Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Archive for March, 2005

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness button

Wowzers, this is a long one today! I will have to run back and forth and count a bunch of these!!! 😀

How Many……..

1. …computer-related gadgets do you own? Good grief. We own a ton, we are both gadget freaks. We have 3 computers in the office, 2 DVD players, 1 DVD recorder, 2 VCR’s, a rack full of stereo equipment, yada yada yada. I do not have a PDA or iPod, although both are on my wish list. Want it. Don’t need it at all but still seem to want it for some reason. 🙂

2. …pictures on your living room walls? Had to go count. 7 plus the mirror over the mantle.

3. …magnets on your refrigerator? Good grief, too many to count!

4. …reference books in your bookshelves? One, a Webster’s dictionary. Unless you count the decorating 1-2-3 book we bought at Home Depot. I wouldn’t count that or cookbooks, but that’s just me! 😀

5. …boxes of cereal in your cupboards? We keep anywhere from 3-5 boxes/kinds of cereal at a time. One for Tim, cornflakes for eating and baking with, and then a couple of more heart healthy ones for me.

6. …lamps in your house? Good. Grief. Again. Nine.

7. …times a week do you shop for groceries? Once normally, sometimes stopping a second time for fresh produce, fruit, lettuce, etc.

8. …magazines do you subscribe to? 5, I think.

9. …tv programs do you watch on a regular basis? Oh my, we don’t need to go there. Let’s just say that we have 2-3 per night, most nights. Sometimes we have 4, and have to tape them! We both love TV, me more so than Tim.

10. …items on your bathroom counter that don’t really need to be there? Hmmm, most things “need” to be there. We each have a basket with toiletries, Tim has his shaver thingie, I have my curling iron, and then there’s the toothbrush holder, cup, soap dish, etc. Cluttered, but fairly necessary.

Posted by Stace

Finished “The Guardian”

I finished the book “The Guardian” by Nicholas Sparks earlier tonight. I put a review of it Here on Hambones.org

I really enjoyed this book! It started out fairly quickly, and then really picked up the pace, to where it was hard to put down. I have read most all of Nicholas Sparks books, from the very first, his incredible love story “The Notebook”. While I have enjoyed all of them, this one was a nice change of pace, with the added element of mystery & intrigue. A good love story/thriller combination!

Up next: Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas, by James Patterson. My last of 3 books I checked out a couple of weeks ago from the library. They have one on hold for me that should be in this week, the next Stephanie Plum one, called “Three to get Deadly”. I better get busy and read this one! I have never read any of James Patterson’s books. But Amanda gave this one a good review on Hambones (check it out Here). And thanks Amanda, for the warning, I’m off to find some Kleenex before I get started! 😀

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


From This site.

I say … and you think … ?

Stink:: smelly
Renewal:: life
I remember…:: my mom
Loneliness:: sorrow
Ooooh:: chocolate!
For real:: really?
Titanium:: golf club
Get down:: dance
Rupture:: burst
Dramatic:: flair

Posted by Stace

Rain Rain, Go Away

Well, it’s just been horribly dreary and rainy here all day. Perfect day to stay home and read a book! So that’s what we have been doing. I just finished reading “The Guardian” by Nicholas Sparks. Tim is still reading “The Broker” by Grisham. I need to go write a review on Hambones for my book. I’m not sure if I will start my last one today or not – I checked 3 out of the library about 2 weeks ago and I have finished two of them.

We’re watching MS State play Duke (March Madness) on TV and so far they are not doing well. Which is not surprising, it is Duke after all!

We have one more movie we rented left to watch – Ray. Should watch it later tonight. 🙂

Posted by Stace

In and Out

Another good day. Nothing overly eventful. Just like that ole country song goes, “just another day in paradise” 😀

David spent the night last night and we all slept in a bit since it’s a Saturday. We got up and made a big breakfast for the guys (I just ate cereal). Tim did most of the cooking, but I helped a bit. They had homemade biscuits, deer sausage, eggs and grits. David left a little while later, headed for the coast on spring break. I hope he has a safe trip! Tim worked for a while on the Hambones server, doing some partitioning work he had been wanting to do for a while. I stayed busy doing laundry, picking up, some paperwork and also doing some chores around here.

We hung the new Levolor rattan roman shade/blind in our bathroom. It looks good! I like the effect, but you can sort of see through it, so that is really weirding me out. Tim went outside and said you couldn’t see in through it, but I could see out pretty well. That is going to take some serious getting used to!

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Posted by Stace

Friday Surprise

Look what my sweetheart of a husband came home from work with and surprised me:


And because they are so pretty and these pictures don’t do them justice, I tried another angle 😀


Tim told me a little funny about when he was buying these…

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Posted by Stace

Friday PM – Too Busy to Blog

Well, Friday turned out too busy to even find time after lunch to do any blogging. I ended up going shopping all afternoon, even though I didn’t feel great. My throat is still a bit scratchy and I just seem generally weary for some reason. Must be our modified sleeping schedule. Anyway, I knew that time was running out to find an Easter dress, so I was on a mission! I had several other stops I wanted to make. I hope Tim got paid yesterday, because I ended up spending a lot of money! :mrgreen:

I had to go to the tax assessor’s office first and get the tag renewed on my car. Then I hit Target and bought some more red Kitchenaid silicone bakeware. Tim had given me a set for my birthday and I found more at Target, so I got another piece. I also bought more of their cherry limeade bottled stuff, sugar free, caffeine free, calorie free. 😀 And a few other assorted items. Then, I headed to Bed, Bath and Beyond with a coupon in hand, to get another Yankee candle. I LOVE those things. They smell so good. The scent of the month is Clean Cotton, which I love. They were already on sale there, so with the coupon, I saved almost half off the original price! 🙂

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Posted by Stace

One more Meme!!

From This site…

Friday, March 18th 2005

FQ TOPIC: Green.

FQ1: Something green you like to eat… Broccoli!

FQ2: Something green you like to wear… My favorite sweatshirt… from Big Cedar Lodge

FQ3: Something green you like to look at… Tim’s eyes! Hazel, but sorta green most of the time 🙂

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver

From This site…

1. What’s the first physical feature that attracts you to another person? Eyes. Always. I have a huge thing about eyes.

2. Do you read the tabloids (i.e. The National Enquirer, The Mirror)? Nope, no way.

3. Have you ever snuck a peek at someone else’s paper while taking an exam? Nope, I was always too busy acing them on my own! hehehe 🙂

4. How would you describe your vision? I think it’s still pretty good. I don’t think I’ve had an eye exam since I started elementary school! 😮

5. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen? A HUGE snake in my yard that I almost stepped on.

Posted by Stace

Thursday PM

Well, Tim didn’t do the last set of code changes last night with work. They had some other problems/issues at work, and he said that they postponed it till Tuesday night. He goes on-call today, for two weeks, so he would be doing that call anyway, I guess.

Tim watched some basketball last night, started a new book (The Broker by Grisham), and took a “ranger nap” or two on the couch. I read my book (The Guardian) and napped some, too. We were both really tired. My throat is starting to hurt and feel scratchy, so I didn’t feel all that great. Not much else going on!

Posted by Stace

Gift Card

OOOOHHHH!!!!!! In yesterday’s mail there was a circular from the new Kohl’s that opened up out on Lakeland. On the front is a $10 gift card! Woo-hoo, gotta go out there and do more shopping. Not that they haven’t already gotten a ton of our money. Tim bought my set of Calphalon out there, and we bought some new stuff for our bathroom that we redid. They have plenty of our money already, but heck, if they are going to send me a gift card, they are going to get more! 😀

Posted by Stace


Sorry guys, Thursday is a good day for memes, so here we go again! Please post your answer in the comments section, if you want to play along! 🙂


1) What was your very first job where you received a paycheck? Good grief, I was 12 or 13 years old and I worked as a receptionist/file clerk at a local photography studio. I loved it though, and the idea of earning my own money was intensely exhiliarating at that age. It didn’t even bother me that I had to have my dad drop me off and pick me up! I worked a few days a week after school and I loved it. Loved the photography too, got a camera that year for Christmas because I was so enamored of taking pictures. That, as you all know, is still with me! 🙂

2) Did the job require you to wear a uniform – – take a moment and describe? Nope, I just wore my regular clothes, whatever I had worn to school that day.

3) How long did you keep your first job? I think I worked there almost a year, as long as they needed me and could pay me. Maybe it was shorter. My memory is terrible and that was a long time ago!

4) When you left your first job was it because you quit or were you fired? They ran out of work or money, or both!

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome

::Happy St. Patrick’s Day::

Onesome: Happy– No matter what’s going on in your life, what always makes you smile? Tim. Thinking about him, seeing him, spending time with him, looking at pictures of him, anything that has to do with Tim makes me smile. 🙂

Twosome: St. Patrick’s– St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it? I try to wear green, but that’s about it. I have had a blinkie in my forum profile on Hambones for a couple of weeks, though. I used to go to the St Paddy’s Day Parade downtown years ago, before I met Tim, but it was small then, and not a big deal. That was before Jill Connor Browne and the Sweet Potato Queens got so big. 😀

Threesome: Day– What day of the week is your busiest? Tell us about your schedule… Monday is the busiest day for me. I try to not do things on the weekends like chores, cleaning, errands, etc, so that Tim and I can spend all of our time together. So Monday is my catch-up day and usually the day that the house is the dirtiest. About half the time, it’s also my big grocery shopping day. Not that I’m complaining though, I have it made and I know it!

Posted by Stace


Geez, I’m cold this morning. Don’t know what it is. I just went and fixed myself a cappucino to try to warm up. It’s cold and dreary outside, but I’ve got the heat running in the house and I’m still cold.

Not a lot going on yet…. I will post a meme or two later. Jeremy has already left for the studio. We had a great visit with him, and just wished 1) that he could have stayed longer and 2) that Kathryn had been able to come with him. Maybe next time! He played a couple of the tracks from the new CD that they are mixing this week. We really liked the two that he played, and are looking forward to the new CD. Jeremy said the tracks should be up on their website for downloading, so I can’t wait for that! I’ll post the link as soon we get it, so others can go download them too, and enjoy them. 🙂

OK, off to drink the rest of my cappucino and hopefully warm up. Happy St Patricks Day everyone! Hope you all have some green on! That’s the poll on the homepage of Hambones today, are you wearing green?! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Jeremy’s Here!!

Sitting here watching TV with Tim and Jeremy, it don’t get much better than that! 🙂

Let’s see, not a big blogging-event kind of day overall, but what the heck, I don’t usually have much to blog about anyway! 😀

We slept in a little late today, as Tim got up and worked last night starting at 1 AM. Things went well with their code project though, so that was really good. Today was a dreary day, very cloudy and grey and actually pretty cold. Rained and misted a bit too. Not a great day to get out and about, so I stayed home. Got a lot of misc chores and things done around the house. Jeremy got here about 5 PM and had supper with us (pork chops, peas, green beans and roasted potatoes), and then we watched a bunch of TV. Poor Jeremy, they were all shows that he doesn’t normally watch, so he had to suffer through all of them!

Not much else going on, hope everyone out there had a great day! 🙂
