Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

M-Braves Part Deux

Well, as I quickly blogged yesterday, we went to our first M-Braves game yesterday. The weather was picture perfect, warm in the sun, and just a little chilly in the shade once the sun moved over our part of the stadium. Who would have thought I should have taken a jacket to a baseball game in May, in mid-Mississippi!

We got there about a half hour before the game and paid $4 to park and got this in return. 😆 We didn’t have tickets, so we went to the ticket office and Tim asked for “best available”. Boy, we were surprised to get such great seats! Click here to see the tickets for yourself! We were on the first row, between home plate and third base. Right behind the net, at the edge of it, so we were pretty protected from fly balls. There were a couple that went up over the net and headed our way, but not close enough to land near us! Be sure to click on the -More- Link to see photos from the game, and you can see just how close we were!

We had great seats, ate some really good footlong hot dogs, and enjoyed the game and being together. We both thoroughly enjoyed it and plan to go back. Of course, we dropped a lot of money, but it was worth it. The food was good (ice cream and peanuts too!!), the game was fun, even though they lost, and we were excited to find that one of the players – Michael Rosamond – is from Madison, MS. They have a great scoreboard and lots going on before the game and between innings. And, in case you hadn’t figured it out so far – we had a blast!!!!

The sign outside the ballpark:


The field before the game, as we were walking in (not from our seats):


Tim sitting in our section – I sat on his right, they were such great seats!!! 🙂

Tim in our seats

Taking a pic of the field with my feet propped up – now, that’s the way to watch baseball, with a concrete wall to prop your feet up on! 😀


And, of course, my favorite – Us at the Game!!!

Tim & Stacy at the game


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