Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Doe a deer, a female deer…

Tim and I went this afternoon late to the Ridgeland Multi-Purpose trail to go walking and jogging. We mostly walked, probably for 45 or 50 minutes, with a little bit of jogging mixed in. On our way back to the truck, as it was nearing dusk, we came around a curve in the trail and saw 2 does on the trail ahead of us! We startled them, so they hurried off into the wood. We walked on ahead, and stopped and stood very still for several minutes, hoping they would come back out. We were rewarded for our silence, for one of them came out just a few minutes later. She saw us, though, and didn’t stay long. It was really cool to go walking in the middle of a crowded area on a wooded trail and see deer! 🙂


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