Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Jeremy’s Here!!

Sitting here watching TV with Tim and Jeremy, it don’t get much better than that! 🙂

Let’s see, not a big blogging-event kind of day overall, but what the heck, I don’t usually have much to blog about anyway! 😀

We slept in a little late today, as Tim got up and worked last night starting at 1 AM. Things went well with their code project though, so that was really good. Today was a dreary day, very cloudy and grey and actually pretty cold. Rained and misted a bit too. Not a great day to get out and about, so I stayed home. Got a lot of misc chores and things done around the house. Jeremy got here about 5 PM and had supper with us (pork chops, peas, green beans and roasted potatoes), and then we watched a bunch of TV. Poor Jeremy, they were all shows that he doesn’t normally watch, so he had to suffer through all of them!

Not much else going on, hope everyone out there had a great day! 🙂


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