Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Pretty spring afternoon translated into a great time to go geocaching, at least for us! The sun was out, the birds were singing, the sky was blue and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. At least until about 5:30. By 6:00 PM or so, it was pouring rain and hailing. We haven’t ventured outside to see if the truck sustained any hail damage yet.

I digress. We went geocaching this afternoon! Great day for it and we had a blast. We did Tim’s kind of geocaches – stomping through woods, underbrush, digging around in the mud and looking for ammo boxes. 🙂 Nah, only one was really like that. We were 3 for 3 today, good afternoon.

Here’s Tim on the way to the first one, near Liberty Park in Madison, and on the back side of where they are building our new Lowes:


This one was very well concealed. Green ammo can sorta spray painted a rust color so it blended right in with its surroundings. One of the more difficult kinds to find!


And its contents (nothing special, we didn’t swap any items out):

Cache Contents

After this one, we found two more, and stopped at a couple of different spots at the Rez. One time with food, from Sonic, and the other to check out the fishing at the Spillway:


All in all, a busy and fun afternoon!

We rented another chick flick for me (pooooooor Tim 🙂 ) tonight during the hailstorm. We just finished “Shall We Dance”, which predictably, I enjoyed! You’ll have to ask Tim if he liked it. I think he did, but I don’t think he will admit it in a thousand years! 😀


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