Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Birthday Party

Since Suzie decided a month or so ago to fly home for Dad’s birthday, we felt it was only right and proper to plan a birthday cookout for him. The weather cooperated, except that it was unseasonably cool on Saturday, and no one ended up eating outside on the deck. The wind was just too chilly! Tim, however, really enjoyed the cool breeze as he stood over the grill for an hour or more grilling sausage, chicken, and ribs. Which, I might add, were all good, but especially the ribs. Man, can he cook ribs!

(UPDATED to add that I just got the pictures I took at the party Saturday uploaded to the website. If you’re a registered user, be sure to check out the Photo Gallery on Hambones.org. If Gail will send me her pictures, I will have more, I didn’t get any of the cake or very many pictures at all!!)

Dad had come up on Friday afternoon, and we ate out a huge supper at King Buffet Friday night. We had banana bread Saturday morning before we started getting all the food ready. We had a lot of food and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I didn’t take a pic of the food or anyone eating (should have, I love pictures of everyone shoveling food in their mouths!). We had some leftover boiled peanuts that Dad had brought on Friday, a veggie tray with a really good creamy ranch dip, and then some sausage bites that Tim grilled up to get everyone started. The big spread was potato salad, Gail’s crunchy slaw (thanks for bringing it Gail, you know how much I lovethis sutff), tossed salad (which wasn’t touched, next time don’t get any!), French bread, and the ribs and chicken. We had some M&M cookies I had picked up at Sam’s on Friday and then the birthday cake. I think everyone had enough to eat, and we were able to send some home with Dad too.

We all watched “The Italian Job” after we ate, and visited a while. Liz and Chris came, and David also, and we were really glad to see them. And to meet Chris, this was our first time meeting him! 😀 Liz and Chris left mid-afternoon to go run some errands. We had actually forgotten to have Dad open his presents after we all ate cake, since we had paused the movie to stop for dessert. After the movie was over, Dad opened his presents from all of us. We all went in together and got him some clothes – 2 pair of shorts and about 6 or 7 shirts. He seemed to like them, and hopefully they all fit and he will enjoy them. 🙂 David left soon afterwards, and we started another movie, “X-Men”. Don and Gail couldn’t stay for the whole thing, as they had to drive out to Clinton and drop off some things for Liz at her new apartment. Gail borrowed some movies, and next time, we’ll have to be sure to send XMen and XMen2 with her for Don to watch.

Suzie watched both XMen movies with us Saturday night, and we had some leftovers (Tim) and popcorn (me and Suzie) for supper. Suzanne got a call from her boss’s girlfriend during the second movie – her boss John Kelly had suffered a heart attack earlier and had undergone (or was about to have) an angioplasty. Suzie was understandably worried and upset, and I think she went to the hospital to see him when she got back Sunday afternoon.

We took Suzie to the airport Sunday morning and dropped her off. I hope she had a good trip, we really enjoyed having her, and everyone else, at the house this weekend. Looking forward, hopefully, to more of the same this weekend, as Kathryn, Jeremy, Trent, Shanna and the kids all converge for Elizabeth’s graduation from MC on Saturday morning. I can’t wait to see all of them!!!! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    We watched The Italian Job yesterday afternoon….me, the whole thing and Don, the parts he hadn’t seen! And I have watched most of the extras. Don commented before the movie that he sure wished he had X-Men! So, we will have to get it from you another time! I think I might have to pass on it!

    The food was good, thank you guys for doing all that.

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