Another one of my gifts from Tim… more to come!
For the last several years, I’ve been making sticky buns at Christmas. It’s a very easy recipe, but I “save” it for the holidays and usually only make it at Christmas. In years past, when we are always gone Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day, I make it a day or so early, whenever we are going to open our presents to each other and be home. This year was the first year ever that I have made them on Christmas Eve night and we’ve had them on Christmas morning. Daddy was here with us this year, and I think he enjoyed them too.
Tim pronounced that he could eat these 365 days a year. He said he loved them better than anything. I asked if that meant better than a ribeye or prime rib and he hesitated, but in keeping with the spirit of the moment, he said “yes, better than a steak”. We’ll see about that!
You can find the recipe here on Hambones.
Here’s what they look like before:
And after coming out of the oven the next morning:
We’re fairly weary today, after the long Christmas weekend. Lots going on, both here and at Tim’s parents house. Yesterday was really great, but a long day and we were really late getting in. We slept late this morning and are going to take it easy today. I have piles of laundry to do, and have started them, and am now having trouble with my washer. It’s not filling, spinning and emptying correctly. Argh. Not a good time right now to be budgeting for a new washer and dryer! We also have a lot of toys to play with, from Christmas, and things to do around here, so today is going to be pretty low-key.
Update: Whew – the washer is working right now. I had to re-run two loads through twice, but it’s working like it should now. I hope it stays like that for a while!
We’re headed out in a few minutes, to spend a belated Christmas Day with Tim’s family (plus my dad). Back really late, so hopefully tomorrow I will have a little time to blog and catch up a bit.
Merry Christmas!
OK, this is just too good to pass up. We went possum hunting tonight in our backyard
Tim and I were watching a movie, and all of a sudden, we heard this huge crash sound, near the fireplace. I thought at first maybe it was a huge rat (had that problem before), and Tim was like, we’ll turn on the fireplace and burn it out! So, we turned up the fireplace on high, and after a minute, I go to the back door and see something skulking across the deck. When I first saw movement, I assumed it was a neighbor’s cat, but then I saw the nose on the thing and knew it wasn’t a cat. Tim got a flashlight and shined on it and said “that’s a possum!”. It crawled over to our tree and climbed up, then “played possum” on a branch. I grabbed my very new camera (that I have not read the book on yet) and tried to take pictures of it. Meanwhile, Tim went and got his pellet gun and took a shot or two at the poor creature. Yes, folks, on Christmas night, that’s what we do around here!
The picture is blurry, but you get the general idea… I have a lot to learn about my new camera, but this story was too good not to make the ole blog!
Here ya go:
Look what Santa Claus brought me for Christmas – I must have been very good this year!!! It’s a Kodak P850 digital camera, with a lot more features, a lot more megapixels, a lot more zoom, and tons of other cool things that my other digital camera didn’t have. Sweet!
We are spending our first ever Christmas Eve together, here at home. Normally, we go and spend Christmas Eve with Tim’s family, but we’re going to do that on Monday this year, instead. So, today, we had several family and friends over to our house (Fred, Terry, Tony, Ryan, Kirk and Nichole). I fixed food for everyone to nibble on while they were here hanging out with us. I made two kinds of homemade soup (crab soup and taco soup) and we had stuff for sandwiches, plus meatballs, Lil Smokies, shrimp dip and various and sundry other food to eat. We watched some football and visited and had a great time seeing everyone.
Merry Christmas everyone!
We had a really busy, but really fun day today. Tim took off from work and was going to go hunting, but I talked him out of it (plus the weather wasn’t great, it’s a little too warm to go deer hunting). So, we spent the day hanging out together. We went and ran some errands, then had lunch at Logan’s. After that we went to a matinee of “King Kong” (review soon on Hambones, after the holiday). Geesh, that’s one looooong movie! Then we came home and I worked on food and cleaning up for having everyone here tomorrow.
Tim and I just got back from a gift exchange with Gail, in Yazoo City. Gail and all of her family leave in the morning for North Carolina, to spend Christmas with Kathryn and Jeremy. We had some last minute exchanging of presents that needed to be done before they hit the road.
I don’t feel great, have a nasty little sore throat. I just hope it gets better and not worse in the next couple of days. Lots to do!
Tomorrow is the last big trip out shopping, this time to the grocery for all the food for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and then the big day Monday, when we get together for a belated Christmas Day with Tim’s family. Busy busy elves, everywhere!
It’s not a new car or $10,000, but heck, I’ll take free chocolate any day! This was recently one of Oprah’s “Favorite Things” and I remember it looked soooo good! Click here to read more.
Go here and see what President Bush listens to on his iPod. He’s my kind of guy, we have some of the same music!
Check it out soon, you never know how long the link will work… they seem to expire quickly these days
Ten Best Things About the Holidays
1. decorating the Christmas tree
2. my Snow Village
3. all our outdoor lights, especially on the deck
4. Gingerbread cookies (and Gingerbread Creamer!)
5. Fudge
6. Hot Cocoa & Hot Apple Cider
7. Reindeer Food
8. Watching Christmas movies
9. Listening to Christmas music
10. Watching everyone open their gifts
I am a bit behind on blogging about some things that have been going on around here, and I’m very behind on uploading pictures to the Hambones website and also posting some here in my blog. I’m going to catch up on at least one right now.
Golf is Tim’s newest interest. He was invited last week to play in a golf scramble at work. He participated in one earlier this year, in the summer, I think. He seemed to really enjoy it, and mentioned that we should take up golf. Yeah. Right.
Anyway, he got an invitation last week, and then one day, he drives in from work and has a set of golf clubs in the back of his truck. One week before Christmas. Bad Tim. To be fair, he was supposed to buy a brush guard for his truck for his birthday, but had not gotten around to it. So, he said the golf clubs could be his belated birthday present, and that he would get the brush guard next year.
Today is the golf scramble. A very cold and windy day. There’s even a chance of light sprinkles or flurries later. He’s going to freeze his patootie off on the golf course all afternoon, but I think he’s really looking forward to it.
Click on the extended entry to check out Tim and his new golf clubs
Tim and I went this afternoon late to the Ridgeland Multi-Purpose trail to go walking and jogging. We mostly walked, probably for 45 or 50 minutes, with a little bit of jogging mixed in. On our way back to the truck, as it was nearing dusk, we came around a curve in the trail and saw 2 does on the trail ahead of us! We startled them, so they hurried off into the wood. We walked on ahead, and stopped and stood very still for several minutes, hoping they would come back out. We were rewarded for our silence, for one of them came out just a few minutes later. She saw us, though, and didn’t stay long. It was really cool to go walking in the middle of a crowded area on a wooded trail and see deer!