Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Weekend Tidbits

We’ve had a busy weekend, here’s a few tidbits:

* Had a nice visit with Tim’s family yesterday, and my dad came up also. We went by the cafe for both breakfast and lunch, and boy, they stay busy there! Zack played both offense and defense in his game, but his team lost by one touchdown. Still good to see him in action!

* I actually worked on a chicken house! I helped with the wiring/netting stuff and rehanging the curtain on one of the houses. Even Terry made a joke about getting a camera, “look, Stacy is working on the chicken house and not off drinking tea or something” 🙂 Haha, they’re all comedians in that family! 😀

* The Saints won today – yeah! Sundays are always happier and brighter around here when Tim’s beloved Saints win

* I’m doing better this week in fantasy football. Not great, but better. Peyton finally started throwing the ball again, thank goodness. The last couple of weeks he has killed my fantasy team

* We went to the cemetery this afternoon and put some nice fall flowers on my mom’s grave. I took a picture or two, will probably post tomorrow.

* We took Tim’s truck to the carwash and got all the bugs off of it (had taken it to his folks yesterday). The lovebugs seem to be diminishing, finally. It was mostly “other” bugs :mrgreen:

* Filled up Tim’s truck and nearly had a heart attack. Good thing we drove over to Sam’s to get “cheaper” gas. Got it for 2.76 there, it is 2.89 everywhere else around here, except we did see one sign for 2.79, but no one there, so we figured they were out of the low grade and just using that as cheap advertising!

* Gonna watch a movie we rented Friday night, will post a review on Hambones tomorrow.

* Got my dreaded doctor visit coming up. Fear, tension and dread mounting by the hour. Might need to do some private blogging about that soon.

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Stacy, did you see my email I sent you Saturday? Thoughts? I need to start making some plans. Airline Prices going up, etc.
    Please write.

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