Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Man, it’s been a drought all week at my usual meme sites… today was a banner day and I hit the jackpot!!!! Here’s another one!!! From the Thursday Threesome Meme site

::A Somewhat Aimless Hodgepodge::

Onesome: A Somewhat– We’re in somewhat of a lull between holidays. Are you decorating for St. Patrick’s Day or going right for the Easter season. …or are you just hanging on for margaritas by the pool? Hmm, don’t decorate for either. I have a St Paddy’s day avatar in my signature on Hambones, that’s about it. We don’t have kids so we don’t get to do fun things like dye and hide Easter eggs, wait for the Easter bunny, have a REASON to buy chocolate, etc. So I don’t decorate either. Next holiday for us to decorate is July 4th, when we put out our flags!

Twosome: Aimless– Aimlessly waiting for Spring? What are you just waiting to do once the weather clears up? Waiting to do more work in the yard, and mostly, I’m waiting to get out and go geocaching. And maybe have a picnic and fly a kite. Love those kinds of things, not that we do them much any more (sigh, I miss the romantic days of being newly married!) 🙁

Threesome: Hodgepodge– Where’s the hodge podge collection at your place? You know, that drawer or shelf or cabinet where ‘all the other stuff’ ends up when there’s no place assigned to it. Yeah, that one! Two places mostly. One drawer in the kitchen, and the closet in the study. That’s a hazard. One of those, open the door and hope nothing falls on you, kind of closets :mrgreen:


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