Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Hook ’em Horns!::

Onesome: Hook– Just to get us back in the swing of things after the holidays: when you’re at home, where do your keys hang out, on a hook by the door? …or do they have a special place? …or do you find them wherever they landed the last time you walked in? But of course – would you expect any less of me?! :mrgreen: I have a keyholder in the kitchen, and my keys hang on a certain hook (the right most one). Occasionally, they will be in my purse, but they are usually on the hook. Tim’s, on the other hand, could be in several different spots.

Twosome: ’em– Do you use contractions like ” ’em ” in your daily conversations? …or do people use a contraction or phrase that particularly bugs you past the point of rationality? Yes, I’m afraid I do. I think it’s the Southerner in me. I say “em” and “aint” and “gonna” and things like that a lot, I think.

Threesome: Horns– On the Horns of a dilemma: if you had only one movie you could nominate for the Academy Awards for 2005, which would it be? …and why? The screenplay? …the lead player(s)? …the setting? Not sure, I haven’t seen that many at the theater lately (just King Kong). We just rented 9 movies though, over the holidays, and out of those, the best (by far) to me were Cinderella Man and Serenity. Great movies!

Posted by Stace

Quiz for the Day

OK, blog readers, here’s a quiz for the day… see if you can identify the penny correctly. Sounds easy, right? Yup, that’s what I thought. Click here to take the test. Be sure to post your results in a comment.

And, for what it’s worth, I didn’t pick it correctly. I didn’t go look at a penny and cheat, and I missed it. 🙁

Posted by Stace

My New Friend

RobitussinRobitussin Honey Cough is my new friend. Tim got up about 7 AM this morning and went and got me a bottle. I took some, and promptly went back to sleep and didn’t cough once for over an hour. It was heaven, sheer heaven.

I don’t know why, but I have this nagging cough, and have had it for several days. It seems to be getting worse, and not better. I’ve had a sore throat for a while, but it’s not so bad that I need to go to the doctor. The cough, however, seems to be getting worse. So bad, that I threw up yesterday. Twice. Ick. I hate to throw up. It’s just so gross. I don’t think I have a stomach thing, I think it’s the cough and throat stuff that made me throw up. Or, at least, I hope so.

I am counting down the hours till I can take more cough syrup, and I’m really looking forward to taking some tonight before bedtime. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 3 or 4 nights, so I can’t wait 🙂

P.S. For anyone who cares, Tim found out the hard way that only our Walgreens is open at 7 AM. They have been building drug stores on every corner it seems, so we thought more of them would be open. But, nope, he found out the hard way that only our Walgreens was open at that time of the morning. Good to know, though :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Well, all of the memes that I normally do on either Monday or Tuesday are all about New Years resolutions this week. I don’t normally make resolutions, but I’ll do one and answer more of that below…

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year’s resolutions…

1. Worth a try or pure waste of time? Worth a try, but more as a lifestyle change, not a resolution that I won’t keep

2. Something I have never done or have tried at least once? Oh, I’ve tried to make and keep NY resolutions before. I have tried to keep a written diary before, I’ve tried to stick to a healthy eating and exercise regimen, etc. I have to convince myself that they are lifestyle changes and I’m more likely to stick to them

3. Help me set goals or emphasizes my procrastination? A little of both. I’m a terrible procrastinator, and eventually I will just give up.

4. Make me laugh or annoy me? Neither, I’m mostly indifferent to New Years resolutions, as I don’t make them or try to keep them

5. Are usually broken within the first month or are more of long-term goals to accomplish? Well, when I used to try to do them, I never made it more than a month or so. Now that I call them “lifestyle changes”, I have a better chance of sticking to them!

Posted by Stace

Back to Normal

Things are starting to get back to normal around here. We took down the Christmas decorations last week, so that always helps. I always miss them when they are first gone, especially all the lights from the tree, my Snow Village and outside lights after dark. But, as much as I miss them for a few days, it’s always nice to get things cleaned up and sort of back to normal.

Tim had the day off yesterday, and we just hung around here. Neither one of us is feeling 100%. We both have these nagging cold/sinus/throat/cough thingies going on. Which doesn’t make sense, with it so warm outside. I think it got to nearly 80º yesterday. Tim got out back and hit golf balls for a while, and we went walking, so that was all good. He watched most of the bowl games, and I got some things done around here, although I have a lot more to do today. Now that Tim is back to work at the office, I can get more cleaned up around here!

Posted by Stace

Best TV of 2005

I don’t really agree with the rest of the listing, but Time Magazine is right on with their pick for the number one show of 2005 – Battlestar Galactica. It’s a really good show, my favorite, and I’m so glad that it is coming back with new episodes in a couple of weeks. I absolutely cannot wait!

Read the entire article here.

UPDATED to add: We don’t have to wait a couple of weeks, the first new show is this Friday night. YEAH! I downloaded a free podcast today from iTunes and it is bringing us up to date, to get ready for the new show in 4 days. Yippeee!

Posted by Stace


OK, I don’t do New Years Resolutions, but if I did, it would have to be one like this:

In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Watch more TV.

Get your resolution here

And yes, I had to click a bunch of times until I found one that wasn’t outrageous and would actually fit “me”. 😀 Saw this on a girl’s blog while blog surfing this morning…

Posted by Stace

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Happy New Year, everyone! Hope 2006 is a great year for us all 😀

We didn’t stay up to ring in the new year. We watched some football, a movie and then the first part of Dick Clark’s NY Eve show. I was curious to see how he looked and talked (bad, I thought). Tim was not feeling well at all, so we went to bed early. We heard lots of fireworks around us early though, some as early as 7 PM.

Today, I’ll fix my traditional NY Day food – ham, cabbage and black-eyed peas. Gotta get all that superstitious good luck going right on the first day of the brand new year. :mrgreen: We’ll watch more football, I’m sure (and keep an eye on the fantasy football league, final championship game ongoing between Tim and Elizabeth, and consolation game going on with me and Gail, hehehe), and watch another movie. Should be a quiet first day of the new year.

Posted by Stace

Back Home

We got home a little while ago, from Don and Gail’s house. We had a really good trip and Don and Tim seemed to have a really good time going duck hunting. The guys got up at 3:30 this morning, so by the time they got back (about 1:30 or 2:00 PM), both of them were pretty worn out. Tim is asleep right now on the couch, although he’d never admit it 🙄

I think we’re going to have a very quiet, stay-at-home kind of New Years Eve. I don’t really like to get out anyway, too many people and too many crazies that might be out. So, we’ll stay in and watch football and movies, like an ole married couple :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Hunting Success

Guess what – Don shot his very first deer yesterday! As previously reported, Tim, Don, David and Fred went deer hunting at Tim’s parents house and Don shot a doe! Linda took some pictures, but we haven’t gotten them yet, so I don’t have any to post yet. I think the smearing blood ritual was observed, as is the custom over there. 😆

While the guys went hunting, Gail and I went shopping. Isn’t that what the women are supposed to do? 😀 We were gone all afternoon and hit a lot of stores and bought a lot of fun stuff. We picked up some after-Christmas things at Target, and I was very surprised at how much they had left of Christmas stock (I like to buy paper, bows, cards, etc and put them up for the next year). We also hit the mall and the Yankee Candle store, the calendar kiosk (Gail and I like to buy calendars after Christmas, when they are 50% off!), Bath and Body Works and Kirklands. We also went to Marshalls and TJ Maxx and we each bought a cute batter bowl in TJ Maxx.

Don, Gail and David spent the night last night and stayed up late watching a movie with Tim. I wimped out and went to bed early (still fighting this sore throat). The guys have gone this morning to the driving range to pound some golf balls. I think we’re going to head up to Gail’s house late this afternoon, Tim and I, and spend the night so that Tim can get up at 4 AM and go duck hunting with Don. Lots of hunting going on around here! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

A Hunting We Will Go…

Isn’t that an old nursery rhyme or song, “hi ho the dairy-o, a hunting we will go” ??? 😀

Yesterday was a very productive day. I got all the Christmas decorations down, the Snow Village packed up, and the tree down (Tim did the lights and tree itself, I did all the decorations). Tim also got the outside lights down out front (we’ve left them on the deck for a few more days) and cleaned up in the garage and attic. Very productive. So, now he wants to go hunting!

He invited Don and David to go deer hunting with him today, so they are headed down around lunch. Gail is coming and we’re going to hang out while the guys all go hunting. Fred is going to drive up from Hattiesburg and meet them also, so they will all hopefully have a good time hunting and hanging out. Should be a busy day for everyone! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace


OK, I changed my imood indicator (over on the right, in the sidebar) to read “Industrious”. I’m hoping that helps rub off on me today! I am going to try very hard to be industrious today and get a lot done. I mostly did laundry and picked up junk around the house yesterday. Tim was very productive and got the oil changed in my Explorer yesterday, and then we took it for a ride to get it washed and vacuumed out. It seemed to have picked up a LOT of mud on Monday at his parents house!

Today… I’m hoping to start taking down Christmas stuff. I probably won’t get it all done, but at least make a good dent in it. The Snow Village and tree take a while, and I’ve already started on all the other misc junk all over the house. Tim is planning on going hunting tomorrow, and I will either head over with him, or stay here and de-Christmas the house more. Crossing my fingers that we get a lot done today! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

More Presents

Tim really outdid himself this year. First there was the mini-scavenger hunt to find my new digital camera (more on that later, if I can find time to sit down and write it all down!), then he gave me the Yankee Candles and the Godiva chocolates. He really knows what I love! Click on the extended entry to see more of my presents from Tim…

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Christmas Night

Christmas night (yes, I’m backtracking here 🙂 ) was busy for us… after Daddy left, I cleaned up the kitchen and picked up the house. We both played with some of our presents for a little bit, and we watched a lot of the Green Bay Packers game on TV. After that, we settled in to watch a movie (“The Island”) and was interrupted by the possum. See the possum story in its entirety here. After the movie was over, I went outside to shoot some pictures with my new camera of our outside lights. I’m still learning and didn’t get the kind of shot I wanted, even though I tried several modes. When I came back inside the house, I found Tim doing this:

Tim practicing his putt!

We played with this for a while! Tim also got a Nike golf glove and an outdoor pop-up driving net to use to practice his swing. It was a golfing and gadget-y kind of Christmas for us!

Posted by Stace

New Scents

Most people who know me, know that I have a new obsession with Yankee Candles. Tim has been an absolute darling this year, in indulging me in my new passion. On my birthday, he went to the Yankee Candle store and hand picked a new one for me – Almond Toffee (divine!). This year for Christmas, he outdid himself again – he got me two of the largest jar candles!

Look what I got – Jack Frost and Farmhouse Apple!!!!! :mrgreen:

2 New Yankee Candles!!!

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