Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Well, all of the memes that I normally do on either Monday or Tuesday are all about New Years resolutions this week. I don’t normally make resolutions, but I’ll do one and answer more of that below…

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year’s resolutions…

1. Worth a try or pure waste of time? Worth a try, but more as a lifestyle change, not a resolution that I won’t keep

2. Something I have never done or have tried at least once? Oh, I’ve tried to make and keep NY resolutions before. I have tried to keep a written diary before, I’ve tried to stick to a healthy eating and exercise regimen, etc. I have to convince myself that they are lifestyle changes and I’m more likely to stick to them

3. Help me set goals or emphasizes my procrastination? A little of both. I’m a terrible procrastinator, and eventually I will just give up.

4. Make me laugh or annoy me? Neither, I’m mostly indifferent to New Years resolutions, as I don’t make them or try to keep them

5. Are usually broken within the first month or are more of long-term goals to accomplish? Well, when I used to try to do them, I never made it more than a month or so. Now that I call them “lifestyle changes”, I have a better chance of sticking to them!


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