Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome

::Happy St. Patrick’s Day::

Onesome: Happy– No matter what’s going on in your life, what always makes you smile? Tim. Thinking about him, seeing him, spending time with him, looking at pictures of him, anything that has to do with Tim makes me smile. 🙂

Twosome: St. Patrick’s– St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it? I try to wear green, but that’s about it. I have had a blinkie in my forum profile on Hambones for a couple of weeks, though. I used to go to the St Paddy’s Day Parade downtown years ago, before I met Tim, but it was small then, and not a big deal. That was before Jill Connor Browne and the Sweet Potato Queens got so big. 😀

Threesome: Day– What day of the week is your busiest? Tell us about your schedule… Monday is the busiest day for me. I try to not do things on the weekends like chores, cleaning, errands, etc, so that Tim and I can spend all of our time together. So Monday is my catch-up day and usually the day that the house is the dirtiest. About half the time, it’s also my big grocery shopping day. Not that I’m complaining though, I have it made and I know it!


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