Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme


1. Are you more of a morning person or a night person? Explain: I’m a night owl. I’m a terrible grouch in the mornings; always have been.

2. Name the two longest times you have gone without sleep: Hmmm, I value sleep so it’s hard to come up with any! I know when I went on my senior trip in high school (cruise to the Bahamas), I didn’t sleep hardly at all, and when we flew home, I think I slept for 16 or 18 hours the first night. Also, my junior year of college, I took 21 hours of classes and that semester’s finals week nearly did me in.

3. Do you “function” with little sleep or do you require a “full night” of sleep? No, I absolutely positively must have a good night’s sleep. Or else I’m a total grouch and can’t think straight. I get a headache if I don’t get enough sleep! 🙂

4. What two things can cause you to lose sleep? Explain: Worrying about anything or stressing about anything. Also, not really “losing sleep”, but if I mess up and have a cappuccino at 8:30 PM at Cups (like I did last year), then I will still be awake at 3 AM. :mrgreen:

5. Do you or someone you know suffer from any sleep disorders? Explain: I think Fred has sleep apnea. Also, I know Suzie has been to a sleep clinic and I think she may have a form of sleep apnea also. Suzie? Bueller? Anyone?

  1. Gail Said,


    1. Are you more of a morning person or a night person? Explain:
    maybe a little bit of both….when the kids were all little, I was definitely a night owl, staying up late at night was the only time I could do anything by myself or work on something without being interrupted! Now, I would rather get up early and get things done earlier in the day or morning, I work better now doing it that way. I still like to read late at night, so it’s hard for me to do both, stay up late and get up early….after a few days, I’m usually too tired to do it all the time.

    2. Name the two longest times you have gone without sleep:
    I can’t really recall anything off the top of my head…..there have been times I’ve stayed up late doing things and get to bed in the wee hours of the morning. When we travel and drive all night I don’t sleep much then either.
    3. Do you “function” with little sleep or do you require a “full night” of sleep?
    I can function with little sleep a night but can only do that for a few days and then have to have more sleep. I usually don’t sleep 8 hours at nights though.

    4. What two things can cause you to lose sleep? Explain:
    If something is bothering me, I might not sleep as well. Or if I have cappucino too late! Or if I have eaten a big meal later than I’m used to, I have trouble sleeping but usually once I go to sleep, I can sleep pretty good. I often wake up during the night, which I don’t like at all! But I don’t seem to be able to do something about it.

    5. Do you or someone you know suffer from any sleep disorders? Explain:
    not that I can think of off the top of my head. Kathryn always thought she had sleep problems, but I don’t think she ever went to get it checked out.

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