Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


much going on, nothing much to blog about. Which is the way I like my days and weeks to go 🙂

I was gone all day Monday, and so I’ve been more than happy to stay home since then. Especially with the rising price of gas, something I have been meaning to blog about, but haven’t. Wouldn’t you know, just as soon as we trade in my nice gas-mileage-friendly sedan and get a gas-guzzling SUV, the gas prices go through the roof. I swear, I think they’ve gone up 30 or 40 cents a gallon since we got the Explorer. All the more reason to stay home. I try to consolidate my errands now, and hold off on running around for no good reason. Heaven knows, Tim likes to do this enough on the weekends, so I feel it’s necessary to conserve during the week. :mrgreen: Especially with all the birthdays, holidays, football games and hunting trips that will be coming up in the next few months. And at over $50 a shot to fill up each of our gas guzzlers, I’m going to try to keep road-running to a minimum.

Anyhoo, today…

I’ve stayed home and caught up on laundry, cleaning and also did a bunch of cooking. I had ordered a new filter for one of our air machines and it came in today. I am feeling better already, with clean filters in the air machines and central AC unit. When those things start clogging up, I get stopped up, stuffy head, headache, sinus, etc. I really think I am starting to get really allergic to dust.

Today, I was on a “homemade” cooking streak. I made some homemade honey wheat bread and some homemade potato soup. I just posted more info about them in the Cooking forum on Hambones, and also posted the recipes here and here. Both were modified from AllRecipes.com. Looking forward to leftovers for lunch tomorrow :mrgreen:

I started a new scrapbook layout today, from Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. I’m sooo behind. I need to get my rear in gear and get more done. It’s just really really hard for me to be decisive. I have so much cardstock, pattern paper, stickers and embellishments, that I can’t settle and decide what to use on each page and how to use it. Sigh. Too many decisions for someone like me who’s pretty indecisive. Tell me again, why do I have this hobby? 😆

Tim had a rough day and is vegging on the couch. Something he rarely does, so I know he’s wiped out. He’s staring mindlessly at some old movie. He worked last night till after midnight on some of the themes on Hambones. He learned how to make buttons and highlight them with mouse-overs, cool stuff. Gotta get him to show me how to do that one day. He wants me to design more stuff for Hambones, but I just want to work on blog design. 😀


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