Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Back to Normal

Things are starting to get back to normal around here. We took down the Christmas decorations last week, so that always helps. I always miss them when they are first gone, especially all the lights from the tree, my Snow Village and outside lights after dark. But, as much as I miss them for a few days, it’s always nice to get things cleaned up and sort of back to normal.

Tim had the day off yesterday, and we just hung around here. Neither one of us is feeling 100%. We both have these nagging cold/sinus/throat/cough thingies going on. Which doesn’t make sense, with it so warm outside. I think it got to nearly 80º yesterday. Tim got out back and hit golf balls for a while, and we went walking, so that was all good. He watched most of the bowl games, and I got some things done around here, although I have a lot more to do today. Now that Tim is back to work at the office, I can get more cleaned up around here!


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