Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Grayson is a Cowboy

Shanna sent me more cute pictures earlier today, so I had to upload them to the Photo Gallery at Hambones. There are two more adorable pictures of Grayson (yes, I know, I’m biased). One is of him dressed for “Go Texan” day at Church, and he’s wearing Trent’s old cowboy shirt he had when he was that age! That is too cute! The other picture is my new favorite in the Gallery – a terrific picture of Grayson and Shanna. Go check them out, they are soooo good! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme

Sunday Brunch

“Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn’t.” -L.L. Henderson

1) Did you go to college? Yes, 4 years at Belhaven

2) Did you live in a dorm or an apartment? Home for first year, dorm for the last 3

3) Who was your favorite roommate? Kate!

4) What is your favorite college sport? Now it’s football. Back then I probably would have picked soccer, Belhaven’s premiere sport 😆

5) Who was your favorite professor and class? I have no idea, I can’t remember any of them in particular being a favorite.

Posted by Stace


Pretty spring afternoon translated into a great time to go geocaching, at least for us! The sun was out, the birds were singing, the sky was blue and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. At least until about 5:30. By 6:00 PM or so, it was pouring rain and hailing. We haven’t ventured outside to see if the truck sustained any hail damage yet.

I digress. We went geocaching this afternoon! Great day for it and we had a blast. We did Tim’s kind of geocaches – stomping through woods, underbrush, digging around in the mud and looking for ammo boxes. 🙂 Nah, only one was really like that. We were 3 for 3 today, good afternoon.

Here’s Tim on the way to the first one, near Liberty Park in Madison, and on the back side of where they are building our new Lowes:


This one was very well concealed. Green ammo can sorta spray painted a rust color so it blended right in with its surroundings. One of the more difficult kinds to find!


And its contents (nothing special, we didn’t swap any items out):

Cache Contents

After this one, we found two more, and stopped at a couple of different spots at the Rez. One time with food, from Sonic, and the other to check out the fishing at the Spillway:


All in all, a busy and fun afternoon!

We rented another chick flick for me (pooooooor Tim 🙂 ) tonight during the hailstorm. We just finished “Shall We Dance”, which predictably, I enjoyed! You’ll have to ask Tim if he liked it. I think he did, but I don’t think he will admit it in a thousand years! 😀

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


More word association… have fun!

I say … and you think … ?

Shape up:: or ship out
New Orleans:: fond memories
In the bedroom:: sleepy
All the time:: goofy
Philosophy:: class
Tyler:: Florence
Disturbed:: mental
French kiss:: movie
Solidify:: strengthen
Furtive:: glance

Posted by Stace

What’s Left

Here’s what is left from our late lunch this afternoon on the deck….


We had a good day today. Got a lot done around here, including all the border down in the bathroom. We also got several errands run. We went to Kohl’s and got the free Dutch oven that was supposed to come with my set of Calphalon that Tim bought me for our anniversary. It was advertised in the ad from last Sunday’s paper, but nothing in the store, no ad, no sign, nothing. Good thing I had kept the ad! We also dropped off some old computer equipment at Goodwill.

We checked out the Ridgeland Multi-Purpose Trail late this afternoon. Walked at a really good pace for about 40-45 minutes. I logged right at 5000 steps on my pedometer (4990 to be exact). It’s really pretty, the part we walked bordered the Natchez Trace so it was wooded with lots of birds, squirrels and trees to keep us occupied.

After we finished walking, we stopped by Tim’s office to pick up his coffee cup. It hasn’t been run through the dishwasher in a couple of weeks, ick-o! I had also been wanting to go for several months, since Tim had moved into a new office with Michael. They share a really nice office! 🙂

We just got back from Blockbuster. I got some free rental coupons in the mail, to use over the next 3 months. Those are in addition to the ones I earned at erewards.com. I got 6 there after answering numerous surveys over the last few months. It’s so nice to get something free once in a while. Tonight we rented Manchurian Candidate, based on Gail’s recommendation. Will post a review after we watch it, or rather, add our comments to the review that Gail already entered on Hambones.

Posted by Stace

Editorial Note

Hey, anybody that is out there reading this… if the pictures are not showing up properly (as in overlapping), it may be because I am sizing them for the current “style” that I am using. I thought I had figured out the software, where to set the default style, but it’s either not working, or else, if you change the style on your end, you don’t pick up the style I’ve set for my blog.

If you’re still seeing the Pink Lilies style, that’s fine, but I’m currently using Fresh Mondrian. I’m sizing the pictures to fit in there…. so, you can scroll down the sidebar until you see the drop down box for Style, and pick Fresh Mondrian.

Hope that helps!! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Saturday Work

We started working on a new project this morning. We’ve picked out a new border for our master bathroom. It is a beige and burgundy one that will go a lot better with the new comforter and bedroom stuff we got last fall (old stuff was blues and greens, the new stuff is burgundy, green and gold palette). So, this morning we started taking down the old wallpaper border.

Pic 1

Pic 2

After just a couple hours of work, we have the border down! Tim is going to do a bit of woodworking while I clean up, and then we’re headed out the door. Got a few errands to run, and mostly, we just want to get out in the sunshine. Today is a pretty day, although a bit windy. It’s already in the upper 7o’s with lots of sunshine, so it feels like spring. No day to stay inside all day doing wallpaper! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Two for the Dough

I finished another book last night, Two for the Dough, by Janet Evanovich. Another really good book! I won’t enter reviews for any of these other books in this series (nine so far, I hope she’s working on more!!) on the Hambones website, since they are all part of the same series and all along the same lines. Same style of writing, just different plots and new “bad guys” each time for our bounty hunter heroine Stephanie Plum to hunt down, in a most hysterical fashion. I am going to start me a Word document though, and track all the books I read this year. This makes number 6, and I’m very pleased with that.

Up next: The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks.

Posted by Stace

Happy Anniversary

Tim and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary yesterday. I was afraid he had forgotten again, so I decided to buy my own flowers… 🙂 I got these pretty purple irises at the grocery store where I stopped to pick up potatoes and salad stuff to go along with the flank steak I had marinating at home.

They look like spring to me!


I was going to buy Tim a set of router bits that he had found at Home Depot, but he found a cheaper set last weekend at Harbor Freight and bought them. So, I didn’t get him anything else, because I figured he had not gotten me anything. Wrong. He surprised me with this:


I’ve got to get busy and get them washed and figure out where to put them. I am probably going to hang on to a couple of pieces of my older cookware for a while, and I am really out of space in my cabinets in the kitchen. Plus, the ad in Kohl’s this week (this is the set of Calphalon that is made exclusively for Kohl’s and sold only there), showed that if you bought a set, you get a free 4 qt Dutch oven. Well, Tim didn’t know about that and no one mentioned it at the store. So, we’re going to run out there today and see if they will honor the ad. I might also pick up another piece or two! There are several individual pieces in this line that I will want to get eventually. They have a wok (I use mine a lot), several griddles and grill pans, and an everyday pan. I will have to save up to get the 4 quart saucepan, but I will need that one eventually.

Posted by Stace

My New Friend

I have a new friend. It used to be a not-so-welcome friend. Read this blog entry to see how I felt about it before. Then, the rat made its presence known. This rat.

Cat Under Glider

So, now a cat is definitely higher on the list than a rat. My new friend. Please, continue to come every day to my backyard, lounge in my flower beds, relax under my glider, preen on the deck stairs, even sit in the patio chair like you did the other morning. Just, PLEASE, catch that rat, or rats. Please.

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Appetizer – Where do you go when you want to relax? Hmm, home. Home is my favorite place to be. 🙂

Soup – Tell about something that made you laugh this week. Tim always makes me laugh. Sometimes TV shows or commercials make me laugh. We love the 2 geeky guys in the Sonic commercials. I was reading my book last night and got to a funny part and died out laughing. Lots of little things.

Salad – What is your favorite texture? Chenille

Main Course – If you were to publish your autobiography, what would the first sentence be? I wouldn’t publish my autobiography, I’ve not led an interesting enough life!

Dessert – Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? If so, how? No, not really. I used to like to go to the Mal’s St Paddy’s day parade downtown, but I haven’t been in over 10 or 12 years.

Posted by Stace

Brett will be back

YEA! Heard on the news tonight that my man, Brett Favre, will return to play football for the Green Bay Packers again this coming season. Yeee-hawwww! I’m so glad he’s going to play at least one more year. Now I can watch him and my boy Peyton play 😀

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Man, it’s been a drought all week at my usual meme sites… today was a banner day and I hit the jackpot!!!! Here’s another one!!! From the Thursday Threesome Meme site

::A Somewhat Aimless Hodgepodge::

Onesome: A Somewhat– We’re in somewhat of a lull between holidays. Are you decorating for St. Patrick’s Day or going right for the Easter season. …or are you just hanging on for margaritas by the pool? Hmm, don’t decorate for either. I have a St Paddy’s day avatar in my signature on Hambones, that’s about it. We don’t have kids so we don’t get to do fun things like dye and hide Easter eggs, wait for the Easter bunny, have a REASON to buy chocolate, etc. So I don’t decorate either. Next holiday for us to decorate is July 4th, when we put out our flags!

Twosome: Aimless– Aimlessly waiting for Spring? What are you just waiting to do once the weather clears up? Waiting to do more work in the yard, and mostly, I’m waiting to get out and go geocaching. And maybe have a picnic and fly a kite. Love those kinds of things, not that we do them much any more (sigh, I miss the romantic days of being newly married!) 🙁

Threesome: Hodgepodge– Where’s the hodge podge collection at your place? You know, that drawer or shelf or cabinet where ‘all the other stuff’ ends up when there’s no place assigned to it. Yeah, that one! Two places mostly. One drawer in the kitchen, and the closet in the study. That’s a hazard. One of those, open the door and hope nothing falls on you, kind of closets :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace


from Blogcess

1) Do you use a bedspread or comforter? Comforter only. Haven’t tried a duvet yet 🙂

2) What side of the bed do you claim as your very own? Left. Unless we are in a hotel or something and I feel the need to be a) closer to the bathroom b) away from the windows or doors or c) next to the nightstand with the clock/phone. Mostly the left (as you lay down, not look at a bed) 🙂

3) How many pillows do you have on your bed? Do you use them on at bed time? Hmmm, we have lots of decorative pillows that get thrown off at night. During the day we have 9 on there, at night, just the two we lay our weary heads upon

4) When purchasing new sheets is thread count a factor in your decision? Absolutely. The older I get, the more important it gets. Soft sheets are important to me. As is a comfortable mattress. Heck, when you equate it to hours, we spend more hours there than anywhere else, all said.

5) Where do you like to purchase your bedding items? Hmmm, I’d like to splurge and get stuff at Bed, Bath and Beyond or Linens N Things. Our last comforter set came from BB&B and it held up really well. The one on our bed currently came from Target. We’ve had it since August and it’s already tearing up. I usually gets sheets either at Sam’s, or Marshalls. I’ve found several sets lately at Marshalls, by just scouring the shelves periodically.

Posted by Stace

3X Thursday

A new meme site I’m trying…. 3X Thursday – from This Website

Yes, I know I’ve answered memes about books before, but I’m really in a reading mode lately, so here’s another one!

3x Thursday: 03/10/y2k+5: Looks Like We Got Ourselves A Readuh!

1. Do you like to read? How often do you take time out of your busy life to read? Yes, I love to read. I have all my life. I think it’s a wonderful gift to give a child, a love of reading. It’s something you can carry with you all of your life. I grew up loving to read, and I still do, although I go through phases of it now in my adult life. I’m definitely in a heavy reading phase right now. I’ve read 4 books since late January, and have 3 more checked out from the library currently.

2. What kind of books (subject matter) do you like to read? Who’s your favorite author? Why? Fiction. Usually total escapism, for entertainment. I like several authors, mostly “women’s fiction”, as I call it. Not Harlequin type stuff, but just average mainstream women’s stories. I like Rosamund Pilcher (but she only writes a new book every 5-6 years), Maeve Binchy (Irish author), Barbara Delinsky, John Grisham and Nicholas Sparks. I just discovered Janet Evanovich and the numbered Stephanie Plum books, and I love those!

3. What are you reading right now? Do you like it so far? Why/Why not? I started Janet Evanovich’s second Stephanie Plum book, “Two for the Dough” the other night. I’m already half way through it, and I love, love, love it. It’s such a fun, entertaining, light read. A little off-color, with some street language and humor, but in a very great way. I’m really loving these books, and definitely plan on reading all nine of them! I’m so glad to have found this series 🙂

Bonus Question for Comments: What’s your favorite book in the whole world? Why? Oh my. One of my all-time favorite books is September by Rosamunde Pilcher. Also loved the Lord of the Rings books by Tolkein.

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