Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

He’s a Keeper!

Tim got in from work and went outside to cut the grass. He came in a little while ago and brought me these:

Flowers from Tim!

Yep, he’s sweet and I’m so glad he’s mine. He’s definitely a keeper!


I just read this story, from the front page headlines posted on Hambones.org. We’ll probably watch this, and I know for me in particular, I intend to follow this Supreme Court nomination process a little more closely than perhaps I have in the past.

We have a neat little personal tie-in to all of this. We had just finished our tour of the US Capitol in Washington when Sandra Day O’Connor was tendering her resignation to President Bush. Tim and I went to the Library of Congress, then walked down to see the US Supreme Court building. There were cameras everywhere and protesters, but we had not heard the news or radio all day, so we had no idea what was going on. We weren’t sure if it was like that every day, or if something had happened. We found out a couple of hours later, when we talked to Kirk on our cell, about Justice O’Connor’s resignation.

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Posted by Stace

Another Tuesday Meme

OK, I have seen this one on other blogs, and I’m going to add it to my list to check every Tuesday. You know me, I love lists!

10 on Tuesday Meme

10 Countries You’d Like to Visit

Here’s my answers, in no particular order:

1) England
2) Scotland
3) France
4) Greece
5) Italy
6) Australia
7) New Zealand
8) Austria
9) Switzerland
10) Canada

**UPDATED** – I changed #10 from Belgium to Canada. I actually sort of added this one as an afterthought, and then later realized after I read Elizabeth’s comment, that I wasn’t sure what I would want to see there! I would love to see Montreal, Toronto and also Vancouver, among other places in Canada, so I changed my answer. My blog, my rules!!! 😀

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

1. What are your two main sources for news? (TV, cable, internet, etc.) Internet and TV

2. While in the car, do you prefer music or talk radio? Why? Music, totally, I don’t listen to talk radio

3. More annoying: commercials or “witty banter” between DJs? Why? Witty banter is more annoying to me. I’d rather have music, but I’d rather hear ads for stuff than most of the DJ’s inane banter

4. More useful in the morning: Weather forecast or traffic reports? Why? For me personally, it’s the weather. No more commute for me! 😆

5. What two things cause you to get angry while driving? Explain. People who block intersections at red lights and people who pull out in front of me too close and make me slam on brakes. Hate those, both of them.

Posted by Stace

More Movie Reviews

I just added two new movie reviews to the Reviews section at Hambones.org. We rented 3 movies this weekend and have watched two of them so far – The Pacifier with Vin Diesel and Miss Congeniality II with Sandra Bullock. We also rented another old one on my list “Wimbledon” with Kirsten Dunst, but we haven’t watched that one yet.

I also added comments to two reviews that Trent entered over the weekend – to movies we have seen and enjoyed. Check out Trent’s review of Star Wars Ep III and King Arthur. Thanks Trent!

Tim is working on the backup server for Hambones tonight, so I’m catching up on some newspapers and magazines in the den, and using the laptop to do a little surfing. 🙂

Posted by Stace

Either / Or

Saw this on someone else’s blog – you must pick one:

Pepsi or Coke – Coke
McDonalds or Burger King – Burger King
Adidas or Nike – Nike
Chocolate or vanilla – CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee – Cappuccino

Post your answers in a comment or on your own blog, if you’d like to play along 😀

Posted by Stace

Nerd Update

Being nerdy today. I’ve been working on some stuff behind the scenes on this blog today, since we made some changes over the weekend. Lots of stuff to move around and update the links.

Also, I’m starting to get a little frustrated with the podcasts I have subscribed to. I spent some time last week finding a couple of podcasts and putting them on my Ipod. Now, I have finished listening to them and I want them to go away, be deleted from my iPod, but no matter how many times I clear them or delete them from iTunes, they are still on there. ARGH. This is starting to annoy me.

I just downloaded a new podcast for Battlestar Galactica that I want to listen to. We watched the season premiere (taped it Friday night) over the weekend and it was good. Very dark and lots of bad stuff going on, rather intense, but a really good show. I’m so glad it’s back for the rest of the summer now. 😀

Posted by Stace

New pictures of Nathan

Oops, I forgot to mention yesterday that among other things, I also loaded a few new pictures of Nathan Lee that Wendy had sent me last week. He’s such a beautiful baby! Go check them out in the Photos section of Hambones, if you’re a registered user. 😀

Posted by Stace

Sunday Stuff

Not a whole lot going on today to blog about. Tim and I spent most of the afternoon working on Hambones. All behind-the-scenes kind of stuff, and a few surprises in the works. 🙂 More to come at a later date!

We also talked to Suzie some today about her computer and getting a new one. Lucky Suzie!

We went to grab some quick supper at the Pizza Inn near us, and it was packed. Over near the window, we spotted none other than Bernie Ebbers eating with some family members. I wasn’t sure it was him, but Tim agreed with me. We also noticed most every person in the restaurant seemed to look at him and so we decided it must have been him. I felt really sort of sad, and as I said before in a previous blog entry, I have mixed feelings about his sentencing.

Afterwards, we went to rent a couple of movies, then Tim very graciously agreed to go with me to do the grocery shopping. Sweet Tim!

Off to watch a movie 😀

Posted by Stace

Testing Some Links

Just a test post… moving some stuff around behind the scenes on the blogs and the Hambones main site.


Posted by Stace

Rainy Saturday

Tim worked from home yesterday and I got out and ran errands yesterday afternoon. Went to the bank, library, Target and Sam’s. Checked out 2 audiobooks on CD and one hardback book. I shouldn’t have gone, I have other projects to do, but I heard the library calling my name as I drove by! 🙂

Tim called while I was out and said that Gail and Don had just called and were on their way down from the Delta and wanted to know if we would want to go out to eat and maybe to a movie. Fun! We didn’t have anything planned, so that sounded like a blast to us. We went to eat at Margaritas. The guys had fajita quesadillas and the girls had shrimp quesadillas. We porked out on chips, salsa and queso before the food got there and I really wasn’t even hungry! But, of course, me being me, I ate all my quesadilla anyway!

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Posted by Stace

One of those Days…

Tim is working from home today. I’m so very glad, because he is really just about totally wiped out. He’s still working, but I know that it’s a lot better to work from here (less interruptions from others in the office, email, phone, IM, etc), and I hope he can get a lot done from here. He had to work again last night, till about 2:30 or 3:00 AM.

He sent me an email last night about 6 or 6:30, entitled “I am having one of these days” and it contained just this graphic:

One of these Days!

His buddy Moe in Dallas sent it to him, and he thought it was quite fitting! 😀 I hope he has a better day toay!

I am all out of whack today, with him here sleeping late this morning and now working from home. Don’t get me wrong, I love having him here, but I do tend to alter my schedule to fit his. So, I didn’t work out this morning, and here it is, nearly 3 PM and the errands I was going to run all day are not getting run. In fact, I really don’t want to go! I’d rather stay here and be with Tim. I miss seeing him the last week or so, he’s been working so much we’ve barely had any time to spend together. Plus, they are predicting an 80% chance of rain this afternoon and I really don’t feel like sloshing around with groceries and bags in the rain. Oh woe is me! NOT – I have it so made in the shade! 😀

Posted by Stace

What a Tangled Web We Weave

when we don’t go in and out of the front door for oh… say, maybe 3 hours! We left tonight to go out to eat, and went out the front door. There was NOT a spider web there when we left. However, Tim went outside about 10:20 to get something out of his truck and almost ran face first into this:

Spider Web

Then, he called me and told me to bring my camera! Gotta love a guy that supports my habit! 🙂

Click the -More- link if you want to see a couple more… this was a really intricate web, and HUGE!

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Posted by Stace

Impromptu Date

Boy oh boy – Tim is having a tough week. He is working all day and then having to work almost every single night. He’s more worn out than I have seen him in a long long time.

He called on the way home tonight, about 6:45 or so and asked what we were having for supper (he never reads the menus I post on Hambones!). I told him (ranch chicken strips, rice, corn), and he was like, “I want to go out and eat and be really bad and eat something fattening and have sweet tea”. So, what’s a girl to say to that. No, honey, let’s stay home and eat something homemade, baked, rice which you don’t like, and unsweet tea. Of course not.

So we went to his choice – The Haute Pig in Madison. Where we ordered a slab of dry ribs and proceeded to gorge ourselves on some really wonderful ribs. They have great sauces there, my personal favorite being the sweet one. We had slaw and potato salad with it, and it was all really good. We’re both stuffed, or else I would have had a piece of the Hershey Bar Pie they offer for dessert. Never tried it, but I want it every time they offer it! 🙂

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Posted by Stace

Cleaning out SB Magazines

It’s just the tip of the iceberg, but I’m feeling rather proud of myself this afternoon. I have been wanting to get started on cleaning out some stuff out of my scraproom (which also doubles as our computer room). This room is bulging at the seams, and most of it is my junk, so I really need to knuckle down and get started.

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