Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Happy Anniversary

Tim and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary yesterday. I was afraid he had forgotten again, so I decided to buy my own flowers… 🙂 I got these pretty purple irises at the grocery store where I stopped to pick up potatoes and salad stuff to go along with the flank steak I had marinating at home.

They look like spring to me!


I was going to buy Tim a set of router bits that he had found at Home Depot, but he found a cheaper set last weekend at Harbor Freight and bought them. So, I didn’t get him anything else, because I figured he had not gotten me anything. Wrong. He surprised me with this:


I’ve got to get busy and get them washed and figure out where to put them. I am probably going to hang on to a couple of pieces of my older cookware for a while, and I am really out of space in my cabinets in the kitchen. Plus, the ad in Kohl’s this week (this is the set of Calphalon that is made exclusively for Kohl’s and sold only there), showed that if you bought a set, you get a free 4 qt Dutch oven. Well, Tim didn’t know about that and no one mentioned it at the store. So, we’re going to run out there today and see if they will honor the ad. I might also pick up another piece or two! There are several individual pieces in this line that I will want to get eventually. They have a wok (I use mine a lot), several griddles and grill pans, and an everyday pan. I will have to save up to get the 4 quart saucepan, but I will need that one eventually.


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