’m happy because it’s peaceful, quiet and we’re staying home and spending the whole day together!
