Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Chili Cheese Nachos::

Onesome: Chili– Okay, chili with beans or chili without beans? …and how hot? …and do you make your own? (recipes are accepted ) Hmm, real chili needs to have beans. If we fix a quick chili to have with hot dogs, it can be without. When I make chili in the winter, I usually use red kidney beans, occasionally I’ll use those chili hot beans. I think there are a couple of recipes on the main website here. Not sure if the recipe for my “regular” chili is posted; I make it sort of like my mom did, a little of this and a little of that! Oh, and mine is not very hot, Tim always adds Tobasco to his, but I don’t like hot stuff.

– …and with cheese on top? ..or is that an abomination? …and while we’re at it: hamburgers or cheese burgers? Oh, I could go on and on and on… I love cheese and could eat it alone, on top of anything, any which a way! I usually don’t put cheese on burgers though, try to save those calories!

Threesome: Nachos– Now the serious one for the southwesterners (and others of distinction ): What’s on your nachos? Cheese? Seven layers of fun stuff? What’s a nacho? Hmmm… We’re going to have to do recipes for sure this Winter! This would be a better question for Tim, he loves nachos more than I do. I cannot stand jalapenos, so I don’t like nachos that much.

  1. Gail Said,

    ::Chili Cheese Nachos::

    Onesome: Chili– Okay, chili with beans or chili without beans? …and how hot? …and do you make your own? (recipes are accepted )
    with beans; mild or medium and I usually make it.

    – …and with cheese on top? ..or is that an abomination? …and while we’re at it: hamburgers or cheese burgers?
    yes, cheese if we are using it to make taco salad. if i’m making hamburgers at home, I leave the cheese off mine usually, but if ordering it out, sometimes will get it with cheese!

    Threesome: Nachos– Now the serious one for the southwesterners (and others of distinction ): What’s on your nachos? Cheese? Seven layers of fun stuff? What’s a nacho? Hmmm… We’re going to have to do recipes for sure this Winter!
    love nachos, with anything that is on them! like meat, cheese, jalapenos or whatever…but I don’t eat them very often at all!

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