Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Hanging Out

Today, I think we’re going to hang out around the house. We were gone all day yesterday to Tim’s parents for him to hunt. He had a good time, saw a deer, but didn’t take a shot at it (you’ll have to ask him, it baffles me, but he’s very selective about what he shoots). We have a couple more things to buy before Christmas, but neither one of us really feels like getting out today and fighting the crowds and traffic. So, I think we’re going to hang out here and watch some of the NFL playoff games, and hopefully wrap some presents. There’s still a pile of them left in the spare bedroom, waiting to be wrapped up! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Five on Friday Meme

Oooh, one about books! 🙂 Gotta do this one!

From this site:

December 16, 2005
Reading is FUNdamental!

1. How many books do you read per month? How many are for work/school? Well, I’ve read 35 this year, so I guess I average 2-3 a month. All are for leisure, entertainment.

2. What is your favorite genre of book (fiction, self-help, etc…)? Fiction, either women’s fiction or Christian fiction

3. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Which? Are there any you’d like to subscribe to but haven’t? Sigh, magazine subscriptions are a weakness of mine. I get Better Homes, Southern Living, 1 scrapbook mag, and Good Housekeeping. I could easily subscribe to 2 or 3 others, there are some I really want, but I’ve got them coming out of my ears as it is. 🙄

4. Where do you get your reading materials? Online? Bookstore? Library? Mostly the library lately.

5. List 5 books you recommend people read: Any John Grisham book, any Jan Karon Mitford series book, any Nicholas Sparks book, in particular “Three Weeks with my Brother”. I also really enjoy the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich, they are very light and entertaining!

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver Meme


1. What’s your favorite radio station? Miss 103

2. How would you describe the format? country music

3. Do you think satellite radio will become commonplace, like subscribing to cable TV? I think it’s really gaining a foothold, like Tivo. I wasn’t sure at first, but it really seems to be taking off.

4. Have you thought about buying a satellite radio subscription? I’ve thought about it, but I’m not in the car enough to justify the cost. Tim either, I asked if he wanted Sirius or XM for Christmas and he was like,no, I don’t have enough commute time. 🙂

5. When is the last time you said goodbye? To Tim a few minutes ago, when he left to go Christmas shopping by himself

Posted by Stace

Quick Update

Just a quick update… we’re headed out in a little while. Tim has the day off and has gone out to do a little shopping on his own. 😀 Then, around lunch, we’ll leave for his parents house. Gun season opens back up today, and he’s chomping at the bit to go hunting. Fred is coming to go hunting with him, and I’m going to go and hang out with his mom, even though I probably should stay here and clean and wrap more presents. We got some wrapped last night, but there’s still a lot left to go. Maybe I can knock more of them out this weekend.

Friday is usually a really good day for memes, so I may have to check them out and do a couple today or tomorrow 🙂

Posted by Stace

HA! I knew it…

I knew I had been good this year! This just proves it! 😀

Christmas Naughty or Nice List

I am on the The Nice List

After checking the North Pole database I had :

2,086 nice entries
517 naughty entries

Check your name on the Christmas Naughty or Nice List at JokesUnlimited.com
Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

One of my favorites, the Thursday Threesome Meme:

::Candy canes and Peppermint sticks::

Onesome: Candy canes– Treat of the Christmas season or something you just never got into? (Oh, and “traditional” or with green stripes for the aficionados out there ?) I am not a peppermint or most any kind of mint fan. Tim loves them and eats peppermints year round. I learned years ago to buy a box of candy canes for the tree. Tim used to eat most of them. This year, he hasn’t touched a single one. I bought a box of chocolate mint flavored ones, and apparently, he is either protesting or ignoring them. 🙂

Twosome: and Peppermint– or cinnamon scented candles and such? Which do you prefer when you walk into a home or business this time of year? …or maybe even fresh evergreen from a real tree? I love the smell of fresh trees and wreaths, but never have them here. We’re totally artificial baby. I love several of the Yankee Candle scents though – Cranberry Chutney and Christmas Cookie are my favorites.

Threesome: sticks– ..or schtick? ..or even maybe kitsch? Yeah, what is your most un-favorite piece of Christmastime memorabilia? That display at the hardware store? The “Simpsons Nativity”? That ornament you made in third grade that still ends up on the tree each year? Inquiring minds and all that… Nothing is springing to mind… I love most everything about Christmas and I’m terribly sentimental about ornaments and things. No one in our neighborhood or even town does tacky decorations or Griswald stuff, so I don’t ever see things that bother me.

Posted by Stace

Quiz: What Temperament are you?

WOW! This one is pretty accurate for me … go take it for yourself and post your results, either in a comment here or in your own blog. This was a good one! 😀

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it’s easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Posted by Stace

Catching up…

We stayed so busy yesterday that I didn’t have time to blog about it. So here’s a quick post to catch everyone up. 🙂

Tim took off at lunch yesterday and we headed out. Stopped at Ruby Tuesday’s first for lunch. I learned the hard way that I do not like their veggie burgers. I ordered one, the mushroom swiss veggie burger, and I swear, that was the ickiest thing I have tasted in a long time. Tim tasted it too and declared it gross. He got the waitress to bring me a plain beef patty, which I substituted on my bun and was a happy camper.

After lunch, we did some shopping and errands all afternoon. I think we’re finished with everyone now, or at least I hope so. I have some things I have ordered online that are not here yet, and the estimates are saying another week. I hope it doesn’t cut it too close, and they get here in a timely manner. Anyway, Tim and I also did a little shopping for us. We got Tim some clothes that were part of his belated birthday present. We also picked up one or two things to “give” each other at Christmas. We already know what they are, but we’ll wrap them up anyway! Nice to have something you have picked out and tried on and it fits, you like it, etc. 🙂

On the way home, Tim suggested we try out the new CiCi’s pizza buffet on Lakeland…

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

All About Me: Christmas Edition

Shamelessly swiped this from Dawn… thanks Dawn! 🙂

Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? Hot Chocolate

Does Santa wrap the presents or just set them under the tree? he just sets them out, same with the stockings. Nothing is wrapped. Santa is way too busy to stop and wrap presents for all the kids. Heck, he can barely get around the world and deliver them all on Christmas Eve as it is.

Do you hang mistletoe? only if Tim shoots me some down from the trees at his family’s house

When do you decorate? We usually start right after Tim’s birthday, hopefully always by the first week in December

What is your favorite holiday dish? hmmm, hard to pick. Fudge, probably! 😀

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Book: Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays
I finished the Christmas paperback book “Home for the Holidays” by Debbie Macomber last night. It was a book with 2 short stories in it, light “women’s fiction” about people who meet and fall in love, and resolve issue with their families, and discover the joys of Christmas, all wrapped up in a short book. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them, though, and am happy to report that with the completion of this book, I completed my goal for the year! I read 35 books (my first goal was 30, so I revised it when I reached 30) and met my goal. Yippee for me!

I would like to start a new book, but hey – I have to be realistic. I still have to do Christmas cards, finish shopping, do all the wrapping, then do some baking and cooking next week. I’m fast running out of time, so I don’t think starting a new book now is prudent! I really would like to read though, it’s a good escape and stress reliever for me. Either way, I look forward to jumping back into my reading in January, and setting a new goal for 2006. :mrgreen:

As for other news, Tim is taking off a half day today, and we’re going to go shopping this afternoon. I hope to finish up all the shopping then! I might still have a couple of small happies to get for his stocking, but otherwise, I hope I’m done later today. Then, there’s all of them to wrap!


You Are Prancer

You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.

Why You’re Naughty: Because you’re Santa’s pet, and you won’t let anyone show you up.

Why You’re Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.

Posted by Stace

Back out to Fight the Hordes

Well, thank goodness we got some rest yesterday, for today it’s back to the grindstone. 😀 Tim is back at work today, and I’m headed out after lunch to run errands, do more shopping and go to the dentist. I will probably be gone all afternoon, so another busy day. Out fighting the holiday hordes and traffic. Yuck.

On the bright side, I’m nearly through shopping. Still all the wrapping left to get started on, but at least it’s some progress! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Sunday Evening

After a really busy day on both Friday and Saturday, I pushed for some down time today, and Tim agreed. We’ve been hanging out all afternoon, playing on the computer, playing games, watching football on TV and just generally hanging out and resting. It feels pretty good!

We’re going to watch the Survivor: Guatemala finale tonight. It was supposed to start at 7 PM, but the football game ran late and now they have 60 Minutes on. Looks like it won’t start till late, around 7:40. I’m glad we were here and not gone and set the tape – we would have missed the end! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Friday + Saturday

On my way out the door, so here’s the short version:

I went Christmas shopping almost all day yesterday and am about 90 or 95% done now. The stuff left is stuff that Tim has to help with. We went to eat supper at the new Applebee’s in Madison. Good food, good service. Gotta love a new restaurant that just opened!

We’re headed out in a few minutes to Hattiesburg. Zack’s All Star game is today at 1:30 at the big stadium. Going to see all of Tim’s family plus my dad too, so it should be a good day 🙂

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver Meme

Head to toes

1. What’s on your feet? My favorite new socks (chenille ones from Target). They’re pink!

2. Turn to your right — what do you see? Lots of papers that need filing, notes about Christmas stuff, bills that need to be paid

3. What is the last thing you ate? Yogurt Burst Cheerios

4. What can you smell right now? Nothing really, I’m a little stopped up

5. Do you wear hats? Only when we go walking and it’s really cold out, I have a couple of warm knit hats to wear. Oh, and baseball caps when we walk or I work out in the yard.

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