Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

One of my favorites, the Thursday Threesome Meme:

::Candy canes and Peppermint sticks::

Onesome: Candy canes– Treat of the Christmas season or something you just never got into? (Oh, and “traditional” or with green stripes for the aficionados out there ?) I am not a peppermint or most any kind of mint fan. Tim loves them and eats peppermints year round. I learned years ago to buy a box of candy canes for the tree. Tim used to eat most of them. This year, he hasn’t touched a single one. I bought a box of chocolate mint flavored ones, and apparently, he is either protesting or ignoring them. 🙂

Twosome: and Peppermint– or cinnamon scented candles and such? Which do you prefer when you walk into a home or business this time of year? …or maybe even fresh evergreen from a real tree? I love the smell of fresh trees and wreaths, but never have them here. We’re totally artificial baby. I love several of the Yankee Candle scents though – Cranberry Chutney and Christmas Cookie are my favorites.

Threesome: sticks– ..or schtick? ..or even maybe kitsch? Yeah, what is your most un-favorite piece of Christmastime memorabilia? That display at the hardware store? The “Simpsons Nativity”? That ornament you made in third grade that still ends up on the tree each year? Inquiring minds and all that… Nothing is springing to mind… I love most everything about Christmas and I’m terribly sentimental about ornaments and things. No one in our neighborhood or even town does tacky decorations or Griswald stuff, so I don’t ever see things that bother me.


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