Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

My New Friend

RobitussinRobitussin Honey Cough is my new friend. Tim got up about 7 AM this morning and went and got me a bottle. I took some, and promptly went back to sleep and didn’t cough once for over an hour. It was heaven, sheer heaven.

I don’t know why, but I have this nagging cough, and have had it for several days. It seems to be getting worse, and not better. I’ve had a sore throat for a while, but it’s not so bad that I need to go to the doctor. The cough, however, seems to be getting worse. So bad, that I threw up yesterday. Twice. Ick. I hate to throw up. It’s just so gross. I don’t think I have a stomach thing, I think it’s the cough and throat stuff that made me throw up. Or, at least, I hope so.

I am counting down the hours till I can take more cough syrup, and I’m really looking forward to taking some tonight before bedtime. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 3 or 4 nights, so I can’t wait 🙂

P.S. For anyone who cares, Tim found out the hard way that only our Walgreens is open at 7 AM. They have been building drug stores on every corner it seems, so we thought more of them would be open. But, nope, he found out the hard way that only our Walgreens was open at that time of the morning. Good to know, though :mrgreen:


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