1. Do you have a collection of anything? If so, of what? I used to collect scrapbook supplies, but those days are over. I have a small collection of cookbooks, I love to buy cookbooks, but try to restrain myself. I love to collect music for my iPod. I’m a gatherer when it comes to stocking the pantry or freezer. But, basically, no, I don’t collect anything like snowmen or unicorns or roosters or Disney memorabilia or anything interesting like that. 
2. What is your favourite book? How many times have you read it? Probably my most favorite book is any of my Rosamunde Pilcher books – Shell Seekers or September are my favorites. I don’t reread books often, maybe once or twice. Too many good books out there I want to read, to be re-reading many very often.
3. Do you usually prefer books or movies? Difficult question – the book is always better than the movie, but I like each for different reasons. For both, I like to be entertained and escape in a good book or a good movie. I don’t think I can pick, I love both. 
4. Do you tend to believe immediately what people tell you or are you cautious? I’m afraid so, I’m terribly naive and gullible. I tend to always take what people tell me at face value, even when it’s a blatant lie or joke or me. Duh, I’m like a brick wall that way
5. Where do you get your news information (TV, newspaper, internet) and why? All of the above, in equal measure. TV, Internet, local paper only